Yeah, those topics are right, lol. The vote kickers are pretty awful

Fake news? Sure
Whatever you say

Only damaged IQ here is yours. Go back to school and learn to read again

It’s a current generation of tik-tok degenerates thing.


no doubt with the same result. At some point the groups gonna dissolve when it “clicks”

As a DPS on every class in the game, I love the fact that since it’s a new expansion tanks and healers are a dime a dozen, so their power has decreased a lot over calling the shots in groups. I have successfully kicked like 10 tanks so far who had an attitude, tried to skip bosses and talked crap about low dps, or them messing up and blaming the group because they couldn’t pull the dragon all the way out the green circle and somehow it was our fault.

Usually get a new tank or healer in less than 2 minutes, and it’s SO worth it. Ive seen a few rage whisper us after getting kicked, mad about their deserter debuff lmao.

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DUDE. (Once again regret not having OBS running, lol.)

I’m leveling a Warrior alt right now. I’m playing as DPS, I queue for a dungeon. We’re doing the dungeon, everything is going fine, la de da. Then out of nowhere, RIGHT before a boss, a votekick option pops up for me to kick the healer, with the reason given: “awful”

Before I could even SCREENSHOT it, the vote passed (I never voted) and the guy is removed from the group and replaced.

Nobody died. Everything was going smoothly. And this guy just gets randomly & instantly kicked from a group for actually no reason.


No, actually, I just like to be able to prove things that people like you say never happened. (Lesson I learned the hard way from a particular, very bad game community years ago.)

Also I have a YT, so snagging funny events or whatnot is always nice.

Case in point right here. A completely smooth dungeon run resulted in a healer being randomly kicked by 3 other people, with neither me nor the healer having a say in the matter. And then he gets hit with a 30 minute deserter debuff. This goes beyond “toxic”. This is actually just direct abuse. How do you not see that? Maybe it’s because you’re the one doing the kicking on random people? Maybe you decided that, just because your health went below 50%, you just… don’t like that, and the healer must be removed?

It’s one of those things where the power goes to whoever is the first person to yell loudly. If you ask me, this should be a top priority to fix. YOU might not care about it… but there are innocent victims of it scattered all over. Does that really make it not worthwhile to you???

My recent stories:
Throne of Tides Optional boss- Rogue complained about it and then left (guess you don’t need the valor points?) .

Grim Batol - myself and tank were the only ones that made use of the dragon flight, so tank left after posting the details report.

Uldum Dungeon - Arms warrior was doing less damage than me (disc priest) and party attempted a vote kick. It did not pass.

Oh dear, it seems the troll mage doesn’t understand what “sample size” means. I’m always surprised by how many World of Warcraft players lack basic knowledge.

A sample size is a statistical term that refers to the number of observations included in a study or experiment. I have completed well over 500, possibly even close to 1,000 dungeon clears using RDF. This is a substantial sample size, sufficient to conclude that the issue of players randomly kicking others out of dungeons for no good reason is not really a problem.

As I previously mentioned, I have yet to see a single person kicked from a group for anything other than one of two reasons: either they were being disruptive in chat or they were AFK/disconnected. That’s it. I have never—not once—seen someone kicked for poor performance or just because of trolls.

That said, I’m not claiming it never happens. I’m just saying that it occurs so rarely that (1) I haven’t seen it in close to 1000 runs, and (2) it’s far from being the norm or a significant issue.

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You’re ignoring a LOT of variables, including things that may put you in an entirely different category. Your sample size means nothing if you generally play with a friend or 2, for example.

People are also less willing to try to kick a tank. (They don’t know that you return to front of queue if a tank is kicked.)

And third:
Of note, HEALERS are typically the ones being kicked. So if you’re a tank and you know what you’re doing, chances are, the healers have zero space to even LOOK bad. This will diminish, or even eliminate, all of the windows you might have had for encountering the kick abuse that WE ARE ALL talking about.

Like I mention in this topic… 1) When I play MY healer, I get kicked somewhat often any time there’s a Prot Pally tanking my dungeon, as they overpull AND refuse to mitigate any incoming damage. 2) When I play on my DPS CHARACTERS, I see OTHER HEALERS get kicked for no reason whatsoever.

This is what he have going on. Your sample size of the contrary has a lot more going on than you’re realizing. Additionally, as far as we know, you’re just a guy talking on the forums and saying anything at all. Meanwhile, WE EACH INDIVIDUALLY know that people are being kicked, factually, based on our experiences that are ALSO large sample sizes.

Here is a list of my characters that I have done RDF on. (Lot’s of healers mind you and I’ve never been kicked), and 99% of the time I Q solo.

1st - Thirtysix 85 - Paladin Healer (never been kicked)
2nd - Dejavu 85 Arms Warrior
3rd - Bloodforge 85 Unholy DK
4th - Silentshroud 81 Rogue (Been doing RDF since 57 on him)
5th - Rèvék 85 Prot Warrior (Yes I have 2 warriors)
6th - Treydori 85 Resto Shaman (Never Been kicked)
7th - Vizual 85 Disc priest (Never been kicked)
8th - Luthias 85 Resto Druid (Never been kicked)
9th - Asmid 81 Survival Hunter (RDF since 57 just like the rogue)
10th - Aarec 56 Prot Pally (RDF since 15)
11th - Vèéx 81 Warlock
12th - Milfred 78 Mage

I’ve played all 4 healers through heroics to get pre raid BIS never been kicked. I’ve played multiple DPS through heroics to get pre raid bis. Never been kicked, never seen anybody kicked. Played 2 tanks through heroics, never been kicked, never seen anybody kicked.

I ONLY level up via dungeon spam, I don’t do anything else. And when I get max level I spam heroics until im pre raid bis. That’s a TON of runs where I’m not seeing what you and a VERY small handful of other people complaining are seeing.

If you’re getting kicked as a healer… there is just something wrong, maybe you’re just that bad, I don’t know. On my tanks and DPS i’ve seen some pretty horrid healers, and I’ve never seen one kicked.

Again, maybe this is a horde thing, all I know is on the alliance I never see it. Pagle, Benediction, Grob, Atish “spelling on that last one”, are the people I am always in Q with…

I think I’ll do an experiment. I have an 80 horde priest I’ll get it to 85 today and spam heroics and see if I have these issues that you claim are such a huge problem.

EDIT: Okay so I lied, I don’t have an 80 horde priest… or at least I don’t know what I’ve done with it, I could of sworn I had one on Mankrik but just have a 69 warrior over there… and I’m not going to level a healer from lvl 1 just to do this experiment… Oh well.

This quote is just SOOOOO tired.

You LITERALLY CAN’T just BE BAD at spamming your most heal:time efficient spell. If a Paladin is freecast spamming Flash of Light on you and you’re dying, it’s on you & the group. And if you’re DYING through that, I can guarantee you, the Paladin does not have the GCD to spare in order to get something like Sac on you.

Particularly, in some of these dungeons, like Halls. If a group lets the Lancers cast everything, the healer will not be able to keep up. You gotta do SOMETHING about it.

But these groups aren’t doing anything. Same with the Vortex dungeon. People are keeping mobs in the electric triangles, or they’re skipping past the barrage wisps while having aggro, pulling the next group while backtanking the wisps and expecting the healer to push through it until we leave aggro range. They’re staying in the storm clouds, saying to themselves, “Not my problem, it’s the healer’s problem.” And then they’re getting past those pulls with a death or 2 or 3, and kicking the healers each time and replacing them with a new one. Pity for the healer that gets these groups at the start, rather than coming in late after the first healer already pushed through the hardships. All the while, the party will think, “Wow, this new healer is much better, we don’t have any issues anymore!” But in reality, those pulls are done with now.

I’ve seen EXACTLY what I describe in this topic from ALL angles of these events occurring. I’ve been that first healer. I’ve been that new healer being praised, even though I don’t have to deal with the hard pulls that people always mess up as the tank/DPS. I’ve BEEN the DPS, watching healers get kicked for no reason.

I’ve seen it from all angles.

It’s bad. It’s real bad out there.


I have seen it happen once to a healer and once to a dps (the vote kick was successful, but I voted no) but I do agree, I don’t think (imo) it is as bad as some of these rotating alts are making it out to be.

Does some of it happen yes. Do most of the ones being kicked deserve it? I’d say yes (given how most of the folks are so unaware they are toxic by most of the forum postings and the CS forums crying “I got suspended but did nothing wrong” only to have a blue show up and go, yea you did.

You absolutely can be bad at Paladin healing. You claim you’re not, but you’re also getting kicked out of groups regularly—something I’ve never experienced on any of my healers, including my Paladin.

In Halls, we never CC or interrupt; we just burn through everything, and I never have an issue keeping the tank up. Even when I first started doing heroics in full 339 PvP gear, I never had issues. So, I’m not sure what you’re doing wrong, but it’s clear you’re missing something.

Because honestly, if you’re experiencing this often while the vast majority of us are not, it must be something you’re doing.

I have 59 level 85s online in my guild right now. I just asked them if they’ve seen a lot of people getting kicked in dungeons. Of all the people that replied, all but one person said no. The one person who said yes is a healer—and they are honestly pretty bad, so this kind of tracks with me thinking that maybe it’s a you issue. Or like I said before, maybe it’s just different on the horde side.

at some point healers just need to adjust for the sake of the party.
ur gonna get bad dps and the good healers are the ones who simply just deal w/
it for the most part. also if ur spamin flash of light then ya ur gonna go oom in
like 4 casts.

this is where u need to learn to use holy power and use cooldowns
but a bit of the time i get dumb dks who stand in bad, if they die most
times they be like “sorry mb” ive never been verbally blamed or kicked yet.

Why some wanted RDF.

Before this you had to suffer this. They are here. For good or Bad. Pita to replace, you just dealt with it.

Some tanks do like to blame dps. Good tanks I have worked with in say 80 to 85 either:

ask what gear dps has. Some of my chars I can say full gemmed/enchant wrathful till I get better from cata runs. Or for some its…trash greens. from the run to 80 or crafteds on AH.

or pull small test groups. Then Add add on more over time if we dps got it. either dps can handle it or not. RNG decides that really. My 82 human hunter has had trash luck with rng. Past 2 85 runs were nice to me. Now RNG says I pay for that lol.

Shamans make out nice…they get all the shaman mail they could ever want. I greed that since off stats. If Shaman needs rolls, its theirs.

Can finally confirm this is true. I was in a group last night, Stonecore Heroic. Healer died to the second pack because he “accidentally” pulled the extra flayers while the group was already on the second big group. After he wanted to completely re-buff everyone before going. First boss healer and dps died during the submerged phase while standing where the boss was jumping from the ground. After boss and res’ i pulled the single golem after the boss, healer and 2 dps died from the jump mechanic. I then got kicked for moving too fast and not allowing the healer time to re-buff anyone and for the dps dying.

While I agree that it’s probably not actually that bad, I did have an experience while leveling my pally while playing with my dad (a druid). My dad and I were in the same room to communicate easier.

He was doing low dps bc he is new to dungeons/has no clue what a rotation is, and had bad gear bc he didn’t do much at cap in WotLK. The thing was, the group didn’t vote to kick him. They voted to kick me, the healer, with the reasoning being “Useless healer”. The run was going smoothly and only my dad had died once due to not knowing mechanics. Luckily, it didn’t pass, but still, was a wild experience.

This doesn’t work. I said I’m spamming Flash of Light and still not keeping up. Don’t talk vaguely, be specific. Other than Lay on Hands, what would you have me STOP casting Flash in favor of?

Don’t act like Word of Glory is off GCD. In fact, don’t even act like it heals more. Its strength is mana efficiency and instant cast. But in terms of healing per second, Flash of Light is king. I didn’t say i ran out of mana and that’s why the tank died. I said they were taking 80% of their hp every second.

As soon as you hit a GCD on something that isn’t Flash, the tank is dead. So tell me. What would you have me do?

Again, the “get good” line is so tired. Yes, paladins have more mechanics to healing than just Flash spam. But if you’re struggling to keep them afloat, seriously, tell me what better abilities to spend my time on than emergency Flash spam?

Hell, tell me when Flash spam has failed to top someone off.

Once you answer that, maybe then you’ll understand the situations I’m in. For the 100th time… you can’t “spam Flash of Light incorrectly”. You just hit the button. And then hit it again. And then again. And again and again and again. If a tank is still dying… maybe they aren’t much of a tank???

But thanks to The Internet™, everyone would rather just say i “did it wrong”… somehow.



Hey Skillshock… how many alt accounts do you pop between to agree with yourself on the forums? Did you forget to swap back to Skillshock before posting this reply? Yikes.


So one time in how many runs? That’s far from… problematic. Annoying for the person it happened to once in a bunch of runs? Sure, no doubt, but a wide spread pandemic like Skillshock/Hottiepants is making it out to be? Nah not in the slightest.

What I find interesting, is they STILL think they are good at healing when they are consistently getting kicked out of groups for poor healing. When many of us, heck I would say the MAJORITY of us, don’t have that issue.

At some point, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and understand that yes… it’s you that’s the problem, and then simply get better.

EDIT: By “you” in my statement above, I mean the people complaining about getting kicked all the time for their performance. (Something I’ve yet to see happen a single time).