You all do realize it's been 3 days right?

no one is going to get what they want - literally zero people are going to play this game mode for 14 hours a day every day for the next 3 months.

and if thats the case, then this game mode was a complete waste of blizzard’s time to create.


I was thinking this was going to be fun content and not a horrible grind.


I’m seeing posts pop up now from people who did upgrade fully and they still get one shot but things they shouldn’t be. It could potentially not matter anyway. I also am not wasting bronze intended for cosmetics and mounts etc on gear that won’t matter.


I mean as much as I like MoP as an expansion, I don’t want to spend months on this. I went ahead and bit the bullet and spent all my accumulated bronze not on stuff I ACTUALLY want but gear upgrades on the hope I haven’t been lied to and that those upgrades will greatly smooth out the difficulty curve that is being 70 and dealing with overtuned and wonky scaling post 60.

And while it CERTAINLY hasn’t helped 1 iota on Ordos, the handful of heroic dungeons and scenarios have been fairly trivial so long as you don’t pull an entire room in one go (and honestly it probably would work if the group was prepared it was coming).

But boy did it suck giving up nearly 100k saved up bronze when I could’ve went wild and bought a ton of collectibles.


I’m already lowering my expectations of what I’m going to buy


I wouldn’t. I fully expect nerfs to come making gear upgrades past a point largely for flex purposes as well as buffs to bronze acquisition rates especially as the event draws closer to closing.

As always, Blizzard is going to start cautiously and with an eye to make things slower/harder to nerf later. It is in their best interest, after all, to keep us busy with this so it props up their engagement metrics.

Plus let’s be fair, this is their first crack at this kind of mode and outside some glaring issues (which really should’ve been caught in basic testing), it’s still pretty dang sweet for a first try.


Fact of the matter is simple: with scaling and bronze upgrade costs the way they are, it’d take close to that 90 days for most people to even ENTER mythic content, and then I guess we could pray they clear it in the remaining 3 days at that point?



Article that essentially boils down to “There’s no scaling issues, y’all just need to grind more.”

Even though there 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000% is scaling issues.


Which was working well and had great feedback on the PTR, then when it went live is broken, buggy and has bad feedback.


Yeah, it’s been 3 days. We didn’t need more than 3 days to see that the scaling is broken beyond belief and the cost of upgrading gear is bat guano crazy.

Most people aren’t going to grind Remix for hours and hours every day just to upgrade temporary gear so they can grind for hours and hours every day to get mounts and pets.

It’s one of the dumbest things Blizzard has ever done, Blizzard needs to fix it or the entire event is just going to be a failure.


In essence this is true.

The amount of grinding needed (without frog exploit) is staggering though.

Until then, you will “feel” incredibly weak. But if you grind everyday for 3-4 more weeks, then you might start feeling strong.

The frog gods got away with it, everyone else is essentially timegated.


I don’t know when folks decided ‘everything’ is the baseline and any less is a deficit when it comes to cosmetics but it defies logic.

‘Nothing’ is the baseline; anything over that is a net gain.

I have a character at level 53 and have earned enough to purchase at least five of the new mounts (two of which I have already purchased).

So I could quit tomorrow and still be up five mounts plus the phoenix for dinging level 20.

It’s not the game that’s the problem, it’s the thinking, and if folks don’t quit basing their complaints on it, Blizzard, instead of continuing to present a range of options in their additions, is going to limit them and we will end up with less options on the table to choose from.

This is my attitude and am enjoying the mode and its whacked out play.


Come back when you have one beyond 65.


Just wait until you hit level 70 and can’t do anything because mechanics in normal dungeons 1 shot you.


No, it is not.

An unavoidable mechanic one shotting you instead of doing the intended 5-10% of your health is not intentional.

There are abilities hitting people for 50-100 million health. Even if you frog farmed the entire remix (if it wasnt nerfed), those abilities would still one shot you.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully with you. It’s disgusting and needs to be changed.

The solution being grinding boars or frogs for hours on end, while satirical, did actually work, resulting in them being degenerately OP.

Them saying, you need to grind more, while disgusting, is true.

It’s not fun though, and should be changed. I shouldn’t have grind for 30 hours at max level to feel powerful

It’s not that we expect everything in 3 days it’s just that the bronze accumulation is so slow, initially, that it looks like it will take 9 years instead of 90 days, but I’m sure that has to pick up at some point.

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Okay but I cannot do even normal dungeons and scenarios on my max level character. I don’t think that is intended. I mean the fact that heroics are absolutely out of the question, however I did do heroics when my character was low level points to this being less of an issue with being patient with not being super powerful right now but rather getting substantially weaker as you level to the point where it is actually not worth it to level.

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Except if you read the article, they are saying the scaling issues don’t exist - it’s simply a matter of having a low level cloak.

When there is zero doubt in anyone who is playing at 70’s mind that there is indeed scaling issues.


The amazing thing is that in that article it explains how to upgrade your gear, gems, etc, explaining it will take an insane amount of bronze…

Then literally tells you to go frog farm to get the bronze and cloak upgrades as it’s the only decent way to do it.

Which has been nerfed. They even put a little “this has been fixed and no longer works” disclaimer on it but LEFT THE GUIDE UP. I mean… wow, that’s some comedy gold right there. :slight_smile: