WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

As a casual player all the rating requirements are horrible. Never liked them in any iteration of the game, but at least in TBC I could grind the previous season stuff with honor and get going. Then they had a brainstorm and made it so that I’m now 2 seasons behind with honor gear in Wrath, and the power creep between even the best PvP stuff and best PvE stuff is massive. The Eighty Upgrades list of weapons between BiS and a Deadly Weapon at this point is like a page long, and every one of them is from a raid. GG Blizz.


Last week I pushed to 1600 in 2s, was at 1750 mmr. Had a good string of games that helped me a ton. This week though I had just played to cap and gone 3-7. Lost only 30 rating but still sucks.

Now its possible I may have just had a bad week, four of those games were against either double dog or hpala/warr both of which suck to fight as affli/resto. However I have begun wondering if maybe the ladder is collapsing faster than mmr is being injected, because I have been fighting mostly teams well above me in skill and experience. Wondering if people here higher rated than me have experienced the same thing or im just imaging it.

Yeah i think you are right. A lot of people have quit arena so it just leaves the more sweaty players, which makes more people quit, etc. It’s quite sad :frowning:

Again, this is 100% the issue. Rating reqs are DUMB and should be removed. Put T2 wep at 1800 and leave it at that.


rogue, shaman, priest, and paladin dominate PVP

nerfing wound poison might make sense, but arms warrior despite a very high play rate has a relatively low success rate. Their dmg is just poo unfortunately. Nothing like being in BiS and executing a boomkin for 1200 as his aoe tic is doing 1800 per tic by itself, muchless all the other dmg theyre doing to you lol.

A big issue is no PVE incentive to PVP and PVP has some bots, tryhards, and no changing meta

ironforge shows warr last season as the 4th best class overall in every single bracket at any title cutoff you care to choose. The top spot on the ladder was tied by a warr char.

This is all before shadowmourne and 277 gear is available. warmane has proved for years the dominance of hpal warr in 277 meta.

i guess we can cherry pick the r1 sample size on the tiniest ladder ever in wow’s history to show warr isn’t as good as druid in 2s? even though like 4 of the feral priest r1 teams were the same 2 guys on alts

Even in ATR, the arena tournament that I did, there was still some people using PvE weps over the PvP ones and PvE trinks as well.

if 25% of the people attempting to arena are warrior and 5% of the top 100 are warrior while rogues, shamans, priests, and paladins all outnumber them, its kind of hard to claim them as “amazing.” Success rate revolves around how many are playing. If 5% of players are class X but 15% of top 100 are class X, they have a very high success rate. If 20% of players are class Y but only 5% of top 100 are class Y, they have a low success rate.

Rogues at the end of TBC were like 60% of the rank 1 bracket. Truly an absurdly overpowered class, but for some reason the player base is just okay with that class being like that lol.

Warrior damage is just dog poo, unless you have a character/GUID that can consistently chain crit 4-8x in a row. Most warriors in BiS gear on Details! only crit their autos like 15% of the time and overpower 55% of the time. Somehow some players like Dekel and Sonnii maintain above 40% crit in PVP, still a mystery. Warrior is below meme-tier in PVE with Slam. In PVP they have no slam. Its truly grim.

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ok brother, hoping your warrior class gets some pvp buffs soon

Retail on NA is a pve community, pvp is dead on retail for 10 years on NA.

On eu Solo shuffle is instant q… NA=PVE hates pvp community now.

This is some hard copium.

Warrior damage is only bad if you’re bad. They are the most op melee class in arena.

ur out of your mind if you think warriors dont do damage my dude

theyre the best class in wotlk arena for a reason


No. Not even. Way more alive than grouping up to do arenas is. No one in retail wants to do arenas with you unless you link your glad and when you link one from too far back in the past they will not except you for the groups so you gotta go solo now which is faster.

Yeah the 1hr+ queue times are alive asf

This has precisely zero to do with overall population and everything to do with the ratio of healers to DPS. A 10k population where 3333 of them are healers will have instant queues, while a 100k population where only 20k of them are healers will have long queues.

EU PvP always better than NA. NA has a better PvE group.

Yea well 5v5s and Arena Master title are getting removed in a few months. You asked for it so now you got it. That means only 2s and 3s left now. Your queue will be shorter.

Well for a min, then they will discover “The meta” =/