WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead


They don’t deserve to be called PvPers, if they can only do battle against an opponent they grossly overpower.


They’re dishonorable PvPers… That’s the most credit they deserve to get.

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Says the shaman lol

If the shaman was overpowered like your cheesy plate class, I’d have all my relentless gear already.

thats cope and cap, waffles

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wotlk hype! wotlk hype!

Yeah I have no idea why the helmet out of all things is only 50 points off from the shoulders. Why not put the helm at 1700 to fill that gap?

Arena participation will be off the hook come Cata with the ability to solo queue.

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I did. Elerest and ele and ret is all I like to play with Holy and ENh as my offspecs. Do that in retail too and in Reg Vanilla and in every expac ever. But so many people just play those specs that now it has caused them to become nerfed. So that is why I quit playing this toon. I do druid now. Boomkin. I suck it it horribly so that is now what I play. Very good at this toon and it is now too overplayed so I quit playing completely.

Im pretty sure he was a shaman BEFORE everyone started playing them just to roll FoTM. (Flavour of the month), (Face of the Moment). FoTMs. I dont like the FoTM rollers. They cause my class to get nerfed when I played my class to start with and they came over to it jus b/c they were unable to play anything that isnt total faceroll.

I would rather we had teams. No reason not to have them. Teams = playing with a group of people who eventually become your friends. I havent logged into this toon for months now. May again soon, idk. But not when everyone also has a shaman. I even saw one guy standing there inspecting me for a super long time, he runs off, runs to AH… comes back specced and gemmed exactly like me and he whispers at me “thanks”…like um… yea.

So silly when you see these people out there who spec or gem 100% exactly like someone else. Learn to stand on your own two feet.


I get what u r saying and i do agree, but it actually surprises me. I have thought that at the high end, the best players are playing the best players. So if you have a team of 3, eell deserving glads, there is no way they could lose to a team with 2 glads and a carry. That just doesnt seem right to me. It makes me think that one of those 3 glads was really being carried, just not intentionally.

I mean even in pve you have very good players that couldnt kill algalon, because the rest of their raid team was not skilled enough. But would do just as good or better if they raided with better players.

Its funny though that if a guild is raiding and easily kills all heroic bosses, that all members think they are better than average. It is my opinion that sime players in pve that are actually benifiting from being on a guild with good players are actually getting carried. And they are the ones that speak out and complain about old content being nerfed. The real good players dont care.

So im not sure how i feel about the arena boosting. What if i am a really really good pvp player, im not lol but if i was, what if my team wasnt as good or wasnt good enough to take us to together to a higher level. What if i felt i was good enough to be glad, but didnt have the team mates so indecide to pay a kmown good player to team with me? I would feel i earned it. But in reality, im not that good, and i know it and i should not have glad title, but i could be carried that high just really surprises me. Maybe i dont understand how points are awarded.

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TBC had bis PvE items in arena so I actually dabbled, there’s no such incentive in Wrath so I haven’t done any PvP whatsoever.

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In TBC when I mostly played arena casually I basically formed or joined a new team every session. In Wrath I occasionally queue with randoms (who usually become new friends or acquaintances) but I largely stick to queueing with one or two consistent friends. The removal of teams doesn’t prevent you from queueing with the same people all season; it merely makes it less of a headache to occasionally try new comps, to play a session with different friends who want to PVP, or to find a sub to play with when my usual partners are busy for the week. In TBC this was punishing because someone would lose your team rating if you had to disband a team or join a new one just to play with a different friend for the night; I prefer having the choice to play with a variety while mostly making my own decision to play with the same people. Serious players mostly keep consistent partners even without teams.

good point

What first got me to try and push in arena in tbcc was the weapons. For 1850 you could get a pretty serious caster wep basically on par with the vashj wep. I found it pretty enjoyable so i kept playing ever since, but without that incentive i never would have tried to push

every single Glad title spot on the ladder requires 199 other characters over 1000 rating. if pve’ers aren’t even trying then titles get harder to achieve. Then mid tier pvp’ers get discouraged and the participation continues to fall

The arena was doomed to fail as it would not get any changes to make it fun or worth while. It got the same shovelware treatment as our BGs/WG.

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Yes that is true and also the part where you get locked into a team and Blizz did not allow switches no matter what so when one of my friends had an emergency and could not play for a few months that left us very disadvantaged.

Yeah, moving t2 weapons down to 1800 would do absolute wonders for participation numbers.

They aren’t bis in pve but damn good alternatives if you can manage it. 2200 is incredibly exclusive with the current player count

games too solved
is the same ppl playing over and over again for eons at this points

You could say that every arena season in classic. There are so many factors of low participation each season in wrath.

-PvP weapons not BIS for PVE (In TBC it was BIS for a lot of classes)
-Raiting requirements on gear
-No cross server LFG to find teammates. (should not have to use third party application to find teammates)
-Rampant cheating/Boosting/RMT/Dodging
-PVE gear even more powerful than ever with ilvl increases

Just to name some.

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Biggest reason for LOW P and one that continues to this day is the massive time gates just to be ready to pvp. You want to log on and just play a toon…o wait gotta make sure he’s somewhat geared; you just want arena for a bit after work…o wait gotta make sure your partner/partners are on to play; and you want to play pvp at 80…o wait gotta level first.

Even with SOLO Q in retail, as a player, you still have time gates in order to BG or arena (leveling, getting honor gear, engaging in the DF gear system). There’s way better games that don’t have these issues. CS GO–Yeah let me just log on and I can just play against other people rather quickly. Same with DOTA and LOL.

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