XP buff is nice and all but please stop asking for extension

Blizzard was kind enough to give the 100% exp buff, they really shouldn’t have done it in the first place but they did.

Now that the buff expires next Monday, people are once again demanding for extension or they quit…

This right here is why people can’t have nice things, the moment Blizzard does something nice for all, people want more or they have that “or else!!” Attitude.

You don’t need 100% bonus, that’s what Shadowlands pre patch is there for. The old leveling experience is not dreadful, put up some music, play a tank/healer and go wild at dungeons/quests


Actually, if memory serves, this was a test run for Shadowlands leveling speeds in 1-50 content.

I won’t ask for it, but an extension would be nice given how long this tier will be current.


No one is playing based on the price of the wow token. They should be doing everything in their power to keep people around. Keeping the xp buff going wouldn’t hurt. What else are we supposed to do for the next six months?


Classic since ZG launched

Maybe actually play 8.3 content?


There is nothing wrong with saying, “Hey Blizz, we like this and you would probably retain us longer if you extended it. We are stuck at home, and this is making leveling tolerable.”

Its not a bad thing to be honest with the devs. “If X happens, then I will X…” is not poor behavior. It’s communicating what we like and our intentions.


Oh, so this XP buff is in Classic now?

Plenty of people have, myself included. There’s nothing wrong with people leveling alts faster at the end of an expansion. Raid’s been out for months now.


puts on a whiny voice “But I need a lore fitting alt for each covenant.”


or we could just play something else till the prepatch pops

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Yikes, my glowing draenei friend

He said what to do after the expiration

Since he is playing classic based on his character he posted, I suggested him to to try out ZG :stuck_out_tongue:

Especially since he’s in that certain streamers guild


A whole slew of their competitors were doing stuff like this before they jumped on board. So yeah, they kinda had to.


It actually is. But they really could just stop leveling characters, that was my solution to 7.3.5.

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Been playing FFXIV, it’s pretty neat.


Everything is disagreeable to anyone sadly

But kinda unfair to immediately judge right off the bat when this is how I see it honestly.

For example, the moment mage tower was announced to be removed soon, many demanded it to stay

Blizzard stayed true to their word and we still get threads about bringing it back

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I’m not demanding, I’m asking politely, please extend the xp buff. :stuck_out_tongue:


disliking popular things isn’t a personality trait


do you think Blizzard-senpai is going to notice you for your pro-corporate rhetoric?


I respect your right to YOUR opinion. My opinion on this is if they extend it, that’s great, if not, at least we all had a cool buff. :smile:



Because it was given after people were like “BlIzZaRd give us compensation due to a pandemic or else!”

Had it been out of the blue without anyone’s mentioning of compensation, sure I would have applaud Blizzard

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The shadow lands changes have you level 3 times faster then now (without the bonus). Honestly if they kept it as is for the rest of shadowlands that would be great.

this buff should be the way leveling is and should be permanent…