WSG is dead

I won’t even step foot in a bg due to premades.


There were 250 wsg games going last night. Warsong is not dead.

All the rank 1s are premading, so assuming premade players are bad is comical.

Buying a gladiator pilot is easier than farming pugs in a bg

You just log in end of season and get your title

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You also can’t change the current BG que system without it porting over to era - it’s the same reason why the rune abilities uses a rune mechanic instead of training these abilities at a trainer or talent points. We saw this evidence during som when the rank values carried over to era. Now the rare item buffed drop rate is in era and even some mob values

Their best bet is to add RBGs.

I don’t know why on gods green earth they have not done this for seasonal yet.

They don’t even have to give game breaking rewards and items. It can be 3x honor/rep yield, a title at end of a “season”, or a mount and good premades will q into this added RBG mechanic, freeing up the standard BGs.

3x rep = 105 rep per cap with an rbg value. Versus 35 in random BG. That will be enough to pull most premades over even if they lose games. You’d be looking at 500 rep a win under this model.

Is it a perfect fix for standard BGs? No but there never will be one

I think I’m going to make a thread going into detail about RBGs when I get home later, as I’m very passionate about it


It’s classic and it’s fun. Maybe find a guild or make some friends.

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You might believe that but if the majority feel that premades need changing shouldn’t that happen?

Of course. I have my opinion, and it’s just that; my opinion. It’s not better or more accurate than another person’s opinion.

From my perspective, given the information, knowledge, and experience that I have, my opinion is a pretty good one, in my opinion, but I’m sure most people feel the same way about their own opinions on this topic.

Maybe? I don’t know what the majority means in this case, or whether giving in to people who are complaining and not doing anything for themselves in an mmo RPG is going to have overall positive effects, indeed one might point to Retail.

In my opinion, saying “No.” to some people can be a good thing. It is up to Blizzard devs to cultivate a culture, and if the culture they cultivate is to pander to people who are complaining, then the majority will be exactly that.

And that isn’t the type of community that people who aren’t like that tend to want to be a part of. And so rather than complain and complain and demand changes, they will just leave, eventually…

I think there is a chance for the devs to cultivate a culture in Classic that is different from that in Retail, and I also think there is good reason to do so.

And of course, I am not claiming that this is fact or the truth or that anyone who disagrees with me is wrong or a mean person. This is simply my opinion.

its dead already

“I put in the effort to get multiglad but cba to do a warsong premade.”

Sus at best.

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Feel free to look up my shaman, Garlande, on

It’s not about effort. Premade vs pugs is extremely unhealthy for the game.

I mean, just last night and today getting my 5k honor for Serg, running with pugs im 50/50 win rate against premades… most are bad, like really bad. So really duno why people are afk’ing…


Maybe they’ll make it premade vs premade prio

Blizzard your community is not happy with this premade situation, how many threads do we need so you get a clue?

They are fully aware. Do you not believe they know that?

I win against more premades than I lose against.

It’s actually really high, like a 70% or more winrate against Alliance premades, which is fun lol.

I think most people in premades think others in their group will ‘do the work for them’ so they mindlessly follow and DPS, without any regards to flag or positioning or things like that.

The amount of times I’ve been able to snag flag, aspect of cheetah across while Alliance is in a deathball on the other side of mid, and let me cap for free is staggering.

Horde will straight up say “eww premade” and we’ll dig our heels in and give them a good fight. Only when we aren’t a full 9 or when people afk out, do we really surrender. And that’s pretty rare.

Forums are right in that premades generally make WSG/PvP less fun, but at the same time, I’ve been having a blast crushing premades, and the thought of them losing to a band of misfit randoms makes me laugh.

Writing more dosen’t strengthen your argument, perhaps you can learn that less sometimes means more

… What? I genuinely cannot believe you hit send on that post. I hope you were trolling because what a moronic thing to say that was lmao

Well your comment was extremely reductive and it seems you chose to ignore what they were actually saying. I’d say that is pretty “sus at best” itself.

Feel welcome to elaborate.