Xpoff in xpon bg's

Let me try and make this as clear as possible.

I know the exploit exists, because it’s easy to replicate, and if I show anything related to how it takes place or the results of it, I would be breaking the ToS.

It’s easy to replicate, but I can’t show you that, because I have never replicated it. Do you get it yet?

You’re also assuming people haven’t reported this, which is strange. Especially considering you’ve ignored someone saying that they HAVE REPORTED IT.

Well if these methods of attention were brought to those forums, they may not have lasted as long as this thread.
I see the thread there, three hours old and not one reply.
Why not the same approach there? this thread is constantly bumped. :thinking:

To be fair, there were a few SS’s shown a few days ago.

I think that has been the case even before the separation.

Many posts are like that if you spent the time to look, the Bug Report section is not the place for mindless drivel and counter intuitive debate, best just stay over here.

You are here seeking public debate regarding Battleground scripting/exploits, correct.

Am I the only one who found this to be a tad bit… creepy? >.>


Exactly. My classic 60 rogue build, who is going to be stealth duoing dungeons & pvping, is going to have a vastly different build to that of a raider.

Raiding rogues can’t use garrote, rupture, expose armor or any poison besides instant (debuff slots). They can’t use riposte (never get hit, no parries), they get almost no benefit from setup, they gain no benefit from improved stealth or faster re-stealths etc etc. Classic is more than just raiding.

Having the option to do whatever you want is infinitely better than BFA’s hand holding nonsense.

You cut some off there.

No, I did not, I came here for answers and suggestions. Its fine, tonight was a good night, got a great suggestion that hopefully will be productive.
Also I learned a lot how forums work. It was stunning how much I had to defend myself too.
Anyway, Im glad I stuck around I was waiting for a gem, something I hadnt used already, and finally got it from McPriestypoo lol (his suggestion was so obvious its embarrassing) Thanks btw.

Oh and Anitaj, “he who shall not be named” is still a 49, and has been sighted by more people in the xpon bg’s, thanks for the support <3

And no you little cretin, Im a mom that runs a business and a large family, I can forget a name by crossing the room. It happens to the best of us :wink:

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Why bother to even make the change if they won’t back it up and just allow it to be gamed by xp-off people. Twinks that are probably pissed and don’t care about Blizz’s “rules” anymore. Cowardly twinks that can only get their jollies by using exploits now in order to show how good they really are at this game.

Throw the ban hammer at these exploiters.

I didn’t even know this was an issue until two days ago. I came here to see if anyone else had blatant twinks one shotting them in BG’s too and to also figure out if they had actually reverted their stance on the whole xp on/off having seperate queues.

I’ve had this one particular twink in roughly half of my matches I even queue up for. It’s quite bothersome and I’ve wasted time in queue and in BG’s losing because of one “godly” person using an exploit. I should be out of that bracket by now but I’m not. I may just shelf a character I intended to level through Pvping and treat lower level PvP like the garbage system it was before, because it’s basically the same if they don’t fix this.


So it’s all about “being out of that bracket” Why not just join a dungeon?

If it’s borked and exploited in the 40-49 bracket… I’m not doing any dungeons to see if it’s borked in the next bracket. It needs to be fixed.


It sort of ruins that whole idea too.

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Fixed? Sure. Ban? Nope

I’d like to see both. Blizz will do it if they aren’t spineless.

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They suspended bots but you want a ban on twinks :joy:


Okay I will take that down a notch. I said Ban, when perhaps I meant suspension.


Eh still too much. They could just fix it.

I think this exploit goes a little further into the realm of people doing things that people should not be doing. Simply ignoring what’s happening and fixing it isn’t the answer either.

This is worse than simply using a xp boosting pot by just unsplitting a stack in your inventory to me.

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Comparisons, ok.

Just because you have a vendetta ok.