And where in this thread did I state I liked the phased content?
How long would you think your BG queues would be as an alliance on Pagle? If you think they would be long then you do not understand how BG queues work.
They would. Queue times would be insane for one faction on most servers. Even servers like mine where we came to help the issue get punished since there’s only 100 horde.
I’d quit instantly. So would anyone that values their time waiting around in 30 min+ queues. Its not 2005 anymore. The average person playing classic is much older. The only thing to do between raid nights that last 90 minutes is do bgs.
Of course there’ll be cross server BGs- it’s Blizzard, they don’t gaf about alliance players, but any sign of inconvenience for their precious horde and they leap into action to fix the problem.
What they should do is put all the pve/rp realms together, and all the pvp realms together.
This was a thing in late Vanilla and will continue to be a thing. Bonus honor weekends also spurred participation. If you’re dreaming that without Xrealm BGs your server would someday become balanced. . . keep dreaming. That never happened before Xrealm in Vanilla and there is absolutely even less reason to believe it would ever happen in Classic.
Over time, servers will become more balanced, but never actually balanced. That did happen in Vanilla and will happen in Classic despite XRbgs.
They could instantly fix the problem by adding faction queues, the dominating faction goes into a layer by themselves until their queue is up to go on the layer with the alliance and horde (balanced).
It’s an interesting idea. Why not post it in the bug forum? It’s at least likely to be read by … someone at Blizzard.
i contacted customer support about an ingame issue I was having and they told me that the devs only read the general discussion threads for classic issues.
Really? Because I reported three bugs that have since been looked at… two actually fixed.
maybe their phone support guy didn’t know what he was talking about then
It is possible he just didn’t know. Anyway, it’s a very good idea and maybe you can get someone to consider it.
i have a few more ideas
Actually, I like the faction queue better and here’s why:
It’s just the same mechanic used to populate BGs. They already have it… they could just apply it to server queues instead of only BGs.
The faction-switching would take another trip to the drawing board … and besides there are players who would refuse to participate.
No to CRBGs.
Dilutes the pvp community, and incentivizes balanced factions. If you want CRBGs, there’s retail for that
It might not solve the problem, but its going in the right direction.
Confirmed cross realm at the beginning of the year.
Before cross realm BG que’s could be hour+ long depending on what you que’d for.
By putting the realms into cross realm the faction balance (across all 30ish realms) is about 55-45 in favor of alliance. Just most of the horde chose PvP servers.
BG que’s being short > taking hour long que’s any day.
Just like how DM was to be in phase 2?
Plans can change.
Also, cross realms killed PVP in Vanilla. Hence why Classic WoW is a thing
Cross realms BG’s didnt “kill vanilla”
Thats just dramatic…
It killed the pvp community on vanilla, yes. People did BGs, still, but it became the cancerous zergfest we see today on retail
The BG changes are what turned it into a “zergfest” I am not happy with 1.12 AV but at least its better than not having Classic… and only stuck with retail’s massive imbalances. The imbalances in Classic do -NOT- compare to what they did to retail.
It’s like trying to compare the taste of apples to the taste of a car tire…
And you can also attribute the zergfest to the min/maxers who TURNED it into what it is… But of course, thats not what you wanna focus on.
Let’s not forget getting into a BG that had 60% of the max for one faction, and 100% for the other…
On my server, it was horde heavy. WSG and AB had poor alliance turnout. Most of the time we’d stay back just to get a quick mark!