Yep another one

Thats why you gotta invest in a good pee bottle. NO BREAKS ALLOWED

I’m ill equipped to use a bottle to pee in…but someone brought up peepads one night!!! Does blizz expressly authorize those? they probably would if they slapped a horde or alliance logo on em and sold em in the blizzard store i bet…when it senses moisture it could key up a sound

Pay to win.

These sync queue people are insanely delusion and love their pointless straw man arguments, we will never convince them of anything because they simply don’t care, I applaud you for trying but this is simply a waste of time. They will kill the game and not care at all.

Oh, it’s mainly for lurkers/readers who might not have realized that premade raiding in random bgs is cheating and they’re driving players away from PvP.

Sometimes, I chime in when I see all the premade raiders ganging up on a forum poster who isn’t cheating.

Yeah. Like lower level bgs, they’ll look around and wonder where all the pugs went.

and how did everyone’s games go last night?

I joined a few in-progress, losing epic bgs.

You can probably guess why.

you just need to get better and lead the randoms XD

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Okay so far this is the only argument that is actually notable for why this can be bad.

Complaining about having to put in effort because the other side might be better or have so and so or x group is not a legitimate complaint. Saying its cheating and only having a moral ground vs a legal ground is not a legitimate complaint.

Once again I am the random/solo que. Please stop grouping us all together. It is better for you to simply say

“I don’t want to do any thing. I just want to get free conquest. I don’t want to have to try because the other side is more organized.”

Stop acting like it is some holy crusade to save me/us. You either que to do the bg in all that it needs from communication to objectives or your are there to be a sponge and do nothing or worse do nothing but complain which no one wants to read.


Pretty sure premade raiders want free conquest.

Literally, premade raid vs. pugs is the most easy of wins.

Not trying to save you or premade raiders. Trying to save pugs and legit players. Trying to save the PvP community.

This is exactly what the sync queue groups are about if they wanted fair and fun fights, they wouldn’t do what they do lol stop lying and remember check pvp is a thing bud.

really makes one wonder what kind of premade these guys would make if that’s what they think our motivations are.

well, there was that one time a bunch of us randoms that don’t like premades fought a group of premades… I bet most people can guess how that turned out.

I have never been in a premade. Let start with that. I also que into backfilling. You know what I do?

Shift M look at the dots see where and why. Then I go to where I know I should be. Most of the time we still win. And everyone laughs at the people who bailed. and I thank them for a fast game. Sometimes we lose and I move on to the next one. Complaining and saying ever lose is because of a premade on the other side is well silly. I’m sorry not trying to be mean it just is. Mathematically its not possible. Unless you are going out of your way to try and que into them. OR you have the absolute worst luck. In which case I do not think a premade would help with a win/loss


nobody is saying they don’t do that bud stop making excuses lol

out of your 650 or so posts, most have been complaints of premades.

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It’s not effort lol. Effort is sticking it out in random BG’s without a huge group, playing with your given teammates, the way Random Battlegrounds are intended to be. Overcoming the odds despite these challenges.

The easy way is to join one of these Epic BG communities and steamroll the opposition.

Joining an Epic Community is quite literally free conquest. 25 conquest a win, a win every 10 minutes. It’s the Comp Stomp version for Epic BGs.



Okay I am not sure what that means in anyway. I stated in my very long book post, I do BG, epic BG and 2’s with my hubby. I have NEVER been in a premade bg.

I also stated that the two times I have personally run into it. Once on horde Once on alliance. Both with The vulpera hunter that starts with a T :laughing: On the horde side I lost. Against them on the alliance side I lost. Amazing mage play at the hanger flag… In other words that one vulpera made 0 difference in either game. So check me. I am a hard stuck 1500 with my point and click fury hubby lol And no he wont play anything but arms/fury so I play around that from disc to ret this season. Healing the guy who goes “why you no jump across arena with me?” can put a strain on a marriage, Just saying :wink:

explaining to this person is fairly useless. They have 0% comprehension skills and 100% blah blah blah …kid…blah.blah…stop lying…blah blah…you are making excuses…blah blah Premades are ruining the world blah blah skills

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ya delete the childish part while also calling people childish XD