XP buff is nice and all but please stop asking for extension

This is a very simp thing to say

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I resubbed for the EXP buff. My sub expires in 4 days.

It was fun leveling up this Void Elf Lock from 20 to 120 in a week.

I’m not going to resub until Shadowlands now. No reason to.

WoW is dead in the water until Shadowlands comes out now.


I want extension.


I have seen way more people during this buff, even in draenor, for that reason only we should get an extension.


People have the right to ask for an extension. Please stop stifling people because you have issues about appearing to be rude to Blizzard. If they have issue with it, let them speak for themselves.

Maybe everyone should just stop trying to tell everyone else what to say, how to play, and who to be? And moreover, who are YOU to tell ME what I need? Bugger off with that.


You know I’ve been trying to love that game. The world is beautiful, classes are great, combat/rotations are far more complex then WoW’s. For some reason I just can’t get into it. Sad really because I think on many levels it’s a superior game.

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I have not met ANYONE who has threatened to quit over this.

We cannot have nice things because then we won’t buy boosts.

haha it just needs to release then !!! :upside_down_face:

Yes it is.

I do, some Gorillaz and Pink floyd maybe.

Yeah… but my healers are idiots when i dungeon.


Yeah, WoW is always going to be unique. I think a lot of the attachment here is just purely emotional because there definitely are games out there that are just straight up better in many ways.

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And bravo to them. This singlehandedly almost doubled my time played the last few weeks.

Some people, certainly. You need to understand, though, there’s a difference between “I’m so angry, I’ll quit if you don’t do this” and “If you don’t do this, I’ll have no reason to stay.”

“Ya! You don’t need it at all. That’s why they’re giving it to you as a permanent feature soon. Because you don’t need it. You should wait until you won’t need it even later” /s

I wish to respectfully, but vehemently, disagree. The old leveling experience is DREADFUL. It is absolutely the worst. It is a full day straight of “collect 10 bear livers with a 1/3 drop rate, and once you’re done with that, go kill 10 bear hunters from that area you just left.” Some quests are better. Some zones are better than others.

If you know where to go and what you enjoy, it’ll get easier, but it is still, always, a grind. This is my fifth trip through old content and the only reason I went through that content so much as a second time was because Winds of Wisdom means I need to spend half as much of my life bored out of mind. The combat is unengaging (a vast majority of the dungeons, even have effectively zero mechanics), the story is hit and miss (in some places, actually pretty good. Mostly, it’s bear livers), and progress is painfully slow (yes, even WITH the buff).

I am currently helping a brand new player to the game level his first character. Everything is new to him. He’s excited to play and is reading all the quest dialogue. He had made a point to tell me how much fun he’s having several times. He also starts yawning, loudly, less than an hour into questing. The most excited he’s been so far? When he discovered he can upgrade his mount speed, and when he unlocked his class dash/movespeed buff (“I go so fast!”).

The thing about WoW is that it has a robust endgame. It has the most max-level content I’ve found of any MMORPG, and it’s the reason I keep coming back. Many games will have you reach the level cap and say “what now?” When you reach the level cap in WoW, the answer is “you can finally play the game.” WoW does many, many things right; the leveling experience is not one of them.


I timed my sub perfectly. It ends the day after the XP buff goes away. It’s why I returned, to level some stuff.

No sense to me staying subbed, when in 6 months everything gets overhauled, reset, and Shadowlands leveling will be even faster than the XP buff. I have a backlog of games to finish until then, starting with FF VII Remake and Breath of the Wild.

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can I have a source on that…otherwise it is just conjecture.

People are asking because they are locked up still for longer. So yeah makes sense to want it longer…


Well said and sums up a good chunk of the forum player base.

Why shouldn’t they have done it? What problems are being caused by a 100% xp boost to leveling? Especially since leveling is going to be so much faster in Shadowlands.

A vocal minority doesn’t represent the majority.

Purely subjective. But hey, thanks for your opinion!

Also, they just announced a 100% reputation buff for Legion and BfA reps thru mid-May. I suppose they shouldn’t have done that either?


Why can’t we ask for it? This is going to be a looonnnggg raid tier. People need alts to play. There is enough grinds at max they don’t need to spend all that time leveling too. Seriously they should extend it.

Somebody make OP a blue… I think this games success would sky rocket if we played how he tells us to… /sarcasm

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See, Blizzard sticking to their word

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Classic is boring. Already done the 8.3 content on multiple toons.

This xp buff actually brought people back and some delayed leaving for it. There is nothing wrong with asking for it to be extended. Since leveling in Shadowlands will be even faster and no new content will be added to BfA it makes sense to leave this buff until Shadowlands launches. There is nothing for them to lose in doing so and everything to gain.

I will be leaving if this buff is dropped. I had already planned to before this. My other game has new content being added soon and I wanted to catch up on some stuff before it drops. So yeah if this buff goes bye bye so do I until Shadowlands. It isn’t a “threat”, it’s a simple fact. I was having fun leveling alts but have no intention of slogging it at regular speed when I can level them even faster come Shadowlands. Why would I stick around with this buff gone? Seriously.


It’s confirmed it’s being dropped on Monday based on latest blue response

That’s fine, I’ll be out on Monday then and go play ESO until Shadowlands drops. I’m just one person, I’m sure they won’t miss my sub money :money_mouth_face: