Wyrmrest Confessions

I’m actually kinda glad that 9.1 is taking as long as it. I do see people quitting and interest waning but more for recruitment. We had to rebuild our raid team for Slands and teach people- with the difficulty spike of Denathrius it’s going to be a struggle to get it. But, I’ve progressed as a raid lead and so many of our raiders have progressed as players that I have no doubt we will get it- just glad that we have the time to.

Besides, a well managed RP guild can survive content draughts way better than any other kind of guild.

I was silly enough to buy a 6 month sub back at the start of January so I’ve been trying to log in from time to time, see if I can rekindle my interest in WoW and RP. But it’s just… gone. I want to be excited about the story and my characters like I’ve always been - but it feels like I’ve lost the ability. After over ten years of near-constant subbing - going through all the ups and downs of WoW along the way, I feel like it’s finally gotten too much for me.


I found a new table top RPG system called Sentinel Comics which is for RPing super heroes.

I already approve of it since it is relatively refined while allowing rule of cool to be present. It also lets a character not have dice roles determine if they’re a hulk or a noodle.

Excellent, now criminals everywhere will quake in fear at the name…The Noodler.

I’m just reading through the PDF of the thing called Sentinel Comics.

I already adore this system. They also have rules that your hero running out of HP doesn’t mean dead, it just means ‘out’ (i.e, out of being able to influence the scene in dramatic fashion). Unless the player chooses dead, then they’re dead.

Also how the gameplay itself is structured is really really nice.

i confess that it really do be like that sometimes

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I just looked it up to satisfy my curiosity, and it appears to be based off of/from the makers of Sentinels of the Multiverse, a game my wife and I play on the regular! Mostly irrelevant since the mechanics of a card game probably don’t even slightly translate to a D20 game, but I bet some of the example characters in the book are the same, given that they have Legacy front and center on the cover.

Distinctly possible. I was never familiar with Sentinels of the Multiverse, however, so I am pleb in that regard.

Has enough time passed where you’ve been mad at someone to kind of forget or stop caring why you’re mad at them

Like I came to the realization I’m mostly still mad out out of momentum

Really? I’m still mad about arguments I had 10 years ago.

Yeah. I’m not so well adjusted.

My assessment? Umgak.

Alas, my forum activity has dropped enough for me to lose TL3. So many memes left unposted, what a shame.

I be heartin topics I hate too

Despite leaving the game for a while I had a chat with some of my old guildies earlier this week (as I like to stay in touch). As part of one such discussion I mentioned, as a total aside, that a small part of me is tempted to make a Lordaeronian HUMAN (Since the Forsaken Lordaeronian history is such an integral part of my RP, and it’d be interesting to experience that longing for home from the other side). But it was a very small part of me that thought that. An aside comment, certainly not an immediate plan to make a WoW character when I’m not really enjoying WoW.

I then found out the very next day that the two friends I was talking to, both very big Horde fans, had full-on planned out and created Alliance RP characters to play with me if I made the human character, in the hope that it’d bring me back to playing WoW.

I’m super touched and… actually somewhat tempted to play with them again LOL, despite the fact I’m not liking Shadowlands atm. Sometimes it truly amazes me just how awesome the connections can be in WoW. You can build awesome friendships in this community. Makes me miss everyone, and it’s a big part of why I’m checking out the forums again.

The real question on my mind now though is should I play again? I dislike Shadowlands story-wise, but I miss my friends. Guess I’ve got to mull that over.


For what it’s worth, I have a separate trial account just for level 20 RP characters that I can hop on during times I’m not subbed, like now. There’s definitely some inconveniences but you can work around them.

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i confess i thought of a stream gimmick of having “designed” technical issues/difficulties/errors and i kind of like it but i’m not immediately creative enough to follow through with it

Vandrel put your hood back on. You’re disrupting the natural order.


Also doing some refinement for the general setting of my superhero novel. Someone mentioned I should do a proper homage and say that the world’s most popular autobiographies are series of comic books for each of the settings most famous/feared heroes/villains.


I don’t play anymore but as a former regular poster, I just wanted to come back in this negative time for a bit and say something positive.

The WoW RP community has been a really positive, special part of my life and it’s truly been an honour to hang out with you guys, both here on the forums and in game (for those I’ve RPed with and played with over the years! :smiley: )

Thanks for making this server a great place to be for all these years. It’s been awesome, WRA! And while I may not be currently playing the game, I’ll always have great memories of the decade-ish I RPed in WoW!

Love you guys! Miss yas! I hope everything’s going well for everyone.


I legit forgot I even made this thread…

:cry: Please don’t be gone forever. Visit now and again okay?