Yep another one

I personally joined because of the toxicity and the lack of teamwork in pugs myself…Sooo Much Better now!


weird, we used to throw parties under org back in the day.

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i remember that…lol

I have attended said parties. Same as under stormwind.

But it was bannable. I actually remember when they “fixed” the org one because we were preparing for a party and realized we could no longer get under org in that way.

Iirc, it didnt take long to find a new way to get under the city. But everytime you did this in any location it was a potential ban.

I didn’t know about the sw one…

Yea if you do a basic search you can see articles about all kinds of places. Some i didnt know like mt hijal and cavers of time were accessable in Vanilla.

I remember hearing about an island they were working on that was ban able…at the time i didn’t realize the org was ban able after i found that out i stopped doing it. Back then the GM’s were roaming alot. Do they even roam nowadays?

Groups queue sync because the game does not allow queuing large groups into random BGs. The fact that the game does not allow this clearly indicates that large groups queueing into random BGs is not Blizzard’s intent. I suspect it is a real challenge for Blizzard to come up with a way to enforce their intent technically (even single-queue could be synced) and do so without lengthening queue times. Splitting up groups to prevent organizational advantages will slow fill times. Creating different categories of epic BGs (single-queue vs multi-queue) will either slow queue times or cause one category to be underused (see wargames).

I don’t like getting run over by premades, but I don’t see a workable solution that will not result in longer queue times unless Blizzard finds a way to make PvP appealing to a larger pool of players. Interestingly, one deterrent to greater PvP participation (though not the biggest one) is…getting run over by premades.


I have only spoken to one gm recently and the one before that was because i fell through the world tree.

I think ive spoken to more gms during vanilla/bc than anything and ive probably only spoken to them a total of maybe 5 times.

So i have no idea.

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Cross faction queues would. Group sync players could find themselves on opposite sides.

Probably could cause some win trading, if there are enough people in each side. But, there’s no rating. Can’t see it as being too bothersome.

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I so hate rated bgs because of the opposite faction thing it always screws me up but yeah i see your point

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I would have to try. SERIOUSLY TRY. We did the math they might get into what 1 an hour? In an hour I can knock out 3-5 epic bgs. The chances of me running into them randomly is so minimal which lead to me stating I believe you are all crying wolf (worgen?)

I read the forums and I see post and thread after thread upon post about all these horrible evil no good premade taking all the fun out of the game by actually communicating and doing objects and how now one can be bothered that is not in a premade to make a little effort to do such things is just bs.

I do have not premade a bg (other than taking hubby in with me) I play ALOT way more than I want to admit. 2 premades that I can prove with my own eyes. 2 that’s it. This expansion almost the end of season 2 and only 2. I don’t know how else to say this. It is a minimal blip in the grand scheme of bgs that makes a minimal impact if people don’t go QQ so and so got in QQ, Who cares just play have fun and do the objective. The next bg is completely different.

On a side note and thought before I run for a bit. Back filling, While I see how it can be impactful and do agree with it, I also have not seen that much. There have been maybe 2 or three games this expansion that I have started with not enough people, To be fair more than once both teams were void of players.

Most back filling comes from the first fight not going the way people want and leaving. Again, I am not everyone just me and what I have seen and experienced.

a few of us were in one the other day ashran…23 horde to 39-40alliance at the start it slowly and i mean slowly filled…but we still won in the end…we just had to hold out till the numbers filled. One of the better games i have been in actually.

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I love how everyone keeps throwing this out there. If it wasnt their intent, why wasnt it added from the start? If they didnt intend for people to play as groups, why was it ever a thing to begin with and why are bgs the only thing restricted by group as it is.

No other game mode is restricted and bgs/ebs were not originally restricted.

On top of that, several ebgs were open world events and whole guilds would show up to those events.

Its always been the “Intent” for this game to be played with people as a group. The restriction in pvp only scenarios is to placate solo players and there is no other reason for it. Period.

Yall can keep coping all you want by using this argument, but it doesn’t have the strength that everyone who says thinks it does.

Like i said from the beginning, this is an MMO with rpg elements and pvp combat. All of these things were created and implemented from the conception of WoW vanilla. Its modern WoW that doesnt abide from this original conception and implementation and its because people are whiny and blizzard needs their money.


Back in the day the world pvp came to your hometown…auctioneers dead…fighting in the middle of org it was good stuff and being played as intented i suppose. Blizzard intended for the horde and alliance to gather, group up and attack each other…that was a part of the fun honestly…then there was of course retaliation …fun times


Win trading post would blow up.

There would need to be de-syncing methods added so its harder for people to purposefully trying to sync by dropping queues.

Beyond that, true solo queues with the above de-sync ramped up to ensure people are not queue syncing and no more than 2 people in a party alowed at most. These BGs could also be the new content we keep asking for in the form of new 6v6 objective based arenas.

Then make current BGs and EBGs unrestricted. If you queue into an unrestricted queue then you do so knowing people are grouped and you do so at your own risk.

We lost one Ashran at the end of the night because our “team mates” wouldn’t fall back and regroup. It was a close game. Other than that we did very well.

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I have no problem with people playing in groups and Blizzard’s intent takes a back seat to letting player’s have fun by doing what they enjoy. The problem is that what synccer’s regard as fun interferes with what solo queuer’s regard as fun. I play on premades from time to time, but I can see the solo queuer’s point of view as well. I’d like to see a solution that works for everyone.

However, I’m pretty sure premades would become a lot less popular if they could only go up against other premades. Part of the appeal there to a lot of people is running over the opposing team (at the expense of the opposing team’s enjoyment). Has to be said.

Ive played against Ruthlessbro once. Everyone immidiately gave up.

I enjoyed myself because i went to one of the points and just fought pointless over it because my team immediately gave up and left or stood in our base and “just let them when and get it over with”.

This has been one of my arguments this whole time. Pugs tend to just give up and leave rather than take on the challenge and try anyways.

Again, literally one time this whole expac and I made it fun for myself anyways.

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“Team Mates” being those who were not DJL but still our team …just to clarify.

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