Wtf? vote kick needs a warning system

Tol Vir heroic. We did first boss, I was top dps on all pulls. I never said a word to anyone. Three guys in front of me try to jump on the ledge that lets you walk around to the croc boss and skip a few packs. As a general rule I dislike skips but I go along with them if the rest of the group is doing it. They all tried the jump, failed, so I jump and make it and go down to the grass below. They all failed to make the jump after a few tries, so they pulled mobs instead to continue the dungeon. Then I was instantly vote kicked. Not one word was written in chat. No one asked me to come back. No one asked me not to do the jump they all tried to do. They’d rather wait for the que to pop and someone to run in, instead of just asking, “Hey dude we couldn’t do the jump, can you just TP out and back in?”. I should’ve waited for everyone to make the jump before I went down to the grass, but it’s such an easy jump and they seemed to know about it so I figured they could make it. I didn’t even want to do the skip in the first place, just going along so I don’t get kicked for not doing the skip or something.

Vote kick is a failed system that needs a warning before kick. Like initiate a warning, then 5 mins later you can initiate another kick and remove them from group. It would’ve given me time to just TP out and in and then they’d have no reason to kick.


The last time people did that in a run with me on my druid, someone said, “C’mon, up on this ledge.”

I replied, “No.”

And we continued without the ridiculous, extra time consuming skip of one mob to go around a longer way, for no reason.

Meh, maybe. Perhaps some sort of voting system, or a reduced debuff time. I haven’t had any issues with it personally, but obviously some people are upset about getting removed from groups enough that they’ve posted about it on the forums.



well for starters they had a dps before you even loaded into Org, and when they spawned into the dungeon they’d be at the group ready to go instantly.

why, so the toxic person can just be toxic for 5 minutes without consequence?

the only difference between this and manually forming a group is that the group lead would be more tolerant of bad players because it was more annoying to swap them out, but if they had a warlock that could summon inside the instance then they wouldn’t care at all and just remove you from the group on their own.


I can’t stand idiots that skip mobs like that, esp the tol vir one. You literally skip ONE group of mobs, cause you have to aggro everything else after the croc boss coming out of that tunnel.

And someone ALWAYS gets stuck or misses the ledge and it takes 5x the amount of time.

So stupid.


That’s not true, you do the 1st skip and kill the crock. Then there is the 2nd skip that takes you all the way to the next boss. You pull literally everything and there is a safe spot you can jump up to to reset all the mobs. After you kill the 1st boss you don’t have to kill a single trash mob in the rest of the instance.


I 100% agree. It saves no time and if it does save anytime – what 30 secs at most?

Did you get yet another new hair doo??

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No, why should it give a warning when there’s 4 other people that can just say whatever needs to be said, putting a delay is pointless.


How is it a different character but they share posts O.o

Nah man this skip is actually a good one if you do both skips. You kill the 1st boss and you don’t need to kill a single trash pack after that.

You do the ledge skip, kill crock, then run through all the mobs that you originally skipped all the way to the 3rd boss and there is a safe spot to jump up onto that will reset all the mobs. It saves like 7-10 minutes.

That said, the whole group needs to know how to do the skip, if not somebody will attack something or toss a heal and it’s gg.


I kind of like the idea of a warning system to be honest but maybe with a slightly different spin…

When everyone zones in, the warning system displays how many times each player has been kicked so the group can decide if they want to go ahead and lose dead toxic weight or not before getting too far into the dungeon.

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It should in theory save more time but more often than not, someone takes forever to jump or the get picked up by a pack of whatever running through etc - well that has been my experience anyway

Hard no, that would brick newbies accounts.


Yeah it’s a crap shoot for sure lol. Risk vs reward I always seem to risk it and hope for the best haha

Why didn’t you wait on the ledge for the group before running off to the next boss, and you’re saying no one typed into chat, why didn’t you type into chat, like “Oh I guess its not working we doing the regular way?”

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The people who want to keep this trash vote kick system are probably the ones who get a kick out of abusing it. The 30 minute debuff is completely unneeded. Lower it to 10 at the most if you insist on keeping it. Just remove the person from your group and move on, there no reason for such a long barring debuff.


Or we just understand the downside of NOT having that 30 min debuff. Clearly you were not around originally when there was no debuff and tanks/healers were holding runs hostage.

Also, it’s simply not an issue at all. Don’t be toxic, don’t be afk, don’t suck so bad at your class that people think you’re a bot and 99% of the time you won’t get kicked. I’m in the process of leveling my 14th alt now, 100% through dungeon finder. I’ve YET to see somebody get kicked randomly for no justified reason.


Was kicked two weeks ago for saying yes when asked If I needed the orb. Even made a thread about it. People told me to just lie, which I will do. Abuse happens and getting an extra 30 minute debuff on top of it is ridiculous.


This is why I said 99% of the time.
CAN it happen? Yes it can.
Does it happen? Yes I’m sure it does.
Does it happn often? No
If it’s happening to you often… It’s a you problem that you need to fix on your end. Not a community problem that needs adjusted.

It only happened to me once and I think it needs to be changed.


That’s just crazy then. You’re clearly not understanding the big picture and what shorter, or even worse, no debuff would look like. Especially now that we have Rise coming out next week.

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