WTF is with old raid scaling?

Blizzard was quoted in an interview, basically “working as intended”. I have cancelled my subs and have no interest in waiting until the 11.0 or 12.0 expansion to solo through mythic BFA raids.

Thought you could solo BFA raids in DF?

:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: FUN DETECTED :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:

Old Raid Content

Will people be able to solo Mythic raids in Dragonflight?

Yeah probably. Not trivially, but yes. The way this generally works and I know we’ve kind of confused it a bit with squishes and offsetting multipliers to counteract those squishes, it’s ultimately the product of your power growth as a player, through gear, through levels, through other things. Over the course of a given expansion from start to finish, as you get 10 levels and you get 150+ item levels of gear, you probably get at least 4 times as powerful, in terms of total stats, hit points, DPS and so forth. If you compare the numbers players are putting out in Sepulcher today to what they were doing in the 9.0 Pre-Patch at level 50, you’ll probably find that it’s about quadruple. Two expansions later, you’re like 4 times 4, 16 to 20 times more powerful and that means that you can now go and solo stuff that required 20 players 2 expansions ago. One more expansion and now you’re like 80 times more powerful and that’s the part where you can go in and destroy stuff, but there’s that middle ground where it’s like mechanics don’t kind of matter, the raid wasn’t trivial for 20 people back then, you might have the power of 20 people but that doesn’t mean you’re going to walk in and one shot Mythic bosses or anything and as players reach that point, we definitely go back in and make adjustments to old encounters where there are mechanics that forcibly required multiple people or that will frustrate if you go there solo and this is around the time when we’d start taking a look at 2 expansion ago to smooth out some of those rough edges.

Quoted from Ion Hazzikostas

LEGION raids take even longer in level 70 raid gear than they did at level 60 during 9.3, enjoy.

[Original Post]

I cant tell if I am just imagining things, but legion mythic raids are taking way too long to solo compared to other content. This is already 2 expacs old, why is there no significant damage boost?

I have been using fresh 60s with ~230 ilvl in AH gear and bosses are taking 1-2 mins to kill. Yes, its easier at 270, but thats not the point! This feels like a purposeful waste of my time, I just want to farm out some transmog but I have to worry about level 60 characters not being geared enough???

I did some brief testing and the SL->Legion damage boost has been around 10x for me. BFA->WoD is 100x, Legion->mists is 100x. This content should have been trivial from the start of SL, like it has in the past.


bosses scale with player level .


Its a blizzard thing of late.

Be happy you don’t get mobs magically slamming you with CC if you take too long. that comes up on timers in classic.


ilvl is a little low, you will notice faster time at 260+

The nerf to bear tartare makes farming old content a waste of time.


Us : Looks up. TIME TO DIE BOSS! Attempt #230!


Us : paste … (WTF DID THEY CHANGE??!)


Doing spellblade aluriel in nighthold mythic was a game of pinball i have no interest in playing. Like I get that my characters are unoptimized and not “geared” but 230 is past castle nathria mythic ilvl.

I really shouldnt need to farm gear to be able to farm old content, I do notice its a bit faster on this monk than the others


hated her when I did this s3/4. I’d rather deal with the slime telling me to eat cake. I like cake…and well the boss was a nice jsut blow cd’s and shut his butt up kind of boss.

the gardener could have used more nerfs. he…his root cc’s or his lines. I don’t know which was more annoying.


it’s mythic not heroic, mythic has always been more time consuming with low ilv.


None of the other raid tiers have been as bad as this, even heroic is a PITA on ToS and antorus


heroic is stupid easy, your ilv is too low.


And there lies the problem, this should be easy in greens after 2 expansions past. Since WoD launch it has followed the formula of 2 expacs = trivial, until now


Rose tinted.

I recall having friends to run with to make it easier after the 1 expansion pug scene dies off in the following expansion, once you’re geared its 100% faceroll.



Legion (7.0) is THREE expansions ago now.

And yes. It’s broken, more than just the HP of the mobs.

I tried to farm mogs today in TOS, and after killing the first two bosses, I couldn’t interact with any of the orbs that open the doors so I had no access to the rest of the raid.

Gave me a sad. :crying_cat_face:


You’re off by 1, it used to be the previous (1 ago) expansion was doable with BiS end of expansion gear. 2 ago has always been faceroll in greens due to absurd bonus damage, but this has been purposely tuned to be bad for some reason


DF might have broken something, but still only 2 expansions unless you are fully geared in DF loot already.

It’s endgame, do earlier raids and see how easy they are.

All of Legion’s instances were easier before prepatch with my current gear.


They are easy now.

Well easier on my more geared toons, even at 250whatever this toon is it takes a bit of doing, even more so on my 237 druid.

@275 its a walk in the park.

Im not really sure why youre just plugging your ears here. The scaling is wrong, are you trying to flex by beating old raids in BiS gear from 2 expacs ahead? Up to this point, 2 expacs ago was “one shot bosses” level of scaling


ToS mythic?

what is wrong, what bosses?

4 bosses in, not noticing anything different…