Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

That’s not a citation. Do you know what a citation is?

Your opinion is incorrect

I haven’t whined once. I suggest you google the definition of whining so you can stop embarrassing yourself.

I’m having a calm discussion without insults.

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Yep. Again, the tool is not to blame. Coordination is not to fault for win trading, just like the ability to type isn’t responsible for you saying things like this:

Despite having confirmation to the contrary.

And how you keep flip flopping between “more than 5 on one team” and “people coordinating across teams to win trade.”

You’re unironically the most disingenuous one here, despite OP’s haughty behavior.

whats the point you are trying to make? you need a citation to prove how bad is to outnumber matches?

iam not saying what i think, iam telling what happens in bgs

you said they re whiners and bad players

He literally does that with everyone who makes points he can’t refute.


He’s more disingenuous on his alternate character than his main, though that’s not at all surprising.

What confirmation to the contrary? I have seen people say a few times there is some blue post about it, but nobody has linked it, and currently queues are limited to 5 man. They used to be raid wide. Link it and I will check it out but I can’t find anything saying this is as intended.

This isn’t a wargame is a queue sync lol

This one, chief.

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Again, that does not apply to what is happing now…

You’ve said it each and every time, and yet it remains unsubstantiated. (That means you need to prove it, I know English isn’t your greatest.)


According to you and your ilk. You need to prove it. You are the one making an insane claim using a post from a long time ago talking about AV.

I’m not making any claim beyond what the post says.

I am not to fault for there being no updates on the topic from Blizzard.


Willfully ignorant…


Again, the post is about AV. Where does it say it’s ok to sync queue in all bgs?


speaking of disingenuous.

Yep. They made that call ONLY for AV. Surely.

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This thread needs a tension breaker

SOme in classic horde set this up on purpose in wintergrasp.

You don’t sign up for the first 15 minutes. Ttat lets the first WG run out. You sign up for the second one.

I’ve seen that 100 to 10.

Why? Classic has tenacity. those 10 horde are now raid bosses. They will lose the match but have a decent chance to make more honor off of kills. as they literally one shot alliance players.

DK’s love it. Blood spec dk’s can hold BT solo against 10 people. They aren’t dying and are death incarnate for damage.

It’s answering a question about AV…


There you can see the in game commands, and how to do it with a list of a couple of the maps you can play on.

So instead of believing that players can que a wargame (something that has been in the game for several expansions now), you rather belive that 80 players all syncd up to get into a game of just themselves?

Just to make a point that you cant que for a random bg as a raid group, when you can in some scenarios.

I did say there was some reaching in this thread and i guess i was right.

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lmao at the post from 2007.

For those who don’t understand, it’s like getting 5x full party and queue for LFR at the same time to try and game the rewards as a guild.

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everyone I disagree with is an alt of the previous one

or maybe you can admit that you have no idea what you’re talking about since you don’t even queue for bgs