Raids Too Difficult?

Remix started strong for me too but is also already starting to feel “meh” unfortunately. Especially since I am playing a fury warrior and for no reason at all that I can see they got a strength nerf that no other classes or specs did?

I also feel like I am getting weaker, not stronger, which just isn’t very fun. It’s also why I hate WoW scaling. BFA leveling was especially bad for it.

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We had a warrior in our throne yesterday doing like 220k and he was only 350 or so.

Since you missed it I guess in the other thread where you claimed this, what is your toon level?

Level 70.
I have this and a monk at 70.
I didnt realize you could do raids below max level until yesterday bc I went into it blind xD

Then apparently you’re one of the mystical few who dodged the scaling bug that is inflicting the 65-70 bracket if everything is legit. Congrats. Scale issue still bonkers

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Yeah, the scaling is atrocious tbh.
Tortos melee’d me for like 60k by huolon farts and I get hit for 5.8mil LOL

Okay then it still sounds like you’re right there with the rest of us so I’m confused as to why you think everything’s just easy and not broken lol

I never said everything was easy.
I just said normal raids are easy. Big diff.

The guy struggling in scenarios, your reply.

From another thread.

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Sooo, what are you saying lmao.
Did I say anything about everything being easy? I said normal raids are easy.

I got one garrosh bone from normal. I was just in another raid where it took us 90 minutes instead of three hours, but that was mostly because a lot of people had upgraded their gear. This one warrior in particular had 444 gear across the board and was dealing 700k sustained dps the whole time. More than double my dps with 402 gear lol.


I’m saying you’re clueless to the issues and it shows through your attitude.

Level 70s are struggling in Heroic dungeons because of scaling, dungeons are historically easier than Raids by nature, turns out they struggle and get one shot by unavoidable mechanics even in LFR…need I go on.

The fact you think normal raid is a cakewalk indicates you don’t actually know what you’re talking about and making it up or you’re trolling by going into posts talking directly about it all over the place.

Yet again same tone in ANOTHER thread.
I digress…Move along troll


That was a joke on that thread, reason I put an emoji.
Not a troll but kk.
Detect sarcasm better <3
Also stop stalking my posts bc that’s pretty weird tbh
and in case you can’t tell, that’s also sarcasm.

awesome appreciate you!

How about just be a better person?

I am a good person actually :slight_smile:
the few friends I have love me!

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Completely agree with this whole post. Timewalking was supposed to be something way different than what I am experiencing in these ‘‘normal’’ raids, even with 360 gear at the moment. I feel like I am progging mists all over again. Can not imagine heroic. And the bronze is wayyyyyyyy too expensive to upgrade gear. Would rather grind player power in retail at this point or play Cata. Was fun to level but this end game stuff is becoming ‘‘not fun’’.

I have a feeling this might be the case with the daily quests for the LFG stuff in the hubs…just grind endlessly until u buy your gear upgrades to near max than go do normal etc. Kinda sucks but with a 90 day event…seems logical at this point which honestly, kinda sucks since this is an alt leveling mode for “fun”.

Try doing TOT, that’s all I can say. You have to have a very good, very dedicated group to get past Durumu or Animus. The vast majority of people are not going to be able to clear this, so they’re not going to have a neck. The neck should’ve been completable on LFR.

The entire raid must be completed in one shot too. It’s not a per boss lockout like SOO (which was the first raid to use the modern flex system).

Yes, it is a leveling mode for fun.

And, with all the addition whacked out talents, leveling is fun.

Heroic/mythics raids are not leveling content, they are endgame content, which is not the focus of this mode.

For level scheduling, see:

(It’s about half way down the page.)