Wtf? vote kick needs a warning system

Which goes back to you not understanding the issues not having deserter debuff would cause.

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Then find a different solution. One that allows innocent players to be punished for no reason is untenable.

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You’re acting like there were never issues with groups before RDF and vote kick.

the tolv skip is so time saveing once you jump and run to the croc boss kill it then from croc you run all the way to fountan and pull the next boss so much time is save

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Skips also need everyone there for it. Not all know them.

And in comes the caster off a water break. Not their fault mind you…just bad timing or didn’t know the skip.

LAter on this gets really fun if we get to the “retail” expacs and peeps get feared/knockback into skipped stuff. I’ve seen some of the dedicated skippers give mere feet between the skip working, and more friends when it goes awry.

Or dps is trying not to stand in the poop. Well the poop layout means one thing. walk into skipped crap detection radii.

As the other way is walking through fire…and dying.

the problem is not the system. the real problem is the players that dont want to even try and communicate in the chat imo


From what you described, that sounds like skipping exactly 1 pack (actually 2 packs) as stated above…

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The skips in that place are so bad… its like you take an extra 30-45 seconds by just running in the grass and then have to clear 2 of the 3 packs you skipped on the way out. Some people just have small brains.

No, you just run straight to before the 3rd boss, jump in between the buildings there and reset.

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There shouldn’t be a warning window for Vote Kick. You’re just stuck in the group with a troll for a 5 minute window? That definitely would be abused.

Imo the only changes the vote kick system DOES need changed, but in a different way.

1.) Drop down window that requires a reason to be selected w/“Further details” text input option for them to type.

2.) Provide the kicked player with that information when they’re removed for the party. “You have been removed from the party. Reason: ‘Insert Generic Selection here’”


It sucks that players can end your Cata session for the night.

I just got votekicked from a dungeon for no reason, 1.8 million healing, we didn’t wipe, not sure why I was kicked. Probably because I said “people are standing in fire” in chat.

2 million healing gets you kicked from Heroics lol. That’s why I’m leveling my tank.

I’m on Faerlina though, people who don’t speak english will just vote kick the english speaking person, I gotta stop typing in chat.

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Same, I will just leave group if the tank or the group is trying to skip mobs and use areas that are notoriously difficult for people to do like missing a small ledge, or jumping to a very particular spot that most people miss… it is dumb and your right it ends up taking longer because the people who end up missing the jumps or skips end up pulling and then causing the whole group to wipe.

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So it happened once… Big deal. Move on and stop living in the past.
Stop making big deals out of nothing.

How about you propose one that can’t be abused by either side and does not need to be either recoded or refactored 1/4 way through this expansion.

I’ll wait as you try to come up with that solution.

And this solves nothing.

I try to actively say something when someone just does an automatic vote. Actually I don’t try, I do say something, because I’m so tired of people not talking things out with each other.

Just say something to your team. Be nice or not, I don’t care, just say something.

I remember when I first started playing I got voted to get kicked because “I shouldn’t get hit by that”. And I had no idea what “that” was. It didn’t pass the vote, and somebody spoke up for me. They asked what I got hit by and then told me where it happened and that it’s something you wanted to move out of.

That was years ago and I always try to be that person now. Can’t stand the “gogogo no talking geterdun” braindead dungeon runs. Especially when you’re doing keys and people just leave without talking things out. Absolute tiktok brains.


I agree to a degree. So yes kick the idiots and people who way under perform. But on the flip side, ive been kicked from a dungeon for no good reasons. Low dps in a low level dungeon? Who cares? Why do people even look at that stuff? Thats just an example.

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Lmao i think we were the group that kicked you. 20 hours ago this posted so the time line adds up. And i was Tank so you follow me and i pulled that mob with the group while you were a mile ahead doing the skip. So you saying we all tried amd failed is a little disingenous. And yea i started the kick. And you even whispered me “you suck butt at this game” after, and i reported you with a comment stating “i eat butt in real life, so this is incredibly offensive.” And you came to the forums to cry about it. You sir suck butt at life if you think anyone would actually care.


Yep, it was a probably needed system that mutated into an easily abusable system of perverse incentives.

From the POV of a scummy person, kicking someone who is running back, is more rewarding than waiting, because the game instantly gives them a replacement that is teleported to them.

There is no cost to do this, because they will probably never encounter that person ever again. So cost benefit is severely distorted towards kicking people.

For the person being kicked, the cost is significant in comparison. The wasted time in the dungeon they’re being kicked from, the time getting into another group.

If blizzard was even slightly interested in making the game better, there are very low effort things they could do to that don’t even involve them trying to fix the awful community by banning people who abuse the kick function, which would require real investment.

They used to track the number of times someone kicks, and also how often someone is kicked. It can’t possibly be that hard to identify weird outliers that kick people who are not normally kicked often. Once identified, round file their attempts to initiate kicks, just give them a fake kick failed notification.

My personal favored solution would be to have kick initiation/vote yes per 100 rdf queues be a public stat bound to their account. Same with a # of times kicked per 100 rdf queues. Then give players a queue option to reject queueing with people who fall into the top 20% of kickers/kicked, with no penalty for their queue times. Let me shun interacting with both the people abusing kick, and the ones getting kicked constantly.

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Are you on drugs? You feeling okay? Eh maybe reading comprehension just isnt your thing.

You do the 1st skip, and you’re skipping 4 packs right there. Then when you do the 2nd skip, you’re skipping another 7 packs. 11 packs is alot of time saved.

As I’ve said, you literally don’t have to kill a single pack of mobs after the 1st boss. You skip all of them. Every single one.

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