Yeah, those topics are right, lol. The vote kickers are pretty awful

Haven’t done a Heroic in a couple weeks. Queued for one single run.

Tank Pally, of course. You already predicted it.

Overpulls two or three groups. Whole party uses no abilities to prevent any incoming damage. Tank didn’t stack tank stats, and is taking 80% of max HP every second. I’m freecasting and dumping my mana.

Tank dies. Tank yells in party chat, “HEAL? really bro?”

Before I can even respond with, “What are you talking about,” I’m already loaded into Orgrimmar with a 30 minute debuff.

Yeah, this is going places.


Meanwhile they spent ten seconds waiting for a replacement healer


Sorry to hear that. I’ve had runs tank tried that. We Declined it.

But the tank kick that came after passed no issues.

I’ll take healers side most times.


We healers appreciate that.

I’ve decided I won’t do a single dungeon without OBS running.


Some of them are retail players thinking healers can make up for their mistakes. Others are from WOTLK that believe their damage/tanking ability are still WOTLK-esque. This is exactly the same kind of behavior we all saw when the original Cataclysm rolled out.

It took until MOP for everyone to realize WOTLK was over along with the days of easy of heroics. The fact that we already had Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Heroics and these baddies still don’t know how to dodge, mitigate, move, or pull smaller groups more frequently just shows history was always going to repeat itself. We’ll see something similar when MOP Classic rolls out as well as when WOD Classic does too.

We all saw how the vote to kick went in original WOTLK and Blizzard still didn’t address those flaws the second time around with WOTLK Classic.

Let’s hope Microsoft screws the Blizzard dev management teams once and for all. It’s better to have Microsoft’s terrible security history compared to Blizzard’s absolutely lack of dev integrity. Their dev management couldn’t prioritize a JIRA ticket even if it meant higher salaries for themselves.


I personally love it when my tanks pull fast, then again. I’m a good healer.

Heck, I even pull for them

The messed up part is not just the toxic players spamming vote to kick, but the group just clicking “yes” every single time. I’m convinced that people don’t even read why they’re kicking people, they just do it because.


You didn’t read at all.


You can tell these people didnt play the original cata, where you’d poly/hex mobs in The Vortex Pinnacle etc to avoid wipes.


What is “OBS”?

Its genuinely harder to heal these groups at 360 ilevel than it was to heal the groups at 340 ilevel 4 weeks ago, the disrespect for the instances (and your own group) and the lack of player ability has shot up and the amount of vote kicks is absolutely insane.

Today we had a priest get kicked for needing an item he already had, but he didn’t already have it, he needed on and equipped it then a person in the group who was mad they didn’t win inspected him after he had equipped it…


Its a video recording and streaming program! Very popular.

If I am tanking and you pull, it is yours to take in fact I won’t pull it off you. Let’s hope you don’t enter my group and do that.

I had a dps do that first 1/4 of a dungeon (DK) – he kept taking mobs off to the side (I was healing that instance)…I let them die. Oh well.


feel free to kick trash tanks. they get replaced surprisingly quick


What is that going to do for you (running a video capture software)?

he thinks that just because he records the run that it will either go well because people think he has some sort of power, or that if he gets slighted at all he can use the video as “proof” for internet sympathy points


I’ve queued a ton of heroics across four toons. Nothing remotely like this has happened. I would suggest getting a larger sample size. It is pretty hard to pull two to three packs extra in cata dungeons, only one I can think of would be Blackrock Caverns with this many packs together at the start. Most folks I come across are reasonable and would be able to deduce the cause of a wipe if so many extra mobs were pulled.

Open Broadcaster Software, or OBS is used for streaming, recording video directly from your pc or hardware you have linked to your pc like a capture card to a console. Basically they’re just saying with obs open they can record proof.

EDIT: it has come to my attention this is for classic Cx nvm

Is probably part of the problem so why bother reading,