Why do people request PvE buffs?

Just one? I’ll do much better than that.

Here is one, you have done this multiple times on multiple toons, so this is an outright lie right here. Yes yes yes we know you tried to cover up your mistakes when caught… but had we not busted you doing this… you would have never said anything.

Another example is you trying to spin your words to fit your narrative, and outright lieing to try and spin it.

When in actuality you said (on another account, remember post 1, “People don’t change accounts”

As I mentioned. Somewhat often and a few times… paint two totally different pictures. It’s your way of trying to manipulate the conversation/narrative.

Here is another example of a flat out lie -

Nope I said I’ve done between 500 to 1000 RDF dungeons between my 7 level 85s, and a few other 81-84s. Or I have said “hundreds” as in my example below. For context - You were trying to spin the narrotive with that comment because I pointed out that somebody you were agreeing with “Who said they did over 30,000 heroics in cata” was clearly lying about what they were saying. Since it would literally be impossible to have completed anywhere even CLOSE to 30,000 heroics since Cata has been released.

And proof of me saying hundreds not thousands, again proving your lie

I mean I could continue to go on… but I’m about to do some pvp. You asked for 1, I gave you 3. And I could easily find more.