X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Hey Linxy, Devs

When are you going to check the massive amount of feedback regarding really low drops in game? The same kind of feedback existed for World bosses (It seems like a lot of collectors were save due to Evoker’s bug and not because the drop change was planned)…etc, Devs should realize that bad luck protection that change these grinds into a goal will benefit the game, the time sinks just cause frustation!

Stop the massive RNG that doesn’t have a good balance, all RNG rewards should consider the scenario of a player using 1 character instead of a player doing the maximum possible attempts.


Speaking of low drop rates and stupid RNG they should look into making the dark shaman outfit drop more often and take a serious look at the BS that is their DF rare spawn loot table as every time I kill a DF rare and get a piece of gear it’s something my character that scored the kill can’t use and this is annoying me to no end. I killed three rares on my warlock today for example and it gave me a cross bow, a great sword, and I think something leather. Rare spawns should drop gear the one who slayed them can use and not have a big RNG middle finger happen every single time.


Everything in game should have this by now.


What sense does this make for Blizzard? People have been farming these mounts/items for YEARS, some of them a couple decades. These are people who are keeping an active subscription specifically for the purpose of farming these mounts/items. Who in their right mind at Blizzard would say “Meh, 20 years of monthly subscription time is long enough, let’s give em the mount.”


There is no harm in giving someone the mount after a 100 attempts or whatever it is with bad luck protection.

If having worse luck then this is keeping customers playing the game than the game has serious problems. (Oh wait, it already has serious problems… some of them are due to absurdly low drop rates)


Sometimes these players quit due to the frustation, besides that it makes the game less appealing for future collectors, I won’t recommend this game from a cosmetic point of view due to the massive grinds behind some cosmetic rewards without a bad luck protection in place.



  • Players have really good ideas and thoughts about the game and they want to make sure that they are listening and are more transparent. It’s something they purposely tried to pivot to in late 2021, and have tried to embrace it. They are letting down their guard a little as they never wanted to let the community down by saying something that sounded like a promise that they then couldn’t deliver on and that led to them not talking as much as they should. But without communication, it’s hard to build trust. It’s something they want to show; just how much the team loves the game and are trying to make as many of the players happy as possible. Everything they do, if there’s a misstep or something, it is not because they don’t care and the goal with all of it, is to keep the faith. They’re not going to get it right all the time, but if they’re listening and it’s clear they’re listening, they’ll fix it.

Any communication about how this new “bad luck” approach worked, what’s the plan for the other Holiday mounts? It’s this the expected for next year?

What’s the Dev opinion about players using extra accounts for more attempts with the daily boost?


I wish someone would ask ion during his interviews this very question


I wouldnt recommend anyone to try to 100% any type of collection. Thats just… self inflicted torture even with protection.

That said, the boost on the mount drop was laughably unhelpful


If they’re going to peddle “it wasn’t fun” for the Love Rocket and MoP WB mounts then yeah that should apply to the Infinite Timereaver too.

Put it on the Cata TW vendor, which doesn’t have a mount, and let people go back to having “fun” (whatever that means.)


It means whatever you want it to mean! :slight_smile:

I think it’s whatever they want it to mean.

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There’s people with OCD that can’t physically help it.


That’s neat and I was probably talking about them

Linxy - can we get at least an acknowledgement? I mean ion says you guys listen and try to communicate. A week before the 2024 event is not good enough. Please?

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Well…We don’t get any input yet :), just a couple of months before Brewfest/Hallow’s end, maybe we can notice any change there.

Not a single reply from blizzard or acknowledging any of the player feedback during the entire event and well after.


I’m at over 220 now in antorus for charhound now and getting infuriated every run. Rarity now saying essentially 90% and very unlucky.

The abyss worm over 100 tries. Days farming the garrison riding turtle and nothing. Nightmare whelp 60 kills. And the list of horrible RNG goes one.

I don’t mind putting the work in but eventually give me the mount/pet.

Will most likely one again lead to an unsub soon and I feel this time will be final. Last unsub was over a year right after rustfeathers mount finally dropped after 880ish attempts.


Like I said that would drive me crazy. I only do it for things I actually will use


Well i decided a few weeks ago to bash my head on the worst rng in the game - vixx the collector. Daily heroic lockout with like a 5% chance to spawn and then a low chance at the toy. 13 toons day an lucky too see it once a day. Got his first toy 8 times now and still nothing for the portal toy. No spawns today again.