XP buff is nice and all but please stop asking for extension

And? Blizzard decided they were happy people were literally asking for the buff to continue so that they had more incentive to keep playing during the 'tween lull.

incentive to play…yup, wow community is a bunch of whiners.

Op you are being dabbed on and I demand reprisal

Exactly. People with the attitude of the OP confound me. Blizzard charges me a monthly fee, an expansion price and transaction store.

Yet I am supposed to kneel down and beg for their good graces as I pay them money. This type of attitude is why products and government continuously get worse. Because people feel that setting standards, traditions and other ideas as ‘overbearing’.


Hold on, what? When SL drops, we don’t need to do these grinds for the allied races? I’m a bit out of the loop; only just got back into WoW recently. As a result, I’d love to know where you got this info. Been grinding for those so hard since I jumped in late.
I don’t necessarily mind the grind; I just don’t want to waste the effort and time if there’s no reason to do so.

haHA! It got extended :slight_smile:





the paying customers got what they asked for

entitled babies"

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You bet! haHA!

They got it from Wowhead. It was in the files for Shadowlands that the rep grind would be removed.

Essentially meaning that any new player can get the BFA races. Though the Legion ones they’d have to go back for.

Or maybe we’re paying customers…

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OK then. Thank you for the prompt reply. I don’t mind the grind necessarily, I just don’t want to waste the effort and time when there’s no reason to. Already did Army of the Light, Argussian Reach, nearly Highmountain, and the Nightfallen before I heard about this… bit annoying when I could’ve been taking advantage of this XP boost :P.

EDIT: Never mind. Icy-veins has information too. Apparently, only the relevant achievements will be required now.

By the way: 10c? Was that a typo or something I don’t understand whatsoever?

OK, so Army of the Light, etc. are still requiring the rep grind?

EDIT: Never mind; just spotted it on icy-veins. Apparently only the achievements will be required for each race now.

wow token is super cheap, only 130k right now. if you do all your emissaries you get around 15k, full clear blackrock foundry on all 3 difficulties you get about 50k, do any old raid on all difficulties you can get tons of gold. it’s super super easy to make raw gold and get cool transmog and mounts, hell, you can even get BoEs from them and get extra $$ from them.

Boy, you sure ducked out of this thread quickly. Not seen nor heard from since Blizzard’s announcement made you look like a straight up fool .


No I didn’t

I’m disappointed that Blizzard caved in, because now people expect more handouts in the future

You however can’t seem to have enough attention…

If you read the timestamps…

This is what I was referring to, the first post blizzard confirmed before changing their minds

Even wowhead staff believed their first statement of not extending till afterwards

Hopefully this time you were fed enough

Give me a break. More handouts? This is not a real life government program. It’s entertainment… a game that people are paying a monthly sub for. Many of them HATE the leveling in WOW because it’s so long, so tedious and so BORING. Which is not a good thing when one of the features of the expansion was to level up new allied races. Blizzard realizes that an extra XP buff brought people back and are going to continue it until the Shadowlands prepatch, which is probably when the level squish happens. That’s just good business. If you don’t like it, don’t level.


Read that megathread, you have people now asking for a gold buff because “it’s hard to make gold”

Play a tank/healer, you’ll out level every dps that’s leveling right now

I have lost count how many times I have leveled through old content for the past 12 years, I still don’t have dread about questing through old content…

If it’s that big of a deal, you literally just spam tank queue till 80 and you’re on your way to pandaria which is much easier to quest

Also who are you to represent about people’s dreadful moments in old content when it seems you recently joined WoW a year ago?

Which they realized profits will drop because so many people did that “or else!” Stance

Yes the $60 boost is already there for you :grinning:

Whatever floats your boat, because just having access to the game isn’t enough for a whiny customer these days.

How does it feel to be so thoroughly, comprehensively, astonishingly wrong?

As I said all along, they were always going to extend it.