Yep another one

Sync queue in random bg’s, just plain why? If you really need 10 people or more for a random bg’s maybe wow isn’t for you. People need to start mass report these groups so blizzard takes notice, people need to stand up to this…

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I dont understand this. This is one of the few times where “its an mmo” argument actually holds wait for me.

The draw of an mmo is to play with other players. Wanting to play various game modes with the players you consider friends is a major aspect of that. Whether rl or in game friends doesnt matter.

Getting mad at people for wanting to play their favorite game mode with a group of friends, guild, or community because you want to go at it alone is silly and seems like an mmo, no matter which one it is, might not be the genre of game for you.

Not the other way around.


Any screenshots? Not that I don’t believe you, I would just like to know which names to watch out for to see if there is a pattern.

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You just made me realize i didnt give my monk the right name. Sigh.

Named her pickleo.

Should have been something like bahkee.

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then play with 5 “friends” like the game allows stop using “I wAnT tO pLaY wItH mY fRiEnDs” as an excuse to cheat.


They are not talking about regular five man preforms. They are talking about queue-syncing preforms getting 10-15 players into the same BG, which is exceedingly lame. I personally haven’t noticed much of that. However, I’m sure it happens.


I dont do what you stated in the post. I am just pointing out that it should be allowed anyways because its an mmo.

Expecting people to not want to play with their community is silly.

Would be the same as saying that a raid can only consist of 5 people from the same guild the rest must be pugs.

Or a dungeon group can only have 2 people grouped and the rest must be pugged.


I care not about 5 mans I do them myself sometimes and they can be very very fun but 10 or more or the 40 or more are just plain sad and pathetic lol


I know what they are talking about.

Dude. Do you have any idea how damaging that is to game for people who don’t play in communities, which is most people?


Rated bg’s are literally made for people that want the 10 mans these people don’t want fair fights though they want to “pug stomp” and stroke their ego.


Then why are they playing an mmo. That is the point of the genre. And demanding that everyone else goes solo because some people do is rediculous.

Then join a premade rbg instead.


where did I demand everyone goes solo?

Interesting strawman you just built there since I never said anything even close to that.

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I didnt say you personally did. I was replying to someone that did mention people playing solo tho

No. I don’t need to cheat to win lol just want a fair game for everyone, unlike scum like yourself.

You said people dont play in communities, implying they play solo.

what he means is that most people don’t join “pug stomp” groups because they don’t want to cheat lol