XP buff is nice and all but please stop asking for extension

I completely agree with this opinion. The leveling experience should be the way it is now and since Shadow Lands already has the experience streamlined, the current buff would be a nice thing to have going forward. If we can’t have it, that’s fine but there’s nothing wrong with hoping for it to extend :smiley:

btw there’s a pretty huge thread on this already, creating a duplicate isn’t optimal.


No, it’s pretty damn dreadful.


I have not seen anyone demanding anything or saying they are quitting.

I have seen Azeroth full of players leveling though.

I know that dude, but we have it, people like it and I think it’s been great for the game.

You know how gamers are Clark, inch is never enough, but in this case it’s only an XP buff we’re getting, not really that big a deal and the influx of happy players seems to justify it for sure.

I think an extension would be great if only to give Blizz a larger marketing window for SL.

We’ve been given so many AR’s, more XP is fitting and by all accounts it’s going that way with Shadowlands anyway.

Stay safe dude!


Thats still a understatement sorta like wow has some RNG…

badooooga, lala loooga, fadooooga”
-Naked tank


Umm no thanks. Carry on! :clinking_glasses:


its literally a win win for blizz
People keep playing/paying longer while levelling alts and it doesnt cost them any extra
being an apologist over this is kinda weird


Leveling in SL from 1-60 takes at most 15 hours. If thats too long for you the issue is with you not the game

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I hope she sees this bro


Nah give us an extension. I kind of like a more faster leveling pace considering that the level cap is at 120 and also the amount of grind players will have to do at said 120


Most companies and countries are extending their quarantine. So why can’t we extend the XP bonus?


People want the extension because the leveling on Alpha is around the same pace, and there’s little left to do in 8.3 for many of us except level alts.

EXP bonus goes, I’m probably doing nothing but BGs as I’ve exhausted most of the content in 8.3 already.

Visions are done. AoTC obtained. I quit arenas. I may not be able to find a group on my server for Mythic.

Like, literally all I have right now is transmog and alts because Blizzard refuses to put in content like player housing.
I rarely let my sub lapse, but if BGs get boring, I’m letting it lapse and finishing the backlog of console games on my shelf.
And Blizzard shouldn’t want that.


The +100% xp buff is desperately needed as baseline. Current leveling is a bad experience and sure, SL is going to fix it in the first real way in years… the +100% is a decent band-aid to get us there and should be made to last until SL launches.


I’m good with leveling until I get to WoTLK/BC 60-80 band… and then my will to level just dies. I have a vulpera warrior that is probably parked until SL because of that. I just can’t force myself to do that content again and the questing is painful.

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That doesn’t mean that’s why they did it. They gave us the buff pretty quickly after the quarantine got heavy. If they gave us everything people whined for on the forums, the game would be a train wreck.


Guild Wars 2 is my go to. Its getting a third expac. :smiley: Good news for all.

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Didn’t your mother teach you to mind your own business?


I’ve got faith in you, Jess! I just got through that myself. If you can muscle it out, the quest clustering is actually pretty decent in BC content. About half of Hellfire and Zangar, then doing all the Hemet Nesingwary quests in Sholozar, then go back and finish off in Netherstorm until dinging 80. That’s what I always do for that stretch. Or if you like Nagrand better… but I know I don’t like the majority of the BC zones, and almost none of the Wrath ones. lol

And what are you going to do besides leveling?
Patch 8.3 lasted 2 weeks and it’s over now. We have 5-6 months of nothing. This buff is amazing and should stay till shadowlands. At least I can level more alts till shadowlands hits

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You know that no one is really going to quit once the XP boost goes away, right? It’s just forum sensationalism. And if they do leave, who cares really? Once SL drops this XP “boost” will be effectively baked into the game

The xp buff is nice and all so can we please get an extension?

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