WSG is dead

Even playing in pre-mades kinda sucks.

Enjoy running into the 3 Priest / 3 Ret Paladin / 3 Hunter + flag carrier teams you’re about to face.

WSG just sucks all around right now.


Thing is this has been a long on going issue. It isn’t just a SOD problem. Premades have completely destroyed the game in all versions of Wow. The only reason I’ve kept coming back is so I can PvP. Yet I’ve end quitting once I’ve run into premade after premade after premade.

Yea yea I can join a premade myself. Yet what’s the fun in destroying a team of pugs for free wins? I’m not exactly sure how that’s fun. I did do it at one point way back in the day but again I got so bored of it.

I and many others just like to log in do a few Bgs rock out to music and log off. We enjoy the struggle of a Good match. That’s kind of the point of PvP.


What pugs, if every match is vs a premade?

Anyway, while I get what you’re saying, I don’t see it as an issue in the same way. At least not in the way that the only solution is to ban premades or even to separate queues. Not that I’m opposed to ranked BGs, per se. I am opposed to game design that caters to people complaining that they don’t get easy rewards though, because I feel that’s what leads to the things a lot of us don’t like about Retail.


In any case though, I do hope that you get queues into fun and enjoyable BGs. :heart:

I didn’t think you would see an issue. Same old song and dance with players like yourself.

Have a good night keep typing buddy not going to read it.

Maybe. I mean, I guess the biggest thing that’s hard for me to understand is, why do we need to bring the changes that we don’t like from Retail into every version of the game?

And why does the “solution” to whatever problem people are claiming have to be to separate everyone into teams of solo queuers of hodge-podge roles vs only other teams of solo queuers of hodge-podge roles OR premade vs premade?

As I’ve stated, I don’t feel there needs to be any changes to how things are now, but…

I suppose another thing that they maybe could do is add individual player rating and matchmaking based on overall team average ratings, if they aren’t already doing something like this…


Well how can I know? If people complain about something and I don’t see them communicating about it or saying anything or fixing the situation I will assume they don’t listen or they aren’t aware of it.

This is so true, I tried joining a few different premades to deal with the premades and it’s just so freakin’ sweaty and NOT FUN. I want solo/duo queue.


You don’t know how things …and it shows.

I’ve never met a Gladiator that wasn’t carried/bought


Most premaders are 1200 rated humans.

You don’t want to group up in an MMO but want to complain you’re at a disadvantage. So entitled.

respectfully, they have the winning argument here.

Where there are rewards, the sweatbeards will figure out a way to ruin it with the most optimal way to grind it out.

BG’s should have no rewards, and normalized gear – they should just be a thing PvPers do cause it’s fun for them. Like loading up a game of counter strike. No reward, just a gameplay loop they do for fun.

Like playing the Peggle addon before a raid. Just a thing to do when you’re bored.

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I just beat the premades as solo, it’s not hard if you know how to talk to your team and coordinate. Arena has nothing to do with BGs

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Be social in a social game genre. Problem solved.

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Yesterday. 10 games with 9 losses.
Today. 7 games so far. 7 Losses.
I need 10k more rep.
How many more losses do I need to do? WIth my 7 losses and 3 hours of time, I gained 200 rep with turn ins. Everyone afk’s.
And before I get the “get good” messages, when I premade I win every time and farm Horde on their pad. But when I just want to chill and do bgs my teams are normally on the pad.


lol yep welcome to wow.

I’m surprised you didn’t get the “Get good” speech in less than a minute after posting that.

100% win rate with my guild group. Ez salt, ez honor, ez rep.

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If blizzard put in solo queue and premade queue premade queue would die overnight because the 1200 rated trash wouldn’t want to face eachother and lose.

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I can tell you have never wanted or have ever been in a close WSG.

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