WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

Post proof?

Dont open your christmas presents early. Every single one of you asked for Cata back to back, now you got it. Wrath severs will be deleted. Its what you all wanted. I kept saying No I dont want Cata to launch but every single one of you said that you did, so now we got it.

Nobody is asking for cata, what are you smoking?

As much as I’d love to play a Worgen, I don’t like the cata expansion.

I don’t like how much of Azeroth we lose for it, and tbh the story was pretty lame imo

already considering my cata class with this info

what do we expect the best solo q class to be. Ret paladin perhaps?

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Ret, Rogue, Mage, or Hpal.

Rets are god tier support in cata. Good Rogues and Mages can solo carry a team. And Hpal is super underrated in cata. We all remember Resto Shamans and Disc Priests back in the day, but the Hpal really started to shine over the last decade on cata pservers. They’re really incredible in cata, its the best “holy power” version they ever had. I can see them being really strong in cata soloq.

Snutz just made and geared a warrior, he’s one of the the most fotm players of all time. If he’s playing the class it isn’t weak.

Ok but 5s and arena master are still a thing in Cata so idk what you are on about.

Lame? try complete and utter trash, as has been the situation after wotlk

Lots of people are. Pay attention. Ive already gotten into a lot of arguments with multiple people saying I dont want Cata to launch.

Cool story man

Ha. You’re just thowing a little hissy fit cuz you know your Wrath toon will get deleted in a couple months along with the Wrath servers…unless you pay to clone it over. I dont even play this toon anymore in Wrath. Got a druid. Wrath gets deleted very soon.

In Cata they are. But this is Cata Classic. They are thinking of removing them. They do not exist in the beta right now currently.

I don’t think anyone asked lol

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5s is a dead bracket anyways so I doubt anyone will care tbh.

I do. You dont have any PvP titles Im guessing? People say they are easier to get this time around in Classic. They are actually way harder to get. Not enough people playing to help.

Feel free to look me up on Ironforge.
I also have been multi r1 on retail so.

I dont need to look you up. If you say you got it then you probably do. When some level 10 posting alt comes in and says they have it then I know to not take them for real. But yea as i am saying AM and 5s are considered to be taken out in Cata and M+ is being considered to be added in. All that is super terrible.

The only time 5s is ever active is at end of season. Queueing ever above 2300 mmr you sit in 10min-15min queues for teams that are 300+ lower mmr.

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if anyone wants a blast from the past, found a thread from 2008 where in season 4 of tbc there was a massive dip in arena population and this is what people thought then


lot of people blamed the introduction of rating requirements on gear. Not too dissimilar from now, except even then there were probably many times more people playing arena.