Wyrmrest Confessions

I’m sure I’ll pop in now and then! I just always promised myself I’d never linger around on the forums if I didn’t like/wasn’t playing the game anymore. I didn’t want to be a negative voice repeating myself over and over about how bad the game is, because I myself find that can sap the enthusiasm away from the people who are genuinely having fun and who come to these forums to talk about a game they really enjoy!

So… I’ve been on hiatus since the beginning of February, and tbh I tried to come back and I’m just not having fun in WoW anymore. The new expansion just isn’t something I’m vibing with personally.

But I do love this community and I’ve had some super awesome memories here. I doubt I’ll stay away forever, even if this is so far my longest ever break from WoW in over a decade haha. I’m sure one day I’ll be drawn back to Azeroth again.


9.1 drops on June 29th and when I saw it, my immediate thought was, “don’t care lol”.

Conflicted. I’ve been playing WoW for so long and this is probably the first time in all those years that I genuinely shrugged. Apathy has set in for current expac.

I’ll pay attention to getting flying and the transmog glasses. I’m not sure I’ll care about anything else in Shadowblands. I’m enjoying playing my Belf back on Azeroth.


It was me Barry, I was the jailer!


sylvanas is going to survive the raid.

proof: the novel comes out in February and they wouldn’t release a book for a recently dead and gone character.


Only thing that matters is we are 1 step closer to being out of Shadowblands and Blizzard is floundering enough that pragmatic business might force them to fix their plans.

Also, interesting rumor, supposedly Disney is eyeballing Blizzard as it’s next big purchase. Part of me is leery about the idea… but honestly The Mandalorian, Clone Wars and Bad Batch show Disney at least pays enough attention to yeet people who cant make them money from big franchises, even if it takes longer than preferred.


I’ve been saying Disney is going to buy Blizz-Act for a while, semi joking semi not (and not really pure speculation, either). I think the game will be tanked/trashed further first.

I’ve been very casual but am happy to hear 9.1 is coming as I’m looking forward to running the new mythic mega dungeon with my guild ^ _ ^

I don’t foresee them buying Activision.

They’d buy Blizzard for one reason

The Blizzard properties would be right up disney’s alley in how much bank they’d be able to make with them with a little tender love and care

also probably the only chance we’d have of seeing an Arthas movie. Before you comment, just remember Deadpool is technically Disney now too.

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I don’t think Blizz/Act is really separate at this point. Bobby would tank things more to push a sale and then cash out. Though I suppose they could chop things for a sale :face_with_monocle: – not the norm with Disney, they tend to go for the full umbrella.

I’m well aware of them buying Marvel and others yeah, and I know they’d monetise the crap out of WoW with their media machine. We’d get a lot of content and it would very likely be a lot better than what Blizz/Act pushes out now (the novels and single movie etc.)

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I could see it happening like that for the sole purpose of Activision, outside of Blizzard properties, really would not have something Disney would be backing up a money truck for.

That said, I fully expect if Disney buys Blizzard, there will end up being a Disney+ Overwatch show. Starcraft would likely be on a backburner since they already have a Sci-Fi Juggernaut.

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thrall in kingdom hearts


I look forward to having glasses so I can do some gag about putting on glasses to read something and then stating I actually don’t know how to read.

/em pulls a pair of glasses from his pocket and quickly puts them on before holding the parchment up to his face and saying “I don’t know how to read.”

Otherwise gonna get flying and then maybe power level the rest of my alts to 60 so I can keep on farming old raids in the vane hope Legion raids get tuned down so I can finally start collecting the rest of the monk sets.

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Disney have a bad track record when it comes to MMOs.

Pirates of the Carribean online,

Toontown online,

I think they briefly owned Club Penguin?

SWTOR was before Disney bought star wars so they don’t get the credit (or blame) for that

I’ve decided that I’m going to come back when there’s, like, 2-3 months left of Shadowlands.

By then I imagine all the catch-up mechanics will let me play the game at my own pace and I can focus on finishing/unlocking whatever I want to carry with me into the next expac.


I’m betting ten gold on this being how it ends: between now and February, the Jailer will reveal that he was obviously playing Sylvanas all along and he was the reason she saw the Maw when she jumped off Icecrown to lure her into serving him.

Then we will all do a surprised Pikachu.jpg expression and admit that Sylvanas was obviously just a tool the entire time, so she won’t be forgiven, but we aren’t supposed to hate her anymore. At the end she will sacrifice herself to help us destroy the Jailer and Tyrande will be the one saying: “I suppose we underestimated her all along.” Get it? Because she hates her now, so when it comes from her, we will totally believe we should also like her again.

I don’t foresee them buying Activision.

They wouldn’t buy Activision, no. That would majorly jack up the price. However, what might happen is that they could buy Blizzard. Blizzard titles are the “step-child” of revenue at Activision Blizzard. They are running half a dozen games and barely make as much revenue as King with their easy to develop, quickly out the door mobile titles. If Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 will take even longer than 2022 to release and revenue for WoW continues to drop, I could see Activision and King being eager to go at it alone and get rid of the cost because the ROI from Blizzard’s titles is too low.

Not saying it will happen or is likely, but IMO it would be how that would go down.

stop there


The only WoW rp I’ve ever done before now has been on the forums:

Plenty of sinning going on there :slight_smile:

Gonna confess here that once I’m done with 9.1 content I’ll probably let my sub lapse. The push over the edge was the !SPOILER! datamined cinematic with Mal’ganis going “wE wERe MaNiPulATinG tHe LeGiON AlL AlOnG”. !SPOILER ENDS!

This expansion has managed to retroactively ruin the two most popular and important villains of the game. I can handle poor expansions of lore but this is going back to previous lore and gutting it to make this awful knock off Thanos with the personality of a potato relevant. It’ll take some seriously good RP to keep me subbed at this rate.


oh yeah i’ve been going over all the New Lore coming in 9.1 and like

top 10 cringe warcraft lore moments


shadowlands is to legion
in how endgame thanos was to infinity war thanos



countless realities

Look he is just literally claiming that he is playing infinity dimension chess now