Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

oh ok I stand corrected. I swear it is only normal bg’s that’s my bad thank you for showing me that.

Find a recent post from Blizzard then. Until then, we’ll be using the official word on the matter.

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I even told him to look me up on check pvp lol but he won’t of course.

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he dont do any kind of pvp, but he knows how it works

You find a recent post. You are using something that does not even apply to the current conversation.


You have no clue what either of these words mean, do you?

He has no idea what any word means.

Is this all you know how to say? Be honest.

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Do I have more than one post in this thread?

here’s the thing they don’t care.

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Ok, uhm that is from 17 years ago. That is before there were raid queues at all. So since then they have allowed raid queues in RBGs…then removed raid queues from RBGs.

Saying that means doing it now is allowed…is a pretty crazy stretch.

I do agree they need to speak up about it, but considering the rules have changed on what is allowed in a queue for BGs in general I think that is really a stretch to say they have weighed in on this.

The problem is they lack the ability to make their own friends so they think no one else should be able to group friend for PVP either. That’s basically what this boils down to.

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What about these?


That explains why they all act the same way.

Every last one says it’s no longer available for me.

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The content is quoted above the link, Holinka isn’t the PVP guy anymore

So… what should my takeaway be?

Seeing a lot of Ashran, not a lot of battlegrounds. Got anything else?

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Forgive, making sure I understand.

Ashran is an overworld PvP zone, right? The only equivalent I can think of is a City of Heroes thing, so hopefully my verbiage makes sense.

not queued right?

No, it was a non-queueable on-going Player versus Player area in Warlords of Draenor. It was later remade into an Epic Battleground.

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