X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Also, a legendary weapon will be irrelevant for most players next expansion meanwhile cosmetics are part of the account. This was the approach for Legion legendaries (an increase drop per attempt), maybe Devs only do this for gear because players should acquired it when its relevant but a lot of players in the collectors community will love to see this for their content that’s permanent.


You want to take away the rareness of the love rocket from everyone who has it so you can be at 871? And I don’t have it BTW, but I would rather it stay rare, even back where it was before, but blizz did what they did, no changing that now, and then the sha of anger fiasco, which almost did make me angry.

Why are we bringing this up now in July?


This is irrelevant when players before patch 7.2.5 could grind it via characters 15s, If you’re going to meassure rarity which is just a personal value then you must check the date of that goal because depending on the patch it got easier or harder.

We already have changes because there’s an unhealthy approach to really low drop, even reward dev acknowledge this and it was changed, I also got mad due to the MoP world bosses changes but not against the community…this is a problem of Devs not paying attention to this really bad design that last years and should be address sooner.

Because, some collectors would like to see this kind of change for Hallow’s end, next love rocket…etc, also 10.1.7 will have changes to holidays and Evoker legendary new bad luck protection works with an increase % for attempt which was requested as a solution for low % cosmetics by Council members since Reward Dev Chimes mentioned changes for the love rocket grind but the solution this year didn’t fix the grind issues.

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There is a grind issue?

If you take away the grind then you remove rareness, I still don’t have blazing drake and have tried soooo many times that I have been experimenting with doing spine encounter with 1 set of bloods on the ground instead of poping the plates and killing the tendons in 3 turns of waiting, Just have to beat bloods despawn time. But I still would want it to stay rare, but maybe that’s just me.

“It wasn’t rare at one time” won’t sway me, There isn’t much left in the game to look forward to for long time players, I don’t want rare mounts to go away as well. Now I have sha of anger mount, think I ever use it? (no, well… once every blue moon)

Since rarity is only a personal value, it could still be rare, there’s a lot of mounts that only a low % of players own even when it’s a 100% drop. The thread about bad luck protection is that the reward should be a goal that you can accomplish eventually, instead of a pure % that could take years, even if the drop was 99% sure, there’s a probability that a player won’t get it for years. In this case the mount could increase % for each attempt from the original 0.003% to a max of 2-5% not 100% or Devs could even add a vendor for a huge amount of currency that only players that really want the mount will grind it, therefore; it’s still rare.

that’s your personal point of view, but I prefer to use mounts because I like the actual mount, there’s a lot of players that want x/y mount because of its appearance.
Extreme low % is one reason why I won’t recommend WoW, Blizzard just know how to create bad reward systems instead of goals.

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This is being brought up in July because blizzard never responded before the event, during the event or after the event


But the only mount uglier then love rocket is Xinlao. funny how the ugliest mounts take the longest to get.

Chimes? Any updates on your original post for this event?

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It wasnt enough of an increase. This blue post was from last year and people still didnt notice an increase in drops.


I got it before they tweaked the drop rate.

I think everyone should be able to ride the love rocket. Bump those chances! And backfill with prior attempts so those that have been waiting longest have even higher chances.

It’s ridiculous how bad the loot is in this game.


Not a single blue post response to their own post about this event. Sad.


it seemed like a huge increase to me. i got it and so did a bunch of my friends. in every previous year maybe one person i know would get it, if that.

I don’t deny there was an increase, however, Reward Dev mentioned how the grind with every alt possible was the best approach but an unfun experience during 2022’s event and the solution is still RNG, therefore; a lot of mount collectors and players that really want this mount did every possible attempt as always…They didn’t fix the core issue that’s a bad experience by providing a good bad luck protection, it just became another RNG gamble with an unknown drop.

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is there any increase short of “drop rate is now 100%” that will satisfy everyone?


Just check Timerift, You can get mounts from a vendor or via drop, they can even add the gift option like the Wolf/Hypogriph mounts from time rift to change it to a more community event. Drop could work like Legion legendaries or Evoker drop.

check post from Artemisha in Council.

There’s different methods besides a 100% drop…We had this poor reward desing for 10+ years.

that’s impossible, its wow community afterall, I won’t be satisfy with a 100% drop. I even did a post for the anniversary event, it’ll include a new mount

last time Devs changed the drop to 100%, IMO that was a poor decision.


Can I buy with tendies? Waiting for your reply …… 5 months and counting.


I’ve been ghosted by linxy. Sadge

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And by Chimes, but it wasn’t only you…We’re already back to the same level of response like BFA, just by checking how they treat feedback forums like PTR, Council.

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Checks in….sees use of “tendies” and “sadge”……slowly backs out.


No. Increased drop rate doesn’t mean you’re going to get it, or ever will. The OP was lost in translation sadly. Lot of angry people in this thread. I mean, I’m all for the increased drop rate, just don’t come complaining when you still didn’t get it. RNG doesn’t work like that.

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