As promised in the main post, the WRA community is already hard at work, networking and collaborating together to help expand this project’s goal of fostering more open roleplay on our server.
To those of you who have joined WCP platforms for networking, to stay up-to-date on upcoming RP events, or simply to hang out, please know that every bit helps! We are so pleased to have you and are so grateful for your continued enthusiasm and love for Wyrmrest Accord.
To those who have yet to join, please know this community is happy to have you whether you host events, attend them, or simply wish to be in-the-know about when they are happening. Here’s a look at some upcoming RP events on our server…

[N-RP] Lounging in Legerdemain - Metal & Wings, March 24
When: 3/24/2022 5:30pm (server)
Where: Legerdemain Lounge, Dalaran (Northrend)is back in town and hosting another bar night. Come on out to eat, drink, socialize, and look forward to meeting a very special guest!
[N-RP] Dance of the Earthmother
When: 3/24/2022 6:00pm (server)
Where: Outskirts of Feralas (Coords: 88, 32)invites everyone to the first Dance of the Earthmother of the new year! Aid them in their ritual to help the Earth Mother with her transition from frigid Winter to breezy Spring, followed by an eventide of feasting and dancing.
[A/N-RP] Kalimdor United Monthly Storytelling Event!
When: 3/26/2022 5:00pm (server)
Where: Stone Circle of Feathermoon Stronghold, FeralasDenizens of Kalimdor come together during this monthly gathering to tell stories, recite poetry, sing songs, and express themselves creatively in a myriad of different ways. This month’s theme is Favorite Foods!
[N-RP] Quilen & Cloud Teahouse Open In Sri-La!
When: 3/27/2022 4:00pm (server)
Where: Sri-La Inn, Sri-La Village (OOC), Kunbo’s Wharf (IC)Join Kunbo and friends for his weekly teahouse event in Sri-La! Enjoy pandaren cuisine with a local flair and a friendly, casual atmosphere. Life is meant to be savored!
[A-RP] Open Combat Training: Archery Drills
When: 3/27/2022 5:30pm (server)
Where: Warrior’s Terrace, Darnassus (OOC), Mount Hyjal (IC)The invite all interested in learning to defend themselves and their lands to a public drill session, focused on archery techniques.
[N-RP] Fancy Cakes is Moving - April 2022
When: 4/03/2022 5:00pm (server)
Where: Antonidas Memorial, Dalaran (Legion)Fancy Cakes is moving its operations to Dalaran! Come enjoy what this long-time weekly cafe event has to offer.
[A-RP] Public Combat Drills
When: 4/03/2022 5:30pm (server)
Where: Warrior’s Terrace, Darnassus (OOC), Mount Hyjal (IC)The invite all interested in learning to defend themselves and their lands to a public combat training session.
NOTE: You need the Dazzling Rod toy for this event.
[A-RP] The Mistcrane Teahouse (Recurring)
When: 4/09/2022 5:00pm (server)
Where: Paw’don Village, The Jade ForestPatrons of the Alliance are invited to sit back, relax, and enjoy eachother’s company at this cozy monthly teahouse featuring an array of Kaldorei and Pandaren cuisine.
[A-RP] April 22nd, 6 PM. Free Food, Drinks at the Blue Recluse
When: 4/22/2022 6:00pm (server)
Where: The Blue Recluse, Stormwind CityAn anonymous benefactor has agreed to pay for all food and drinks of visitors to the Blue Recluse from dusk until dawn. Come on down and don some Noblegarden attire to celebrate the season!
[A-RP] Noblegarden in Thundermar - April 23rd
When: 4/22/2022 4:30pm (server)
Where: Thundermar, Twilight HighlandsEver the patrons of nature, residents of Thundermar have graciously chosen to open their Noblegarden revelries this year to allies from across Azeroth. It’s sure to be an eggcellent eggsperience!

Those interested in joining the project, either to network, or simply to stay up-to-date on events, can access our platforms from the links below. All are welcome
Thank you all for your continued contributions to the Wyrmrest Accord community!
~ The WCP Moderator Team

Networking Platforms
WCP Discord | Click to Join | |
In-Game Community | Click to Join |
Moderated by: Maeshkin, Thomas, Feyawen, Raseri, and Cyli