Yeah, those topics are right, lol. The vote kickers are pretty awful

Intersting, because let’s say the average dungeon takes 20 minutes… That would be 277.7 days that you’ve spent in dungeons. How exactly did you manage to pull that off?

EDIT: Holy cow my math did not math originally lol.
20k dungeon runs at 20 minutes = 400,000 minutes /60 minutes per hour is 6,666 hours /24 hours a day = 277.7 days.

Cata classic has been out 36 days… You’re a Wizard Harry!

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Are you confused? I have never claimed to duo queue as both a tank and healer. I have stated that I solo queue 99% of the time. I play as both tanks and healers, as well as DPS. Obviously… with as many alts as I have I’m going to use them each in dungeons…

Would you like to clarify your statement? You’re coming across a little unhinged.

Yes, it was 1 time from 80 - 85. I wasn’t saying it was problematic. I literally said “I agree”.

This guy is just too e-thug, i honestly have to dip out of this one. Probably a chronic liar, not sure if we can fault him. Probably was that kid in school that just kept going on and on with outlandish stories.

Bruh is literally saying he’s played thousands of dungeons, then tried to call someone else out for saying the same thing. He couldn’t retell his own story if it wasn’t written right here in a thread.

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You can’t even follow the conversation properly. I said I’ve played in over 500 dungeons maybe close to 1000. That’s a FAR FAR way off from “well over 20,000 dungeons”, like the other guy said.

1000 dungeons is roughly 13 days played time. 20,000 dungeons is 277 days played. Even for somebody with limited comprehension skills, you should see, thast those two things are not the same lol.

this is actually a sign of a good and responsible tank. Not the guys who are so full of themselves that they rush pull half the dungeon leaving the group struggling without a care.

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This is hilarious lmfao cause me and my buddy i queue with votekick people out all the time. All it takes is 1 more person to click yes, sometimes we do it at the start of the dungeon just to see :joy::joy:

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You and your buddy may do that, but that’s still a drop in the bucket for the amount of heroics that are run. And as I said before, I’m not saying NO BS kicking is ever done, there are people like you in this world after all. I’m just stating that in my however many runs I’ve done (And that’s ALOT), I’ve never seen it. And if I’ve not seen it in my close to 1000 RDF runs, logically that would mean that it rarely happens. At least on alliance side of things. I admitted that horde side may very well be different.

Also, it’s pretty crazy that the vast majority of the people that posts about this topic, never posts on a cata toon. It’s always a SOD or Retail character. (Obviously the OP here is a cata player, and an exception to that rule)

Care to jump on your cata toon that you kick people on regularly. I’m curious if you even have an 85 cata character.

I think these are retail players coming into cata. I do it sometimes on my tank only after I get a feel of the group.

only people who should be Voted to be kicked are

  1. Bad players ( tanks who die because they pull to big of pulls and dont use cds or pull when the healer is oom and die )
  2. Players who cheat the ilvl requirements
  3. People who come in wearing PvP gear
    4 players such as pallys shamans druids coming in wearing CLOTH or other armor that isnt used by there class.
  4. Players who are AFK
  5. Players who are purposely griefing/Trolling the party.

i.e. anybody who doesn’t respect others

Trollsday has been terrorizing the forums since before Classic launched. Most of us that have been here since Classic know to just ignore him.


Always appreciate when you, one of my most loyal fans, come to my defense. One bloomsday cookie for you! Keep it up!

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I have one main and one alt… i could not do 4…. I’d just pass out from all the valor runs… playing catchup to 8000 on my alt… i wanted to :face_vomiting: … 35 runs in one week…

I dont always agree with you but I also dont always disagree either :nerd_face:

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Vizual not only misspelled his name but he is the type of wannabe pseudo-intellectual that pretends to be smart because he couldn’t make it anywhere else beyond online forums to boost his ego. It’s pretty obvious he came into this thread solely to brag that he doesn’t understand the definition of a “sampling.”

After all, he doesn’t know how to even spell the word “visual” to begin with. Why would anyone believe he knows what he’s even talking about?

I am going to go out on a limb here but did you stop and think that maybe other versions were taken? Maybe he likes it that way? Your name is not exactly anything I’d call a clear winner.

Here is my 85 little bro, kicking and screaming and calling everyone a liar is kinda sad tho brother, try thinking for yourself

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Yeah, Vizual is pretty much upset. You can tell by his responses to this thread he can’t let go of the fact that he doesn’t understand statistics let alone how to spell his own name. That’s why he’s taking it out on everyone.

I’m not a bad player. I guarantee you if i’m falling behind its because the game designed it that way – i.e. dps need to at least ONCE kick…dps need to at least ONCE move out of stuff on ground.
multiple people in this thread will say that dps do not do this…usually.
I’m the first to admit when i’m wrong. I’m not wrong here. player behaviour is at an all time low. I’m glad your experience has been positive.