This would be a good thing. The majority of GDKP is lead by Gold Sellers, and they represent the majority of the posts in this forum in support of GDKP. I am a top tier, world raider/healer who found out the hard way just how manipulated the game is when I was recruited to transfer servers and unknowingly joined one such guild. The majority of the top tier and world ranked guilds on the US servers are not even based in the US. AND the majority of the guilds you see on Warcraft logs and top ranked lists are the same exact players. They all have multiple alts which they run on multiple computers at a time. If you have a falling out, a failure, a milestone run or any kind of play at all, if you choose to quit the guild because this is not what you signed up for, the news of your falling out, quitting, milestone run or any outstanding play travels across all servers instantaneously.
As a result of my experience, my subscription ends in 2 days and I am never coming back. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only GAMER who took this route and this is a good example as to why the server populations are thinning out. I chose to leave world raiding because this is not what I signed up for! This isn’t gaming! I’m instead returning to the original WoW creators for my gaming needs. They have new games on the market, and there is one in particular that is in Alpha and is highly anticipated.
I don’t think you realize just how adversely gold sellers and GDKP have affected the game. The most basic effect is obvious, it enables large scale illicit behavior on an international level while gearing people who didn’t earn the gear they wear. The “players” who swipe their cards to buy this gear aren’t always raider alts and don’t know how to play the class they entered the raid with, they don’t follow basic raid mechanics because they aren’t being forced to learn the fights, no one is kicking them for making the same mistakes over and over, and they are usually the player that whispers “GS” while forming 5 man groups yet are the cause for the wipe in non-gdkp raids and 5 man instances as they do 2k damage on 5.4k geared chars. This is one of the main reasons why gamers stop pugging. The end result is they end up leaving the game and leave less players in the raid pool which in turn cause more players to quit the game.
I also don’t think you realize how large the gold seller community is and how much they have affected the game, and how efficiently they communicate cross realm. They use Discord, and they use so MANY forms of communication behind the scenes to manipulate the servers. Do you understand that gold sellers own all of the community channels? Do you understand that the order in which certain posts and channels appears depends on how much real money is paid to the gold sellers for bumping the adverts? Do you understand that gold sellers keep charts, notes and store as much information about each player within the game via Discord in locked channels? Did you know gold sellers use Google Docs to communicate about everything that happens across all realms, all of WoW, and to keep track of the movement of real time credit card dirty gold purchases, the amount of gold washed by the dirty purchases, and where they hopped the gold to in a very organized and systematic corporate run type of existence? Did you know that the reason there are so many unsuccessful MS/OS pug raids is because gold sellers join those raids to make sure raids don’t down bosses and deliberately implode them? It’s part of how they are normalizing GDKP.
Blizzard is not in control of their own game! This game is less about RNG at this point because nothing is random but the loot drops themselves.