Yeah, those topics are right, lol. The vote kickers are pretty awful

So your 1 time this happens is enough for you to want them to change it… when the alternative is one person being able to grief endless groups. Got it.

My only question about this situation is. Was most of the group from Faerlina?

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Oh I read it.
I just call BS. Even in starting gear heroics we’re easy to heal.

If a tank isn’t pulling 2 packs at once, they’re griefing

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It would be a fast vote kick on you and you’d best believe the rest of the group would hit yes

Your Walmart employee mentality where you try to take a power trip as a tank because you have no power in your job is old and nobody cares. A tank is not in control, you obey or get replaced. Who do you obey? The needs of the group and the need is efficiency.

Maybe you’re just a bad healer and they wanted somebody who can handle normal pulls of 2 or 3 packs at once.

I have seven 85’s. And I do heroics on all of them and not once have I ever been vote kicked. I’ve also never SEEN anybody vote kicked for performance, and I’ve seen some stinkers.

My guess is you’re either making this entire situation up, OR you said something stupid in chat so you got the boot.

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LOL – I don’t ever get kicked as a tank just the opposite. I could initiate a vote kick as a tank and the entire group would approve it. I have never done it (yet) but it is always an option.

Exactly what is a “Walmart employee mentality”? I’d love to know. Care to fill me in on the details?

I hate to say you are lieing. But you are lieing. Or you have bad/selective memory. Groups absolutely are kicking for the slightest thing.

I’ve even seen a group pull too much, group wipes then they boot the gearing/lowest dps. that person did just fine…is gearing. thats the PURPOSE of running heroics.

but rather than “my bad, i pulled too much” or “my bad, healer wasnt ready”
kick the lowest damage dps.

it’s actually kind of comical the attitude of players. Starting to make me think of what I hear league of legends is like


This is why I feel they do it.

That won’t last forever.

Maybe it’s a horde thing on a streamer server like Mankrik that it’s common. I’ve geared all my toons to pre raid BIS and I’ve literally never seen a single person vote kicked from a group outside of them talking trash or somebody disconnecting or being afk.

Why would I lie about it? You can go back and look at my posts, I’m not a contrarian at all and don’t disagree for the hell of it. But if you’re seeing multiple kicks or if you’re getting kicked, maybe it’s a you thing, because like I said. I’ve never seen it.

I havent seen it so it doesnt exist" :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::clown_face:


With the VERY large sample size of heroics and normal dungeons that I’ve run using RDF, and the fact that I’ve not seen it a single time tells me that it’s clearly not a wide spread problem. If it were a wide spread problem then I would have seen it at least a hand full of times and not zero.

Again, if you’re getting booted constantly out of dungeons it’s a you problem.

I don’t quest on any of my toons. I level only by dungeon grind and then quest at 85. With 7 max level characters and a few others 81+ That’s hundreds of dungeons ran using the RDF tool.

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Did it ever occur to you that the opposite could be also true? That maybe it’s a you thing? The fact that you haven’t seen the toxic behavior could easily just mean it’s only you that hasn’t seen it while everyone else is seeing the toxic behavior or has seen it.

In the realm of possibilities, you are statistically possible. And for the record, no, it is not a “Horde thing” only. It’s an “Internet thing.”


So you’re saying that I have a toxic bubble around me that prevents toxic players from doing toxic things? That’s pretty crazy to think that.

Statistically I find it VERY hard to beleive that in all the dungeon runs I’ve done and never seen the type of behavior that some people claim on here exists to the magnatude of it being a “major problem” is next to zero.

I’m not saying it’s NEVER happened. I’m saying it’s rare enough that I’ve never seen it, and if it’s that rare, it can’t be that wide spread or a huge issue.

A sample size is not a fact; it represents a sampling. Do you understand the definitions of the verb ‘to sample,’ the noun ‘a sample,’ or the concept of logical fallacies? Your post by itself is using flawed logic.

Assuming your sample size speaks for the entire batch is flawed logic, simple as that. Feel free to argue otherwise as that will only prove the point of everyone else here who can clearly see you do not appear to understand why your logic is flawed to begin with.


With a large enough “Sample Size” you can start to form a statitical analysis of things like what this OP is claiming. Beings as I have quite a large “sample size” of dungeons ran, it’s fairly easy to assume that the problem is not that wide spread.

Clearly you don’t understand statistics, or you would not say my logic is flawed.

Large sample sizes reduce the likelihood of sampling errors, and generally provide very precise results, and obvoiusly the larger the sample size, the more it prevents false-positive or false-negative findings.

With that said - How many duneons have you ran using the RDF? And in all of those dungeons how many people were kicked out for performance or from somebody just trolling?

no you’re not a good healer. Tank might be waiting for runes or abilities to come off CD so they can hold the mobs, stay in your lane or we will just assume you wanted the mobs to beat you senseless.

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Pressing X to doubt there chief.
I’ve kicked plenty of tanks, infact I even kicked one today who refused to tank a mob a dps pulled. He got a 30minute deserter buff to give him time to rethink his opinion.

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Believing that not performing in the top 10 percentile is grounds for getting kicked is actually crazy. The “skill” you have most definitely cost you quite the IQ if you think that is conducive to getting new people to play the game. Just garbage takes.


You’ve been in a tiny portion of a % of heroic dungeon runs. People get kicked all the time. For reasons both valid and invalid.


Click “X” for whatever you want “chief” - I could care less about this fake news story.