Wyrmrest Confessions

all of my hours in 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel have lead up to this

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i just think it’s amazing that with 9.1 danuser has pulled the “actually, WE were the ones behind everything all along!!” card twice with the revelation that






the dreadlords are responsible for sargeras’ fall, the creation of the burning legion, the corruption of argus, and have been manipulating literally every other cosmic power this entire time

but also

the first ones apparently represent a 7th cosmic force (lol, lmao) and created the light and the void so that they’d give birth to the physical universe or something??

so literally everything ever is a russian nesting doll and no one has ever actually been responsible for anything ever at any point because there’s always someone else pulling the strings, always and at all times



“It was I how directed that rock towards Tiffin’s head, which caused Anduin to be raised by a single parent and eventually have his dad slain leading to him being the king of the Alliance when I needed!”

Wait WHAT?

W H A T ? ? ?

Please tell me this isn’t true. Please.



there is no mercy here

haha oh god https://twitter.com/TheRedShirtGuy/status/1406011419204767747

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This isn’t how you write fantasy, when you create the laws of the universe you don’t break it. This isn’t a clever twist, it’s just lying to the audience for shock value.

It’s going to take some very good RP to let me ignore this stuff and keep me subbed.


we are fully entering the danusinematic universe

hold on tight, lads

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You know you screwed up as a writer when Altielle genuinely gets angry. They’re the most easy-going person i’ve ever met on the forums and in-game.

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maybe the 7th cosmic force was the rp friends we made along the way :pensive:


not gonna lie

Disney buying Blizzard and Thanos snapping Shadowlands and Danesuer out of existence would earn them some redemption points.


Given how Shadowlands is going, I’m also fully expecting that there is gonna be ‘retconns’ where someone dismisses this as “Yeah, those guys were full of poop.” and the Dreadlords remain present, but not that all-encompassing force.


I love the game and its history but they’re pulling the lore apart :sob:


get ready for the exciting new enemies even stronger than the first ones: the primal ones! you wont even believe what happens when they face an even mighter foe: the primordial ones! etc etc etc


I just want to go back to fighting Demons and big monsters. And not 
whatever the heck is happening with this expansion.

No wonder I’m starting to RP my characters coming back from the Shadowlands as disoriented and confused and experiencing out of body syndromes; it’s just all weird.

Blizzard, maybe you guys should just go with that Mongrel Horde idea you bounced back in the day before WoD. Let Hogger emerge as the mighty king of Gnolls or something.

Maybe we can relive being wiped by Hogger at level 10 and having to amass armies to fight him. It’ll be like old times, it’ll be great fun!


I would love a Pixar Overwatch movie
though they would probably make Tracer’s girlfriend a really close college roommate or something.

On the topic of WoW. Just how powerful and godlike our our player characters going to get at this point? We’ve taken out old gods, Lich Kings, infinite demon armies and the titan soul of a planet etc. WoW is going the same route that old school Everquest did after the Planes of Power expansion where players killed literal gods
like where in the world do you go from there?


Shut up and take my money!

now, the dragon ball-ification of wow with its ever escalating threats sucks.



the first ones truly are better than the void lords.


i can’t wait for the next expac where it’ll be revealed that the First Ones were created by the Primordials who are the children of the True Gods who formed from the remnants of the Ancient Ones who died fighting the Shadow Kings who were themselves created by the Ur-Titans but then all of this is actually the dying fever dream of some elf in FaerĂ»n who tried to smoke something he found in Shedaklah


hey! after reading this im literally foaming at the mouth


You forgot to mention the Giga-Gods who are behind the impending collapse of the multiverse
remember alt-Draenor? Well its back
 we gotta go back and stop them and High Exarch Yrel from collecting all the chaos emeralds or something and smashing Draenor into our reality. Collect apexis chrystals again and this time power up your secret decoder rings and find out the dark secret about Kadgar’s beard or butthole or something. Journey back and rebuild your garrison which will still not be player housing and no Ogres or Arakkoa playable races cause eff you.

Buy the EPIC LEGENDARY SUPER ULTRA EDITION DIGITAL DOWNLOAD and get a dunce hat cosmetic and the new fart cloud mount $89.99 Bobby Kotick needs another yacht.


They’ve done it. They’ve jumped Gral, the loa of sharks. There is no coming back from this kind of cosmic lore power play.


i don’t really understand the new lore books about the 7th cosmic force and what they imply, could someone please clarify it for me?

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