Yep another one

yes and the childish part

Who said this?

now you’re the one picking on the pugs.

the irony in this is so incredibly funny.

Okay, Look at MY guild yes that’s my guild guild leader and all that is me and hubby and then another couple that has not been on in like 6 months. I do not need a community to gear. Nor do they, I don’t believe they are doing it for that this late in the season. I am sorry other than the back fill issue I have not seen any evidence to convince me other wise. However the hate towards them prompted me to put in an app into two Horde communities last night.

well that’s because they are not all into the “DOWN WITH PREMADES” movement

I do agree with the backfill issue

if they allowed premades to queue as a raid, they wouldn’t need to drop all the time.

don’t lie even if this was an option yall would avoid it.

Maybe run into more premade raids a few more times and see if your opinion changes.

Blizzard has stated that premade raids in random bgs drive players away from PvP.

If you don’t believe me or Blizzard, listen to Inemia:

Yes, but in my sleepiness I had a theory on this last night. I think it is because if they let a full raid que and then had that one wait on another It would put the same groups against each other all the time. Not to mention the que time.

That’s how it should be instead of ruining the game for other and killing normal pvp I am thinking waiting a bit it’s a better option and it would give them what they claim to want… but we all know better, they don’t want that…

Here is is 2023 and look at how happy he is in a community now :slight_smile: So we all need to join communities good point Cow

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Okay so let me go out of my way to run into a premade. LOL I cant even type that with a straight face. That’s my point. to the other question. And I am not going to dig through the walls of text in this thread to point it out everytime I saw it. Its simple. Not every loss is because of a premade. Not ever win is because of a premade. I game at different times different days I am random in my schedule. In the last year I have run into the same hunter twice. Once with my team and once against. It made 0 difference.

Now you are telling me to actively try and take the time to que into these groups to prove your point about how its ending pvp?

Okay so I was in a bg… This guy goes oh they are premade. I shrugged we won. I am not sure if it really was against a premade I dont know who they are except the cringe alt post guy and the hunter. LOL Im sorry I just dont see it effecting my game.

Honestly in premades we still work hard to win especially if the other team is working together…we just coordinate as best as we can and at least if there is a call out for help we generally get the help. It’s just most people are on the same page working together to achieve the victory …it’s certainly not guaranteed.


I’m saying maybe run into premade raids more than twice before you start defending their cheating.

No one said that.

Y’all argue some weird extremes / straw mans. If every loss isn’t because of a premade raid, then it’s ok!

Well, as long as it doesn’t affect you, I guess that means it’s ok!

unlike Holycow and Thaedreu i decided to take action instead of complaining on the forums. and i did get my satisfaction, of the two premade groups i was upset at back then one we recently stomped and the other chickened out and afked rather than face us. rather than take the approach of “if you can’t beat them, join them” we took the approach of doing better then them. higher win rates, low toxicity, honorable gameplay. we give our pugs often one of the most amazing games they have ever had and give quick, efficient, and clean losses to alliance. and as you can see, that’s the formula works.

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this is EXACTLY what you did…

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Yes, you started running with premade raids.

Now, you think they’re ok and they’re not driving people away from PvP. And you ignore all the pugs leaving your games. And all the games that start with one team half-empty because premade raids dropped their queues.


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Literaly never changed anything. But:

www.bluetracker .gg/wow/topic/us-en/9023788334-ironforge-airport/


us.forums.blizzard. com/en/wow/t/blue-confirm-terrain-exploits-bans/339664

And com/KrWwJykb/airport-east-of-ironforge


www.bluetracker. gg/wow/topic/us-en/51915580-unfinished-areas-and-zones/

Its crazy. Only took a 5 second google aearch to find multiple examples, official reaponses and videos that talk about getting banned for exploring areas of wow map that is or was blocked off.