X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Chimes doing follow ups for the new system…Can we get the same level of response for this change too?




Can we get an update?

Ion increased player engagement. Blizz learned there lesson an is listening…crickets


@chimes - I know this post is on your list of things to respond to and probably just an oversight … how time flies I mean this event was back in February. I take it since the diablo 4 cross over event is also using the “increased chance” on your first toon you guys are happy with this and it’s here to stay? I must have missed the blue post update or your reply here about the love rocket event.

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If you consider the recent approach for Diablo event using the same kind of system on which the first attempt got a boost and you can still farm it later with a lower %…It seems like they’re going with this approach for this kind of limited time events and rewards.

It feels really bad because not matter the drop %, RNG is RNG…


You know, what I don’t like about this is that it heavily rewards the first attempt of the day, no matter how many toons you use.

Many toons used to be a way for collectors to defeat bad luck, but this way, especially for an event like diablo, where you might want a bag for a few of your alts, I never did it so far, but just to say some random numbers, it could’ve been 20% drop per kill, no matter what, similar to that 34 slot bag that we had from bronjham at the icecrown event pre SL, instead now they used this “increased drop rate for first kill per day on acc” approach, it might as well be 50% for the first kill and then 1% for the others the same day, making it effectively harder to equip several alts with bags in the course of the event, because 5x 20% attempts are already better than 1 50% one for the purpose of getting a drop, and 1% is almost useless in this context.

I don’t know the actual numbers, but just an example of an issue this can cause.


Why, that might mean to have to do the twice/hour event… more than once?? What a tragedy.

Bliz greatly increased the chances but forgot to hit the “apply” button. Maybe next year they won’t miss that button again.

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Blizzard PLEASE for the love of our sanity, just remove low % drops from limited time and holiday events.

I have thosands of attemps on this rocket and nothing to show for it. The “increased chance once per day” isn’t good enough and doesn’t make up for bad luck or hard work (those of us like me that have thosands of attempts with no mount drop).


Don’t give in so easily, make a trial account or use some of your old ones to “loot for the first time” again :wink:

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I am just glad I don’t have to ride this merry go around anymore each year…finally got lucky in 2022 and caught the brass ring…but I do wish all players good luck on next play around next year…

All we are asking for is blizz to respond to thier own blue post.

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Tbh I have a feeling they don’t even read this thread, that’s why they don’t answer, they’re capable to say stuff like “we don’t foresee any changes going forward on this issue” they just don’t see it.

But I agree it was a terrible way to tackle the rocket problem (and that’s as someone who got lucky on it in the eu in 2014, same name), instead of having every daily try 0,03% and the first one on account 1% they could’ve made it 0,5% every single try, like the headless horseman, this would’ve made it much more likely that people doing it with a lot of characters would’ve got it, instead this year we got a case that almost only helps those lucky enough to get it within 15 tries (1 a day) that make up a cumulative 14% chance to have dropped it this year, while the other attempts add a miserable %, unless you use 100 characters daily or stuff like that.

I just want it cause its rare, I never thought it was pretty.

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Linxy what’s the update on how the new drop rate went? Response?

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From now on, the first Heart-Shaped Box you receive each day across your Battle.net account will have a greatly increased chance to contain the X-45 Heartbreaker mount.

Going from .001% change to .002% isn’t “greatly increased chance”. .001% to 5% is “greatly increased.”


We had 4 people get it last event with a guild size of about 15 people.

Keep in mind this guild was much larger in the past and no one had gotten the mount since I was in the guild sometime in Pandaria.


Do this for Love Rocket too!! please


The chance for Evokers to receive the Cracked Titan Gem now increases each time you defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.

  • Developers’ note: We’d like to see Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy become more obtainable for players who are regularly completing the highest levels of difficulty of the raid, while also keeping its status as an aspirational reward that any Evoker may work toward."

This was the solution that a lot of players expected for 1 year before this year…an increase for each attempt.


Ahh yes. The so called increased drop rate. Remember its all talk.


AGREED!!! :wink:
Bad Luck Protection - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)