WTF is with old raid scaling?

This isn’t the only thread on this subject. Do a search and you’ll find many since the prepatch.

Just because you haven’t noticed a difference isn’t a reason to gaslight everyone who has.


Well I’ve done up to desolate host, took short cut, now waiting on avatar RP.

Same as always has been.

Ah yes, I have the magical account that isn’t isn’t bugged… Or maybe 230 ilv is too low.

Your experience ≠ everyone else’s.


I tested my level 45 (legion) doing mop raids (2 expac ago) and my level 50 (BFA) doing wod (2 expac ago),

  • the 45 had a ~100x damage boost
  • the 50 had a ~100x damage boost

the level 60 (SL) doing legion (2 expac ago) gets exactly a 10x damage boost. If this is on purpose, not very nice


Yeah, this is no different than every expansion, crap gear = crap time.



Nope you’re not imagining things, it is well and truly borked.


I dont think blizz understands how many casuals just pay a sub for transmog and mount collecting. If people actually need endgame raid gear to do 2 expac old raids with any degree of ease, bye bye subs


Thats me im one of those people, stopped caring about progression raiding in Cata.


Ya it’s ridiculous that Nighthold is a problem at the end of Shadowlands, because I was literally soloing Mythic Nighthold every week on a Rogue at the end of BFA, lmao.


I am mostly the same, I like transmog and doing old stuff. Been casually doing this since 2014 and gear has never been an issue unless attempting the previous expac content. Good gear was the difference between two shotting and one shotting


Only reason I resubbed was to farm old content, and I knew that included leveling and gearing.


The worst part about this whole thing is ion hazzikostas has aknowledged it as an issue in several interviews dating all the way back to 2020 and yet has never actually fixed this issue in 2 years.


Ah, I haven’t followed, but I’m surprised you didn’t quit in the personal loot era.

After a long time I tried to do Antorus Mythic yesterday. Opened a guide how to do Eonar solo and just died after about 12 seconds despite immediately starting to kill adds.
There’s something terribly wrong when we’re heading into the 3rd expansion after Legion and I can’t do fights with current Mythic gear because they’re so challenging and need to be played to perfection.
I love challenges and hard content. But such old content shouldn’t be part of that.


Mythic has a bs mechanic, if you don’t do it ya donezo.

It’s not like lfr/normal/heroic

This still isnt fixed?? Haha wow i quit in shadowlands after the first raid dropped because we couldnt go back and farm old raids solo. Glad to see it’s still not fixed.


I would love to do mechanics, but the boss won’t let me. As I said, I had some guides open and everywhere the first thing do to was flying to the entrance platform and killing adds there. Before I could go anywhere else I was already dead. Don’t know if it was some kind of bug, but the boss fight shouldn’t end that quick.


Legion we had tons of mobility, in SL we do not, 2 people make it easy, 1 person its a butt clencher.

I don’t really know what you mean with the mobility thing. With the extra action button it’s quite easy to get around quickly. Mobility wasn’t really the problem.

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