Wtf? vote kick needs a warning system

It’s ironic that you say others have small brains without understanding the skip. Because you don’t have to kill a single group after the 1st boss. Instance looks like this…

Zone in
Kill the pack of mobs to the left
Kill the solo big guy
Kill the pack of mobs right before 1st boss
Kill 1st boss
Skip everything
Killl 2nd boss
Skip everything
Kill 3rd Boss
Kill 4th Boss.

Doing the skip, you kill more bosses than you do trash packs in the instance.


this is still a colossal waste of time and should be patched out.

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How is skipping every trash pack in the instance after the 1st boss a “colossal waste of time”?

There is definitely more than 1 pack but I only count 7 packs only – I could be missing some I am not thinking of, but it is for sure more than 1 or 2 packs.

The only time this didn’t work (and for the life of me I can’t figure out why we even did the skip) was, we jumped, went around, killed crock and argh (or whatever his name is), then we ran through the tunnel and stopped and started killing as normal.

I didn’t say anything (cause I’m working on rep) but I thought - why did we even bother.

I’m with you. I got kicked as a healer in heroic halls. Not one person interrupted or stunned. I was pulling 19k hps and we died and immediately got kicked. Ironic that they’d kick me but not the mob unloading fireballs on the group. LFD is full of trash players

The amount of time it takes for people to repeatedly fail these skips, they could have just did the mob pack and went ahead. It’s so annoying. Like if you don’t want to play the content in the game, don’t play…everyone rushes, but for what?


The best part is nobody seems to know about the more important skip after the croc… you can skip every pull from croc to the next boss. And as long as someone with mass rez does it nobody has to follow they just gotta die.

Here are the packs I’m counting after the 1st boss.

1- The single group right after the little tunnel
2 and 3 - Two packs right before the next tunnel (Alot of people pull both packs at the same time)
4 - The two mobs before crock
5 - The pack right by the fountain
6 - The pack right after the fountain
7 - The pack right after the tunnel
8 - The pack in the middle of both isles leading to 3rd boss
9 - The Pat that goes up and down the isle
10 and 11 - The 2 pack of mobs down the isle way.

Horrible description I know, but I assume since you’re familiar with the run you’ll know what I mean lol. And I could be misscounting myself. It’s been so long since I’ve not done the skip.

It’s not just 1 pack its like 11. And it saves about 10 minutes.

To who? Maybe to you, but most people value their time saved by skipping.

Just because you want to play one way, does not mean others want to play that way. The world does not revolve around you. This is a very childish mindset, maybe your frontal lobe has not fully developed yet.

If everyone is rushing, and you’re the only one going slow… why would you think you’re in the right and EVERYONE is in the wrong?

To save time… obviously. Heroic grinds are just that… grinds. We’ve done these dungeons hundreds of times, some people even into the thousands. Time is one of the things in this life that you can’t get back, so why not make the most of it?

Going slow on trash packs IMHO does not add VALUE to the game. Killing the bosses gets you justice, completing the dungeon gets you conquest, killing trash simply slows you down wasting time.

I think you may be counting some entirely different instance.
There are only 10 packs normal way in Tol Vir, even including a lone mob.

Either way, from what you described, the second skip part sounds like it can be done even when the first skip wasn’t done, hence my response.

Ah I see. 4, 8 and 10/11 are usually ignored even in normal way runs.

Warning systems would be an amazing idea. And yes the wow community are animals. Blizzard needs to actually review these kicks and start handing out punishments for unjustified kicks


So you had two opportunities to communicate and didn’t either time.

Keep up with the group or eat your kick.

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How do you skip 10 and 11 in the normal runs? Can you just hug the wall and skip them? I’ve always just did the skip and reset so those mobs always get pulled by the mobs running behind.

1 - Yes, counted as one pack
2 & 3 - Yes, I counted as 2 packs
4 - No. Didn’t count this as we hard right turn at the tree and go around and then back track the same way
5 - Yes, I counted as 1 pack
6 - Yes, I counted as 1 pack
7 - Yes I counted as 1 pack
8 - No, didn’t count as normally a hard right.
9 - Here I am a bit fuzzy following. There is a pack of 2 and some non-elites so I only counted 1 pack.
10 & 11 - Not sure which one these are… are these the non-elites?

That is the best of my memory :slight_smile:

A 5 minute window to be a clown after your vote kick warning sounds like one of the worst ideas imaginable.

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Vote kick and the debuff are absolute garbage in the current system, for the following reasons:

  1. A majority group can vote kick any other player that might be rolling on the same gear as someone in the majority. That player then might end up with a deserter debuff for no good reason and those who abused the mechanic are actually rewarded with gear for their abuse…

  2. An experienced group can vote kick an unexperienced player for not knowing mechanics, instead of teaching them. This player can also end up with the debuff for no good reason. This hurts the game community overall.

  3. The debuff was supposed to stop people, mainly tanks, from leaving a dungeon they dont like or when they get their drop. However, a tank farming a drop from a second boss of a dungeon can repeatedly queue, do content up until they kill the second boss, and then leave and requeue without any penalties. The same goes for griefers

Too bad nobody in Blizzard has come with a system that actually deters deserters and punishes them fittingly while also not letting it be abused and exploited towards players who arent deserving of a debuff, let alone a kick from a group.

Removing the debuff and having a GM oversee reports of abuse by a player who was kicked (or left the group early) for more individualized punishment is a much better option. Maybe a griefer can continue pugging that night, but the next day their character could be slapped with a 24hr cooldown on queuing or something. This also would stop innocent players from being punished right away for getting kicked.

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That is never going to happen and the drama that would come of it afterwards the ticket system would be clogged for a year. Don’t be that bad person in group and you won’t get vote kicked.

That’s much worse than our current system.

Our current system is democratic and works to serve the needs of the MAJORITY.

Both of these things can and do happen outside of RDF and without vote kick.

That is only one reason, the more important reason is to prevent people from trolling the group.

The vote kick is a horrible tool in hands of all these 12 year olds, which happen to be the majority of Cata player base.

Read the god damn reason and think about it for half a second before you push the god damn accept…

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