Hope all you want, 19 days untill CRBGS.
Fact, unchangeable fact.
Hope all you want, 19 days untill CRBGS.
Fact, unchangeable fact.
You obviously haven’t been paying attention.
It’s absolutely happening.
Cross releam battlegrounds are a good thing. No more long wait times. Let the good times roll.
Id quit if it wasnt. The game feels empty as it is despite being on faerlina. I see the same names everywhere. I want cross realm bgs that way im not fighting the same motherfkxefs
Thats not really true. most of us like to pvp but don’t like getting into one sided gank fests.
in phase 6
Funny how people don’t comprehend that… They don’t seem to understand that PVE alliance don’t typically PVP and as a result the horde Q’s will be horrible.
It really doesnt matter. Why? Because the horde is 5:1 in most servers anways. So where is anyone going to transfer to? Even if they only allow you to transfer to low pop servers, that server is gonna end up with more horde than allies too, because all the horde is moving in there.
Theres only one solution to imbalance. Lock down new champions creations for the horde in existing over crowded servers, for anyone who doesnt already have a horde character there. And add faction queues allowing a max of 60:40 horde to allies ratio at a time.
You got a friend in Fairbanks or Faerlina in the horde and you wanna join him? Well too bad, you can both either go to a new server together or he rolls to you server with you. The fact other people want to join already crowded servers shouldnt be a factor in solving the crisis thats already breaking the game.
Cross realm battlegrounds were the big feature of patch 1.12. That’s part of the reason Blizzard chose that patch.
The vast majority of vanilla wow there were no cross realm BGs. It’s not representative of the Classic Wow experience and will take away from the community aspect of the game which is one of the major things that make Classic wow so good. There should be no cross realm BGs
Except for the fact that cross realm battlegrounds were part of vanilla WoW, introduced in patch 1.12 and the version of the game classic is based on.
Exactly! I very much prefer cross realm BG’s for that exact reason. That was one of the reasons they created them in the first place.
I never said it wasn’t in the game. It isn’t representative of the vanilla wow experience. BWL/AQ/Naxx were out in 1.12 so by your logic they should all be released now too.
You don’t get it do you?
You don’t get it do you? Do you even play classic wow? Level 13…
Yes, I only have one single character on one single realm and it’s a level 13 character and it’s the only character I ever played ever in the history of WoW, MMOs and online gaming. You found me out!
It wouldn’t surprise me given the dribble that you are typing atm.
Wow, that was an incredibly witty insult. I am honored by your attack on me.
If you are fine with progressive content release and other non blizz like vanilla changes then cross realm BGs should be released after Naxx
That is such an asinine mincing of words. If your BG has you pitted against a mix of other servers it is by definition cross-server.
LoL, no, they wouldn’t.