Yeah, those topics are right, lol. The vote kickers are pretty awful

idk might b bcuz im acutally a decent hpal and don’t have so many issues that i get kicked all day

edit: acutally if you seriously need help
ill try but you need to drop the attitude lol
but im happy to help other hpals

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Good luck with that, they are an amazing holy pally who knows their class inside out and they do nothing wrong. (Sarcasm)

I mean, Just ask them, they’ll tell ya.

I have all 4 healing classes, and i’ve geared them all up to pre raid bis, Ive never once been kicked, nor have I ever seen anybody at all kicked for performance issues in all my dungeon runs.

The only kicks i’ve seen in runs were people who were afk or if they were talking crap in chat. (Oddly enough the people that talk crap in chat are usually the bad players… funny how that works out).

Here’s a hot take for the people who jump at the opportunity to feed their ego by exclaiming how they NEVER get kicked:

Being “bad” or playing worse than average isn’t and shouldn’t be grounds for a kick. Imagine if your account on league got deleted once you entered bronze. Imagine if your account got deleted once you finished a game under a 1 K/D ratio in any FPS. See how dumb you sound now? Most players, statistically speaking, ARE “bad” or “average”. That’s an objective fact due to bell curve distribution.

This community is so peculiar. They play such a niche and uncommon game, and then they gatekeep and make sure no new players join, so they can keep playing the same game amongst themselves for another 20 years.

New players should NOT be kicked for not playing meta or for learning a dungeon. Stop assuming everybody is in the top percentile, because THEY’RE NOT. No matter how many times you post “git gud”, it doesn’t change the overarching problem.

What a massive leap from being removed from a dungeon group to having your account deleted!

It’s the same logical conclusion; you can’t play the game. If the premise states that being “bad” or “below average” is grounds for a kick, then according to that premise, bad players will be kicked, and thus will not be able to play the game.

We don’t ascribe probability because that isn’t the core issue. MANY posters in this thread firmly state their argument is “git gud”, and applying that premise proves how ridiculous it is.

No logic was used in this conclusion I’m afraid.

11459 posts. I’d be fascinated to know the total quantity of time spent

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Here’s a perspective to consider: having good reading comprehension skills is crucial for engaging in meaningful discussions. You should work on that.

To address your points:

First, no one here has suggested that being “bad” is a reason to be kicked from a group. In my experience, if someone is consistently being kicked, it very likely due to something they are doing that contributes to the issue. From what I’ve seen, people are usually kicked for having a bad attitude or being AFK, not for performance issues.

I’ve participated in nearly 1000 dungeons using the RDF system and have never seen anyone kicked solely for performance. Perhaps a reason that contributes to this is that I always strive to be a valuable team member. As a tank, I make sure to be properly enchanted, gemmed, and stat-optimized. As a healer, I do the same and ensure I understand my class well. As DPS, I ensure that I’m set up to deliver high damage output to contribute to quicker kills by knowing my class, the fights, and once again, being gemmed and enchanted properly.

So yes, maybe my preparation and understanding of my roles may have influenced my positive experiences. These efforts could be the reason I’ve never been kicked, nor seen others kicked for performance.

So having said that, could it be that those who frequently experience being kicked should consider shifting the conversation from “This is toxic, the player base sucks,” to “How can I improve to prevent this?” If you’re repeatedly being kicked, there might be an underlying reason worth addressing, and it’s probably not the OTHER players.

Pushed ever so slightly on your illogical response and you immediately default to the “yur post count”?

Well, that was easier than I expected it would be.

Thank you for proving to the rest of us you clearly had to backtrack on your misconception of “sample size.”

I’m glad to see you realized you were wrong once again proving my point.

I don’t know that it’s very logical at all. You’re making huge leaps in logic, actually.

No one would be getting kicked for performing on this level in the context of a WoW dungeon, except maybe in M+.

It feels like quite a leap in logic to compare being kicked from a dungeon to having your account deleted.

And can’t you be reported and actioned in other games for things like “feeding” aka playing really bad?

Calm down, Ronald, my phone is logged on Hottie, and Skill is logged on my PC. It’s not deeper than that. Now that the fallacy is extensively covered, do you have anything to say on topic?

I never backtracked on my use of “sample size”. Clearly you’re not very smart. Sad.

It’s the summer time. I suspect people are just now finishing their Logic 101 classes haha.

I’ve been making statements on topic, I just think it’s funny how forum alt hoppers agreeing with themselves tend to be the biggest crybabies.

Here you are again, proving once again you clearly don’t understand the words you’re typing. All you have to do is scroll up and see that you did backtrack on your original post. But feel free to keep posting since it just proves you have nothing of value left to offer in this thread.

This post does not address the points made at all. I noted your comment about reading comprehension. I have a master’s degree from a prestigious school, I think my reading comprehension is adequate for these forums. And if you hold a doctorates, kudos to you.

People have indeed posted that being “bad” is the reason they get kicked. I specifically did not mention being toxic or being AFK, as those are ACTUAL reasons to kick people.

I’ve participated in over 20,000 dungeons and i’ve seen rampant performance kicking. I suppose my anecdotal evidence cancels out your anecdotal evidence? Let’s not rely on empiricism when we have actual arguments being made that performance based kicking is acceptable?

Good job for you being a top percentile player. I am very proud that you enchant and gem your gear, and that you educate yourself on your spec and rotation. More power to you. Unfortunately, we know that that bell curve distribution exists. We know that almost 70% of the player base is “average” or “below average”. That isn’t my opinion, that’s a fact, and its like that in almost every video game, by the way.

So the issue is that you, and other forum goers, who are in the top 20% of players, think that you are the majority. Most normal players don’t even know this forum exists. You understand that creates a confirmation bias here, yes? Better players are more likely to post on forums.

Ultimately, the reality is that you AREN’T the majority, you are the exception. And that for the majority, they will NEVER “git gud” (Because of statistical reality), and thus, the premise that bad/average players should be kicked, creates A LOT of problems for most players.


What do you even mean by agreeing with myself??? Of course i… agree… with myself, lol.

I never quoted myself, if that’s what you mean. I never pretended to be two or more people, if that’s what you mean. I never liked my own posts if that’s what you mean.

But yes. I do agree with myself. Lol.


Apologies for my delayed response; my dungeon queue popped on my healer, and I was busy successfully completing the run without being kicked. (CRAZY HOW THAT KEEPS HAPPENING TO ME)

Anyways, to address your points, my stance remains consistent. Having completed nearly 1000 dungeons using RDF, I have never witnessed anyone being kicked for performance issues. This extensive sample size suggests that if widespread, unwarranted kicking were occurring, I would have encountered it by now, which I haven’t.

There are certainly factors that can contribute to someone being kicked, which I’ve mentioned before. So again, my stance has never waivered on this. And this reinforces my point that you may not be fully equipped to engage in a meaningful conversation, as you seem to completley be uneducated on concepts like “sample size” and also demonstrate a lack of reading comprehension skills. But I’ll press on anyways.

As I’ve stated previously, if someone is constantly getting kicked, it is likely an issue with their behavior, not a problem with the player base. If it were a widespread issue, I would have experienced it at least a few times across my various roles and characters. My extensive experience provides quite a robust SAMPLE SIZE to draw these conclusions.

And he continues onward, as if he didn’t even just admit that he duo queues as tank and healer.

Some say he’s still continuing onward, as if nothing ever happened at all.

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