Wtf? vote kick needs a warning system

Guessing you never dealt with the people who were the reason for there being a timer on a vote kick. People would queue RDF and get a dungeon they didn’t like. They would proceed to be super toxic to get the others to kick them. Then they could queue again without a delay that you get from leaving. This was a huge problem. It was much worse than the rare group of people who kick for silly reasons like this.

This is the weirdest mindset for playing a multiplayer game.

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I have been kicked from every heroic dungeon i have started. On my Lvl 85 DPS Arms warrior. I am maxed out on what gear I can get non-heroic. Every group I get into kicks me. I don’t say a word I follow the group leader and only attack the mobs and Boss once they initiated the attack. Yet I get kicked and the last few times they said your gear sucks. Bye!!! HOW am i supposed to improve my gear if the groups running the heroic dungeons keep kicking players who are not running the best gear? How else can I improve my gear and stats? I am always open to suggestions on how to improve my play.

So let me get this straight. You were the only one doing your job correctly and you were top DPS then you got vote kicked. I don’t buy it. The vote kick system has always worked like to should. There’s nothing wrong with the vote kick system solely because you got booted from a group. Is there very rare occasions where a couple of trolls group together and act like a-holes, sure. But there’s thousands of other cases where people afk at the start of the dungeon, where people are clueless on mechanics, or where people are holding the rest of the group back for various reasons that warrant being kicked from a group.

I was running dungeons all day. Was in a group with three (tank, healer, dps) from same server. They booted me and another during last boss. Ended up with them again later and same thing. Funny we were good until last boss despite being booted before. During my many runs that day I would bring it up to other groups. There was a few that had same experience.

The vote kick was being used by the those three to have all the loot from last boss every run they did I’m assuming. Why else?

Then you should have put those people on ignore so you don’t get grouped up with them. I have several tanks on ignore that I think are terrible so I never have to group w/them again, though wish the list was account wide rather than individual toons.

I find it just a tiny bit sus that you knew you were grouped up with the same people and yet you continued on through the dungeon with them again.

I’m sure that’s exactly what happened. I’m sure you didn’t sit there for such a long period of time, just to prove some petty point, that they just replaced you. :rofl:

what mindset? it’s a fact that dps are replaced instantly, and that when you load into a dungeon that has already started you will spawn in next to the group already there.

i think it’s a weirder mindset to expect that you could never get kicked from dungeons regardless of what has happened

Only way i could see this being true is if you are queing as a tank.

I too am skeptical of the numerous one post alts with the same general story.

Thats a really stupid Skip I have seen it and there’s always some one who messes it up. Lost City really doesn’t take that long without the time wasting skips from people who would clearly rather play another game since they are just showing they don’t want to play WoW.

Even if they do somehow manage to mess it up. Mass rez hits them no matter where they screw it up. So it’s still about a 7 to 10 min time save.

So people who skip trash they’ve done a thousand times before, don’t want to play wow? That literally makes no sense.

Do you do EVERY quest in EVERY zone when you’re leveling up? Making sure not to skip a single solitary quest on every character you have? If not, you clearly would rather play another game, you are just showing that you don’t want to play WoW.

The problem isnt the vote to kick the problem is LFG should never have been added to Classic to begin with imo.

Why should it never have been added?

Personally, i think blizzard needs to patch the crappy little jump. Anyone yhst believes spending 45 seconds to skip a 15 second pull makes them “clever” is an idiot. Usually when ppl do that, i just run through the pulls and meet em at the croc.

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I dont know what all this nonsense youre on about is. But there is literally a singpe 3 mob pull that you get around. The only other pull -the real one of any concern, stull has to be made coming back from the croc.

You’re skipping 3 pulls with that “crappy little jump”. And then on the way back skipping 8 more pulls by running to the reset spot. You save about 7 minutes of time in the dungeon. You don’t have to pull a single trash pack after the 1st boss.

Just because you don’t know what you’re doing, does not mean the rest of us are so clueless.

No… no it does not lol.

Once again, incorrect. You have a single 3 mob pull, then another very large pull (it’s actually 2 pulls but most groups pull it all together). This is the pull where you have the NPC’s that are stacked on top of one another before you make the left into the bridge.

It’s clear you’re clueless. Poor guy.

To me it detracted from the immersion of the game, made it easier to be toxic without consequence, the fun of working together as a team to accomplish something at least moderately challenging and having a good social interaction along the way is non-existent in LFG. But at least initially you are forced to grind out half a dozen pieces because the expansion is centered around it (which is maybe more of the issue than LFG itself). You can’t get enough points from raiding alone. Most of the time I just do them with guildies but sometimes people aren’t on or they are just burnt out on them. Which means you are kind of stuck with LFG.

In LFG most of the time no one even says hello. People are so bored of these places because of the sheer number you have to do they are finding all these crazy ways to skip all the mobs. And when you ask to do a boss instead of skipping it people give you crap or kick you or ignore you. Whereas this was less likely to happen when you were on your own server doing PUGs, maybe I am biased because I was on a small server and most people knew each other. Or maybe it is just nostalgia, but I prefer the way things used to be in tbc.

So. Dont run after jump. Make sure at least the tank and healer cleared the jump and are moving with you.

Situational awareness is still a thing, even if you did everything before this correct. Your dps meant nothing at the end of the day and yet it was the first thing you mentioned.