Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

The essence is the same, raid vs pugs has no place in BG content.


If you two genuinely think this is a good argument … I take it you two get banned a lot in that case? I’m saying this since ya’ know …

The “Social Contract” has largely remained identical since the release of the game. You know, the thing in which people are largely determined by GMs whether you have broken the game’s CoC, ToS, or other policies outside of those ones. And the whole social contract, even if I do believe it is merely called that now as a labelling by Blizzard even if the portions of it have always been the same in other places, is the same as when the game launched.

You think the basis of social interaction should be ignored because “Oh my god, it is from 2003”…? Arguably older in fact since Blizzard has largely used the same one for most if not all of their games I’m pretty sure. So the thing may have aspects that go all the way back to 1994.

Think we should ignore these rules because “oh my god, but they are so ooooooooooooooooooooold”…?
If you want to dispute a blue post, find another blue post disputing or establishing a confirmed change of mind. Otherwise, it still stands.

The end.

It used to be an instanced zone that had a maximum player count, but then turned into an epic BG later on.

And the goalposts move once more… Sigh. Again, I’ll stick with the official word on the matter.

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Going to just copy all those posts from that other page into one thing so people can see it easy here.

“We think it’s important that all players that enter Ashran have an equal opportunity to compete.”
“If you’re in Ashran, we think it’s okay to bring 4 friends along with you. But bringing 39 creates an unfair environment.”
“Unfortunately, a few people have circumvented those restrictions and we’ve had to create additional measures.”
“Certainly happy that new communities have sprung up and new friendships have been formed. But not at the expense of fairplay.”
“Do you dislike just premades greater than 5 people, or you dislike even 5 people grouped into a random BG?”
“Premades larger than 5 people. Anything that deliberately circumvents the in-game constraints”

There is more info on this link to the post that referenced it.

Seems like more recent info points to Blizzard indeed intending to not have premades larger than 5 in bgs. Seems to match up with the fact that their queue system only allows up to that size to queue. So it seems like this sheds quite a bit of light on what their thought process is.

ie it is unfair to have a bg with a premade larger than 5 people in it.

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How is that moving the goal post? Raid vs PUG is always bad and a clear win for the raid.


BlizZard will not act if partial premades are formed but when it is full premades and there are services involved they will step in.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

This one alone is what happens with Epic BG… Circumventing the in-game constraints.

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You’re very smug about someone else doing the work. I’ll read everything from Mohz and about Ashran (and do some Ashran research) to make a judgment call of my own in a moment. I’m in an MSQ Roulette.

And you’re still categorically incorrect about coordination being a ‘problem’ that causes wintrading, which is our main beef, so I’m not really sure you should be trying for the high and mighty card just yet.

The thread is about battlegrounds, you could only dig up now-defunct Ashran quotes (from before it was a battleground), then deflected to say “well, it’s basically the same!” Goalpost: moved.

What in-game constraints are there to prevent players from accepting a queue at the same time?

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Very different things as I can go and look at the current contract. If there was no current contract showing me one from the beginning of the game would likely have little to do with say how you should act at the soup event in Dragonflight. edit: (then again maybe not…a lot of code of conduct stuff is pretty vague and just human decency stuff.)

The issue with pointing to a 17 year old post about bgs is that raid queuing wasn’t a thing then. It then became a thing…and then was removed because of unfairness as was shown by the tweets from Holinka. So it did show that back then they didn’t think it was an issue…later it became one, and they blocked it.

If the rules change, you can’t show a response from before a rule and have it apply to the current rule set. The more recent Holinka posts make way more sense because they directly talk about the issue.

I didn’t need someone to do the work to tell me what I already knew was unfair. It was blatant. The fact that you defended something so obviously selfish was the issue.

We shouldn’t need rules to tell us to play PvP fairly. We should all want a fair fight that shows who is better. Not who managed to gain an edge before the fight even started. Unfortunately we do. People like to tip the scales instead of testing their skills.

You just typed that the rule changed then changed back… Are you intentionally this stupid?

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It isn’t unfair. That much hasn’t changed, regardless of any Blizzard employee’s take. I’ll admit I’m wrong about the intent (if it comes to it, when I get done catching up), but I won’t defer to a Blizzard employee on the topic of ethics, morality or equity.

This is not a beef. I don’t care. It is pedantic silliness. I think getting around the RBG rules to get a premade in is cheating. That’s it.

You were desperate to get my attention and tell me you ‘got me’ when Mohz posted something in your favor, my guy.

So desperate you forgot that our argument was about whether or not coordination is cheating.

And there it is, he finally admits the truth: he THINKS. You can think the sky is green and the grass is blue, but that doesn’t make it true.

You are playing their game bro. You don’t get to set the rules on what is fair, in their game.

So cool, you think it’s fair to break their intent and rules. So we are back to where we started. You think it is fair to cheat because others can cheat as well.

Ok this is getting weird.


I agree so much I liked your post. So can you stop being desperate?

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The constraint is to prevent more than 20-30 players to get in the same battleground intentionally as if they were queuing as a raid.

It’s gaming the system meant to prevent you from going as a 30man.

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