XP buff is nice and all but please stop asking for extension

Which is why I said we can’t have nice things with replies like yours

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If it’s a preview of what levelling will look like in SL why not just keep it?

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Ok white knight. Human Paladin, you are indeed the meme.


Actually, it’s not conjecture. Their intent on the new leveling scale (1-10, 10-50, 50-60) is for 10-50 to be completed within one expansion (BFA for newcomers). They’ve said as much.

Read up on Wowhead.


Leveling as a whole is a chore, anything that makes leveling faster is better. Period.

They should just halve the exp needed in whole to get to 120 and call it done.


I mean in their defense I’m not unsubbing because they’re not extending the XP buff.

I was only subbed because of the XP buff. So now it’s over I’m done.

See? Totally different.


I was going to unsub until Shadowlands and just play out my time. The xp buff would keep me here. Since it’ll be even faster to level in Shadowlands I see no reason to keep playing since leveling alts was all I was doing.


100% right there with you.
And the rep bonus being used for unlocking allied races is a joke since that requirement disappears with Shadowlands as well.

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If that rep buff extended to any rep I might stick around. There are old reps I wouldn’t mind getting up to exalted for recipes, tabards, maybe to buy a mount or two. But it only applies to the factions I already have at exalted LOL. Worthless.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Won’t get what you don’t ask for. Give us that XP boost extension!


I wouldn’t go as far as say i’ll unsub over it, but it would be nice to have an extension to xp buff!

Full disclosure: I DID RE sub because of the buff to xp.



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Same, and you know the fun in leveling alts with the XP buff ALMOST overcame the lack of faith and goodwill with current Blizzard that has kept me from preordering Shadowlands…

But this response to the player request to extend it reassures me that nothing has changed. Not bothering before 9.3 it is.

I am referring to this boost as being a test run, I don’t think it was that. I know what their intentions are for the new leveling zones and the boost iirc was never mentioned as the testing source for it. Hence why I asked for the source of your information.

Honestly though, if it doesn’t affect you in any way, why do you even care what other people want?


I asked for an extension, didn’t get one, though I’m not going to throw a fit about it.

I’m also not going to continue with a subscription, not with the useless reputation buff that excludes old reputations along with 8.3 reputations.

Blizzard can draw their own conclusions as to whether or not extending the XP buff and / or being stingy with the reputations included are better for their bottom line than continuing the XP buff and / or buffing reputations without limitation.


Um no. :man_facepalming::roll_eyes:

I will keep asking nicely. :joy::clap::clap:

This is a joke right ? How much of a fanboi you must be to write something like this.

You act like Blizz did a favor for us ? No. Blizz did this because it brought money to them. If Blizz did not do the XP buff, they would have lost a lot of subs. Pretty much every online service/game is doing this kind of promotion to keep/gain customers who have been stuck at home due to COVID.

No XP buff and Blizz gonna lose subs to other games that do offer better incentives to play their games.

This was no charity, stop sucking up to Blizz.


Yet we got people saying “guess I’ll quit then” because they expected hand outs like the example I replied

I agree with OP. The buff was nice and very generous of Blizzard, and I enjoyed it a lot, but I hope we don’t come to expect this of Blizzard all the time. They are giving a lot right now during these times.

I said this in another thread, but I feel some people are acting like children on Christmas asking where the rest of the presents are.