BFA tuning for level 70's farming old content?

BFA does not benefit from legacy scaling.

It’s dumb as a lot of people in the thread have noted and I don’t think it’s going to ever get the legacy scaling until it’s no longer the “default campaign” for new players.


Yea. It hasn’t been Legacy’d due to Blizzard keeping the BFA story as “current” so it’ll be a while before we see a swap. The raids arent too bad with 2 or 3 people however.

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There’s no legacy buff because those only happen after squishes, and the last one happened at the end of BFA, thus no legacy buff is needed, just need to outscale the content (a couple of bosses need their MC mechanics disabled though, no buff needed).

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This is funny because BFA is actually older than Shadowlands and Shadowlands has scaling and is easy as hell to deal with. So an older expansion can’t be outscaled while the one after it can be.


Shadowlands does not have any hidden scaling buff in their instanced content. Their world content scales to 60, same with every other expansion.

This is not a new issue, Ion made the conscious decision to break the standard “2 expacs old = cheese” which we have enjoyed for the last several expansions. I believe this was originally introduced in the WoD prepatch.

Various posts in this topic have all gone over it when it was realized during the prepatch. I tried again at 70 and it’s the same thing… they will not change it.


What I mean is that when I go into Shadowlands, world or instance, I am doing a lot more damage and just gliding through the mobs and bosses with no problems.

I go in to BFA and I am doing less damage than I am doing in Dragonflight to trash mobs. It is weird.

I’d have to see hard numbers and data because from my personal testing, there’s no difference. If anything, I’m doing more damage in SL content due to the covenant bonuses and BFA content due to being a higher level than it, causing me to crit more and hit harder.

I wish they could just undo the whole scaling and level squish it has been nothing but problems and frustrations and a small price like not being able to level in any zone is a price i would gladly pay to have it undone


Bro what are you smoking that is what is intended. They want you to still traverse the world’s.

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Fun fact. There are sharks in northernd that scale up to level 70.

I have never, ever, seen them state anything whatsoever that corroborates what you just stated as a matter of fact.

Do you have a source?


there’s also 2 hostile dwarven npcs in wetlands that scale to level 70. same thing for the orgrimaar cooking daily where you go to kill thieves that stole some food. there’s also a rare elite spider in redridge highway that scales to 70.

I got my Blue Drake yesterday.

Cheating is fun!

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He’s been caught so many times as his inept apathy destroyed wow and he gets promoted for it.

I wonder what happens when the microsoft deal gets canned? Bobbi must have wiggled out of the performance clauses and got his bonuses anyway, but to be honest I can’t see them bothering to continue to support this game.


Because forced scaling (arguably even chromie time as implemented and level squish) was a mistake.
It should have been optional.

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This is true and also something of an understatement… the scaling in BFA is beyond broken. When they went back and un-squished it to make leveling go to 60 instead of 50 they messed up the spreadsheet formulas somewhere. Badly. Really badly.



An the best part is they DGAF


Is it in their ToS that people are not allow to go back and farm old content? Please show me where that is in their ToS. Lot’s of people go back to farm old content for mogs and mount. Remove that and you get a bunch of people leaving. I will be one of them as I level new class I want to go back and farm the mogs.

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He wants to play a different game, and he wants WoW to be completely changed to make it that game.

If Blizzard actually went back and fixed Legacy raid scaling and mechanics so they were soloable as used to be the case (2 expansion old raids soloable by anyone), and if they put Shadowlands dungeons in the dungeon finder for level 60’s, I might start to trust that they are sincere about making changes.

But that won’t happen. See the fact that they again pulled a bait and switch on casuals who were expecting the new dragon appearance to remain available in all difficulties, as it was on the PTR.

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