Xpoff in xpon bg's

If you’re the unlucky person that ends up being the 11th or 16th member in a BG because someone is exploiting, you don’t get exp or honor. What they’re doing can dick over someone that’s completely innocent. I don’t think a suspension is overkill. Thankfully it doesn’t seem to be too common.


This sounds like a blizz issue… From what I heard, they queue xp on to begin with so the 11th or 16th member sounds like a bug. Anyway I’m off have a GN!!

I sent you in game mail to this toon here with the “evidence” you need to see. You seem like a capable person so my effort wont be wasted.

Resorting to name calling huh? Adorable.
I am also a mom, also own my own business, and really just do not have time to care about what someone might allegedly being doing in a BG.
If I see them cheating and I can prove it, I will certainly report it, but I would never go to such lengths as stalking them.

Crying on the forums and calling people names is neither helpful, nor becoming, especially of someone who prides themselves on being a mom.


Yeah… this is like… super personal at this point.


Im sorry I called you a cretin, Ive been defending myself all day and Im tired. Im not creepy :confused:

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Look… I’m glad you are passionate about trying to get cheaters banned if they really are cheating.
If I see it, and can prove it, I’ll report them, too.
Twinks get enough bad rap without needing yet another bad mark on their checklist =/


Why is that a vendetta? You really don’t seem to like other people’s opinions at all on the forums. If players are using dodgy ways to get into a xp on bg, they need to be rightly punished. It’s not cool at all.


I dont want anyone to be banned. I want them to fix the NPC’s .


Understandable. Being banned would be a tad bit harsh I guess.
I just hate twinks getting even more of a bad name.

Twinks have had a bad reputation in WOW for a very long time, and rightly so in some cases (Not all I may add). As I have said before if twinks use dodgy means to get into xpon bg’s it certainly does not help in any way. How can you change players with that mindset?

The twink community itself needs to call these toons out. Do they? I don’t see it.

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Exploiting should not be punishment free. It’s astounding this is even a disagreement


By the people who post here? The ones who blow everything out of proportion?

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Many of the things people say are not justified. That does not mean all comments are not. This seems to be the biggest issue here. I’m not saying you have but it’s quite common here for people to support the playstyle and immediately go to insults to anyone who disagrees with them. It can’t be “well, I don’t agree” rather “insert derogatory comment here”. In addition, many who engage in the playstyle love fighting others in the same pool. When those people talk about how they love stomping levelers while using the aforementioned derogatory tactic, it doesn’t quite help the cause. Those are the ones who give the community a bad name. And it’s those same ones who keep the stigma flowing over time.


Earlier I found a comment on XPoff similar to what you’re saying, from who looks to be a veteran twink. It seems fairly relevant.

Probably one of the best ways to have the game more balanced and catered to a group of players in a minority is to make that group not also one that is almost universally despised by those who are not a part of it and considered a group of childish emote spammers, who farm levelers in GYs and make themselves an eyesore on the entire community.

But alas, even a good portion of people here on TI feel that is “Part of the fun” and it “Breeds competition”.


Talk about drawing the line in the sand.


This goes both ways. Has anyone actually read what this person has posted since last August? I was not even part of this debate until I saw Grey posting, non-stop, his childish rants.

You try playing against a level 49 twink who has been exploiting for days.

Sure you’d be singing a different tune.

I’m just done with lower level BGs at this point. Whatever they tried to fix with Xp on/off queues isn’t working because players are doing something shady, wrong and against ToS to keep their advantage against poor leveling folks in heirlooms.

They should have just kept it all the way it was if they’re going to let twinks exploit their game and do nothing about it.

None of this is even worth my time anymore and I won’t be participating in blatantly exploited content any further.

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I played against a few twinks before they separated…

Was it the same person and were they exploiting?