You all do realize it's been 3 days right?

There is a quote Pandaren NPC’s say that I think is apt right now. “Slow down”

There are 92 days left of Remix, it’s only been 3 days. In what world do you expect to have everything in 3 days of play? That you expect to have mythic content on lockdown in 3 days?

Take it easy, there is so much to do and so much time to do it. Relax.


I got one 70 and my second character straight blasting through it too . It’s a leveling experience and transmog fest for me lol


Got to go fast!!!


You act like we haven’t had 20 damn years of this same crap and it never being fixed. We JUST came off the heels of Plunderstorm that was an equally unfun mess that didn’t get “fixed” until it was essentially over and dead

Also, which youtuber sent in the brown nose brigade to fud up the forum? Things were well critiqued the last 3 days but the fanboy apologism wave today is staggeringly inorganic.


you have competitive people playing - it isn’t about how far they have progressed, it is about who far others have in relation to them.


not everyone wants to spend the next 90 days playing this, though.


yes and we see what there going with this, that is grinding bronze for those 3 months


in a world where we can do math and can see that at current rates 90 days is not enough, unless you no life the crap out of it, or give up on buying anything but a few new mounts and maybe an outfit or several.

there are a few specific modes of play, one of which was just nerfed that award decent amount of bronze. I played for couple of hours today. did a few dungeons and a raid clear (as in 3 wings - tried to do throne of thunder, except slimes are still bugged so I gave up) and finished up a few dailies. few hours of play and that’s pretty much all I can do today… and I got about 5k bronze out of it. at this rate… I don’t even know if I’ll be able to buy all the remix specific things that I’d like to get, let alone all the stuff that I’ve never been able to get to drop because rng hates me - stuff that was THE reason I was looking forward to the remix personaly (well that and faster alt leveling, which ALSO a lie)


the amount of bronze it takes to upgrade one piece of gear from 346 to 360 is 4000 bronze.

that is almost double the amount of bronze needed to buy a mount.


The pace we are going isn’t the issue its wonky scaling. I tend to have a mind for optimizing and the path of least resistance that I see in this mode is:

  1. level character to 70 get enough thread to finish achievements related to thread.
    1.1 pretend the frog farm doesn’t exist because its the most boring kind of grind imaginable despite its potential gains being very very high.
  2. make new character and play in god mode until you hit a high enough level where you are mortal again.
  3. repeat step 2.

There should be a path where max level characters are just what you want to be playing instead of just stomping the game into the dirt with cloaked out alts becuase the ways to power up a max level character cost the same price as basically every cosmetic in every store in this mode.


This. I got bonked with my toon with how I leveled it. Different way but now the scaling is hindering me from doing the rest on it because it’s 70 and gets obliterated now.

It’s recycled content that everyone already knows exactly how to do. You do realize that when Classic modes released that all of the raids and dungeons were cleared on the first week of attempts right? This isn’t supposed to be some hard content that we have to grind through. They promised a FUN experience through Pandaria, and now it just feels like playing the expansion again because nothing about it is overpowered. We were supposed to be leveling quickly, and we’re not. We were supposed to be building up power that can be shared with our alts, and we can’t. We were supposed to be rolling through content at max level with a bunch of OP abilities, and everyone is dying instead.

Just because it has been a short time doesn’t mean the problems that exist now aren’t going to become worse problems when MORE people experience them. If they don’t fix things ASAP then the mode will die and there will be no recovery. You wouldn’t go back to eat some place where you found a roach in your food, and there are all sorts of insects all over this.


I do not even care how much Bronze I am getting, I care that I am getting one shot in all content, I’m suppose to be extremely Overpowered, and no matter how strong I get, I get one shot by stuff and it just feels really bad.

Not to mention they expect us to use Bronze to upgrade our gear and or purchase toys/mounts/Tmogs.

It will take like 1.5mil to purchase all the stuff, and then another 1.5mil bronze to upgrade all my gear.

It’s been 3 days and I have 73k Bronze, and getting less and less each day due to not leveling another toon, so yes, I could become a no lifer and create yet another toon to do all the leveling all over again.

In order to attempt to get every item we can, and upgrade all our gear, you need to farm at least 33k bronze a day.

The worst part about this, you upgrade your gear to 535 and when the event is over your gear reverts back to 415, there by making it pointless to upgrade, but if you don’t upgrade you get killed by everything, its a horrible system.


Then don’t?


and then get nothing that i wanted then?


Yes, that’s usually what happens when you don’t do something because you don’t want to do it. You don’t get the reward.


Forget the number of days. How many hours /played is it supposed to take before players are able to do ‘hard’ content. 12? 20? 40? 50,000?

“Slow down” / “Grind EVERY DAY OR ELSE”, which is it?


I don’t think for many it’s that they expect to rush through heroic/mythic raids, it’s that scaling over 65 is just insanely broken.

Did Heart of Fear normal mode last night at level 64 and was top dps (nearly double the dps of the next highest person). I dinged 65 after that and on the next boss I was struggling to stay in the top 5 dps (and there were only 6 of us, lol), meanwhile the bosses literally had DOUBLE the hp from dinging to 65 from 64 and suddenly were doing insane damage.

It’s not a case of wanting to rush content, it’s a case of very clearly broken scaling that makes you get faaaar weaker just by dinging 1 level. Probably the biggest issue I’ve ever seen with WoW and I’ve been here since late classic.


the endgame requires gear
Gear requires bronze
Bronze per hour is horrendous
Endgame progression slows to a halt.
Will it even be cleared in 90 days?

Without frog exploit or significant changes. Reaching mythic SoO in 90 days is going to be out of reach for about 99% of players.


I think most of us are complaining about the rug pull, the hours it will take to grind the cosmetics + upgrade gear (6-8 hours a day for over a month if the current princes in bronze hold), and the broken in-game mechanics.

None of us are saying: “I’m upset I don’t have the raids on farm yet.”

Yes, the forums is a place were people come and complain about stuff that’s not broken. Sometimes I’m a part of that. But “Give us the game mode you advertised, make the end game playable, and take out a grind that is literally worse than BFA artifact power” is not us being impatient or complaining.

Again, this lack of understanding of the nuance between a legitimately broken game and people just complaining and trying to move to fast, is definitely some GPT generated analysis on the forums.