Yeah, those topics are right, lol. The vote kickers are pretty awful

You would be absolutly amazed at how many times a BS story hits the forums, the person is asked to produce proof that they even play Cata to at least give some sort of credibility to their story… only to find out it’s one of the MANY rotating forum alts that have never played Cata.

In your post you admit to being a toxic player and a troll… why would I give to you the benefit of the doubt that you play cata?

And as I’ve said. YOU may be a toxic player and kick people just for the fun of it. But that’s still a very very small percentage of people that do it, that it’s simply not an issue.

I mean… of the two of us, I’m right about statistics and you’re wrong so… there is that.

Also the spelling of my name was a stylistic choice I made when I was a much younger lad playing Ultima Online, and I’ve always just stuck with the “Z” rather than the “S”.

Also, let’s not pretend that you spelled your name properly either. Your “U” is not accurate it should be “ū”. Pot meet kettle…

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If you’re getting kicked consistently, while the vast majority of players, including myself and others who play or main healers, don’t experience such issues, it’s likely a problem specific to you, rather than a widespread issue.

That said, as I mentioned previously, I acknowledge that there may be a cultural difference between the Alliance and Horde sides, with a more prevalent trolling or toxic player base on the Horde side leading to more frequent unjustified kicks. And since I don’t frequently play Horde, I can’t speak from personal experience.

I play alliance. Its just stuck on this toon and I dont care to change it.

I got just got kicked on my leveling DK – level 83. was doing less dmg that the other two dps. I have a few pieces of gear that are not good. thats why i am in the dungeon.
I get a whisper after the kick “no free rides”.

THIS IS STONECORE…its leveling.

do you even use DND? because DKs are broken and Death and Decay does 90% of there damage

PRobably go do some research on your class learn your roataion and cds and play better.

Like I said; the VAST majority of us are not getting kicked from our runs. The fact that it’s happening to you OFTEN, tells me it’s a YOU problem. If your DPS is ultra low and it seems like your leeching/botting/afk that’s on you. Nobody is REQUIRED to carry you through a dungeon if you can’t pull your own weight.

And again… this is happening to you OFTEN. So you’re doing something to instigate these kicks. Becuase they are simply not the norm.

Just as a side note. I can log on my DK right now go frost or Unholy take off ALL my gear and pull around 10k, maybe even more… Spreading your dots and D&D alone are enough to get your damage high enough to not look like a leech.

Sorry but it is what it is.

EDIT: Since you play alliance, I’m even willing to do this for you. What is your characters name and what server do you play on? I’ll invite you to a group on my 2nd DK that I’m leveling and tank a dungeon for you. That way I can give you some pointers to maybe bump up your dps so you don’t look like you’re afk and continue to get kicked.

Ok so I’m not the only one experiencing this… Right there with ya homie lol. There are super bad tanks that don’t even know how to use their own mechanics, don’t gear correctly and are outrageously impatient on top of it, and all the stress goes onto the healer to keep up with these squish mittens. The community in Cata Classic is absolute dogshìt. Worst of the classics so far.

It wouldn’t because anyone would some sense would know better than to kick a tank. Especially one that is trying to do their job efficiently. If you’re pulling more than the tank can handle because they’re not going at the speed you want them to, you’re going to be the one getting kicked. i can guarantee that much.

i learned to not run heroics from friday - monday the groups are horrible you get BAD players ( no gems or enchants on there gear) doing sub par damage and not doing the mechanics of boss fights then crying when its a wipe.

It’s been a breath of fresh air moving out of the MMORPG bubble.

Miss the interactions, but that was back in the day.

This is the real problem, imo. The vote kicking abuse is one thing but applying the debuff to people who are kicked is what really makes it unfair. It can ruin an entire play session in seconds.

Yeah ive had to change my stance on the topic after recent events.

Long story short: i queue with my wife. Shes still reletively new to the game. Certainly new to fire mage. The other night, our first time doing heroics. Me on my Arms warrior shredding the charts, her on her fire mage trying her best. But time and time again shes vtk’d out wirhout one word from the group.

It was never this bad in retail wotlk/cata and retail cata was actually much harder then now.

This mess is just silly as its just heriocs and its not at all hard. Even if a dps is weak, but present and trying, it shouldnt matter. Its not difficult to communicate and be sure the dps isnt a bot and at least present.

So yeah, the vtk system is abusive and the community is garbage. Im not sure i expect blizzard to fix this, but I’d happily accept Blizzard either removing rdf completely or removing vtk just to punish the community. This game needs to take a big step back and teach players thst thry need to communicate and not treat dungeons like a zergfest.

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i only V2K people who come to heroics in PVP gear and/or if theyre ungemmed and unenchanted gear because 1 of 2 things is going on 1. they dont care and want a carry or 2. they bought pvp gear to cheat to get into the heroic for a free carry

None of that really matters these days as the heroic content is so watered down that even if they want a carry, its not a big enough of a problem to matter. My warriors undergeared, very few gems, and no enchants and still produces really high numbers. As long as the carry is actively playing and not being disruptive you wouldnt know a difference. Youre the guy that’s toxic that cost Blizzard money because people quit the game, thus rendering classic servers pointless.

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Their bought pvp gear gripe is kind of legit. It doesn’t gem (ergo no bonuses to gem use) and its stats aren’t much better than 316 dungeon blue. Its an ilevel tweaker by and large.

I do pvp and avoid buying it if not dirt cheap. I don’t spend say 900 gold for 1 piece knowing I will still be face planted jsut as easy in that slot’s 316/308 blue lol.

I will opt to just get face planted in that 316/308 for free lol.

RNG hated my hunter in leveling. I was stuck with crap wrists and feet. The ah pvp gear was cheap enough I said well a few tol barad dailies covered the cost.

But…yeah, some who are gem/enchantless are that for a reason. We want the piece we will enchant. Gold is not burned on the lesser gear.

Dragonscale is a common BIS leg enchant for my chars. While it has come down on price, I didn’t buy 2 of these. 1 for trash gear, 1 for the hunter’s proper 352 pvp legs when obtained.

I got one. I slapped that and gems on right after I had the honor for them.

New 85’s also wont even have shoulder/helm enchants. That stuff is rep locked even for the game npc “factions”. Exalted buys.

Even my human full Hyjal story run in leveling (even the joust quest string for the pet) did not clear that exalted. She needs a few normal runs with tabard still.

Tol barad enchants take time. Those are revered or exalted, I forget. also many would probably get that 346 weapon first. So their first 85 commendation are spoken for. If rng in dungeon is rough…its there as the backup.

and the pvp vendor ones I personally leave as my last buys. I see others doing that too. Its my last 3K honor buys.

You get more from the full 352 set first then fix the helm/shoulders.

For once… I actually agree with you. As long as the person is trying and being an active part of the group, this is not a big deal at all.

I would not say that person is being toxic… he can choose who he wants to group with and who he does not want to group with. And if the other people in the group vote the pvp geared player out… well they chose the same thing.

While I do agree with you, that people should not vote kick people only on gear/gemming/enchants alone for heroics… that’s not our place to say they are toxic for wanting to run with somebody else. Because that in and of itself is… toxic.

Just because they don’t play the way WE play, does not make them wrong and us right.

He can decide that before he enlist 4 unpredictable strangers. Vtk’ing a struggling, new player isnt being very productive or healthy for the community. Thats how we arrived at this crossroad.

I wouldnt argue they all choose the same thing as most dint even read what pops up. Its easy to exploit VTK simply by clicking on a tank or healer or a solid dps and typing in some generic response, “bad dps” and poof gone. Ive seen it before. No doubt by a very angry disgruntled player thats seeking retribution on a toxic community.

Ever think that guy in pvp gear isnt trying to exploit the queue, but just doesnt know what he’s doing and now he’s randomly kicked and stuck with a 30min debuff and cant play the game he paid to play and has no idea what he did wrong?

Its not your place as thats your choice, but I’ll gladly pick up that mantle and wear it with honor. I’ll proudly stand up and say this community is toxic and corrupted for its habitual bad behavior and standards. Things need to change or there wont be a Cata classic or any classic servers because exceptional players get bored and peel off to other games and new players give up because they dont know what theyre doing and don’t feel they belong in a game theyre paying for.

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There is no crossroad. There is simply the fact that if a group of people don’t want to carry a low dps person… they don’t have to. Just like if they don’t want to keep a toxic a-hat in the group they can boot them as well.

Though I AGREE with you, that booting somebody who’s actively trying is not something I would do, that does not mean we are in the right and can force our views and way of playing on others. Furthermore, I’ve still yet to see anybody kicked for DPS or poor healing alone. “Unless it’s so low that it seems like the person is leeching/AFK/or a bot”.

I’ve NOT ever seen that. That’s not to say it never happens, I’m sure it does. But it’s rare. And if people are just vote kicking for the “luls”. Yes… that is in fact toxic, but there is not much we can do about it. The 30 min debuff is a MUCH lesser of two evils than if we didn’t have it.

Do you even fully read posts before commenting? I actually agreed with you on this point… Reading comprehension is a cool thing to get good at.

There are alot of words there that you used, that I don’t think you understand the meaning of. I would STRONGLY argue that the community is not habitually toxic or ahs bad behavior issues. That’s your perception based on how YOU think they should play the game.

The amount of “new” players to classic is so small that even if we lost all of them, we would probably not notice as a community. The playerbase that makes up classic is mostly sesoned players returning to the game to re-live the expansion again.

Also, the game is pretty easy, and it’s not hard to do decent dps in dungeons, especially after leveling from 1-85. Most “new” players will be fine. And if those new players are riding the struggle bus and getting constantly kicked because they are doing horrid dps so people think they are bots/afk. They have the option to make friends and Q with them in runs to prevent vote kicks.

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