You all do realize it's been 3 days right?

The amazing thing is that in that article it explains how to upgrade your gear, gems, etc, explaining it will take an insane amount of bronze…

Then literally tells you to go frog farm to get the bronze and cloak upgrades as it’s the only decent way to do it.

Which has been nerfed. They even put a little “this has been fixed and no longer works” disclaimer on it but LEFT THE GUIDE UP. I mean… wow, that’s some comedy gold right there. :slight_smile:


Yeah same here.

When I finally do get a decent group, people are so kick happy that it falls apart after one mistake.

I only need to do SOO 41 more times. Getting the heirlooms is my only goal for this event. I can chop that down significantly if I can ever get a heroic or mythic Garrosh kill.


And how many bugs/issues have been found within the first day?


you forgot to factor in PTR time and the time they had this going in-house. So it’s been a lot longer.


Then shut up and don’t tbh.
You do not need to upgrade gear to do normal raids.
I did on my monk, 280k hp, only died once.

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The fact that they (might have?) tested this internally, saw the insane scaling jump when you ding from 64 to 65 and thought “Yes, yes this seems perfectly designed. Launch it!” Is either really funny or terrifying… I’m not sure which.


I really feel like blizz saw how much fun people were having in the PTR and felt like it would burn too bright and burn out too fast so they nerfed everything for player metrics so shareholders would see this new mode as successful so they can get more funding to do more stuff like this in the future.

But wow…It really feels bad. Maybe we can have just a tiny bit more fun, Blizz? I promise I’ll give the shareholders a hand written letter saying you’ve been very good.


What was your toon level? Was it with mixed levels?

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I predict this will be a meme in a few weeks. i.e. “Ya’ll realize it’s been 50 days right?”


Take your time with the unfun slog! Enjoy every bit of the slog!


What would be a scenario where you’d be happy?

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360 on my monk and get one shotted by everything.


How about a scenario in which the reward is equal to the effort put in.

Insane logic, I know.


I swear the forums had this same conversation during plunderstorm.

“This is too much of a grind”
“Well then don’t do it?”
“I can’t because fomo”

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I suppose I assumed that explaining what that is was implied in my question, but that appears to need to be specified.

So, “would you please provide some information that explains a scenario that you would be happy with?”

In this case, that means explain which reward is equal to how much effort, and preferably why or at least how you came up with those numbers.

The WoW subreddit is incredibly unhappy with the current iteration of this event as well.

Maybe its… the playerbase, and not any one forum or subreddit , that is universally unhappy.

Sure there are people who are just fine with the mode in its current form, but its clear that they are drastically out numbered by people who are not happy.

The thing is, most people are just upset they cant get everything faster, they are upset because the mode is genuinely awesome! And it is being tainted and destroyed by blizzards greed and robot like fascination with engagement metric techniques.


Except Plunderstorm got giga buffed and you could get everything in a week. This hasn’t yet.

What makes me more curious is how much of a benefit of the doubt people give blizzard with this considering their track record of nerfing and then giga buffing in these events?


This is not even close to the same grind as Plunderstorm. It was renown 40 not millions of bronze for upgrade AND cosmetics etc.

Also a massive scaling issue to take into account. The only reason the Frog farm was a thing was because scaling was broken. Sure some edgelords might have farmed them anyway but the rest of us could still progress naturally.

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In general or among those who “just happen” to actively post their complaints on a subreddit?

Anyway, I’m not particularly a fan of this mode.
