Wrongful bans

Whether only you can access your account or not, you’re responsible for everything on your account. Blizzard see’s everything, including chat logs, when you’ve logged in, where you’ve logged in, etc. They do see everything.


did someone report something I said here on this post? If so please explain to me what I said that was in violation of a CoC?

Normally CoC discussions should not come up on these forums,

but since you asked, just to clarify why somone might have felt the need to report, probably:

Discussing Disciplinary Actions

This category includes:

  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a character or account on the forums

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

If you have questions or concerns:


No one but the SFA’s will know who reported you and for what. I wouldn’t worry about it since you’re still able to post.

Rest assured if the panda lady or Vrak found it to be in violation they would’ve taken action.

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Just seems odd that I’d be reported for a COC violation when not a word I said was in violation of it lol

No it actually is, discussing disciplinary actions is considered such as quoted by Kozzae.

On the CS forums however they generally tell you where to appeal and what led to your ban but it is technically not allowed to discuss any.

Both which is done by now.




Weird considering I was reported before he said that but thanks

The rules existed before you posted anything yes.

He was just explaining why it may have been reported.


They can report you all they want, but at most that would earn you is temporarily being unable to chat. No mark on your account even. Any action taken is a result of an actual person looking at the logs and determining if there is a violation.

You do realise that it is blizzards server time or whatever not your time zone, so your login times will always be different to what blizzard has. People always forget this one thing when ever they bring this up. Always thinking locally not globally with different time zones.


I think were done here they know how to apeal so whats left to talk.


someone sending you a random message, is not “proof” that you were reported.


Clearly someone who enforces said CoC disagreed.

I’d like to emphasize since the point seems to have been buried: Nothing can be done here. This is not a trial, tribunal, or appeal board. CSRs are able to clarify why (in addition to other details) action was taken but this will not lift said action. You will need to file an appeal through the appeal process.

You can file appeals until they tell you that they will no longer look at them, usually after several denials.


Getting perma’d for “abusive chat” is wild.

Not realy this wouldnt be there first second or 3rd penalty sooner or later blizzard has. To draw the line.


Still wild to get banned for chat.

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Not realy chat policies havent changed much since the beginning aside from the squelch and silence.


That has been the policy since 2004. Get enough strikes against the account and they eventually close it. How many it takes may or may not have have changed as Blizzard does not share that info.

One chat offense that can get an account perma banned right away is spamming gold selling websites and such. That is an example of a chat infraction resulting in an account closure that I am sure you are aware of already.

I know some people think of chat as no big deal, and compared to some things in life, it is not. However those are the rules and Blizz does enforce them.

Much like if you get enough speeding tickets they can suspend your driver’s license or permanently take it away. Speeding is usually pretty minor, but do it enough and they eventually tell you that you lost the privilege to use the roads.


For it to be a permanent ban for chat, it either has to be really, truly incredibly bad, or you’ve received enough penalties for the same thing that it’s flagrant disrespect for the rules. Blizzard generally don’t want it to ever go that far, but some players force their hand.