Thought I’d re-post some old stories that were lost in the WoW forum reboot of a year or two ago. Enjoy!
The Forsaken…how pathetic. Grieving over their loss, lamenting their suffering, clinging obsessively to a shadow of their mortal lives with its community and profane politics; as if they held any real significance when they lived. They fail to realize that our very existence proves otherwise…and that what we have become, the suffering that we are, is the only real truth: our undeath is the perfection of being—Light extinguished…Life exsanguinated…Lawlessness’ reign …living rot…corruption personified…the apotheosis of anguish…the consummation of injustice …insanity deified…deity defiled…incarnate Decay—the remnant…the residue…of Life’s ashes that will never again permit the proverbial phoenix of hope, light and law to rise! We are Life flayed, torn and made to look upon its own evisceration in endless, unceasing horror. How de-lightful!
It is our sacred duty to evangelize.
The life of every Kaldorei child burned alive this eve was our sacrifice to the Heart of Shadow, in defiance of and in service to the Light— for the Void is the hollow Heart of the Holy.
Yet, even more profound than those elven bodies consumed by our flames, even more profound than the ashes of the World Tree itself, is the ravaged soul of each and every honor-bound Orc, Tauren and Troll whose spirit was broken by her participation in our new war, having torn through Ashenvale and Darkshore with a ferocity not shown since the Orc’s demonically inspired invasion of this misbegotten world.
Our Dark Lady was careful to ensure that Teldrassil burned by their hands, making them ours. By her hand have we violated their sense of meaning and purpose so severely, defiled their honor and spirit so profoundly, that their hearts and souls will be made as undead as ours. To have ravaged this land and its noble people so savagely, without discernible purpose or benefit to the Horde, without any reasonable sense of honor, the once equally noble tribes of the Horde will be without means of justifying their actions—of living with them—even to themselves.
And as the trauma of that to which they have been party—what they have done with their own hands—comes to a crossroads with surviving the fierce vengeance of the Alliance, they will have no stories to tell themselves, no words, nor priests, nor chiefs to which to turn to give meaning to their struggle to save their now perpetually jeopardized lives…besides our Banshee Queen.
And then…oh, and then…the things their hands will do…
Sequels (still on new forums):