WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

I’m by no means a glad pvper but I’m decent and can speak on how dead the fricking state of wrath arena is.
1600 IN 3S and I’m around 2k ranked in all of NA… what a complete joke.
IDEK why I’m making this post, guess just to rant and look stupid…
Time to wait for Hardcore and AOC to drop in like 3 years lol. Putting wrath to rest forever now.
Peace dudes


Having one comp utterly dominate the 2s and to a lesser extent the 3s scene kills arena go figure

here’s an idea: nerf mortal strike and its healing component by 25%


What made me laugh:
they buffed Ulduar ilvl “so this great raid will stay relevant in later phases”

Now, in the later phase, they immediately make Valanyr quicker to obtain, and put 10H loot on sidereals…making Ulduar less relevant. It makes no sense

upsetting the balance of pvp with buffed pve gear for no reason.


It was crazy braindead for Blizzard to re-release Classic WoW and not consider balancing it. There was 100% a way to retain the nostalgia and game/class design of OG while ensuring other specs and classes were viable and balanced. Rogues/Mages/Locks absolutely ruined TBC Arena just like Warriors/Hpal/Ele are ruining Wotlk.

Biggest shame is the game is so close to something amazingly fun. Blizz just doesn’t care tho.


You forgot to put DK


dude it week 2 of the season that is why ur rank 2k at 1600

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Nope, death knights arnt really a problem except for maybe in 2s. Elemental shaman, holy paladin synergy is a huge problem though. Add basicslly any other class with those 2 and you will see results. Add specifically a warrior or a warlock with those 2 who also synergies well with the above and basically all you see at the higher end of the bracket is LSP and thundercleave.

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It can’t be fun playing warriors and holy paladins in nearly every match. Everything is totally different from the original version of wrath from item stats to abilities, talents, coefficients and the Ulduar ilvl buff. Warriors can have a fraction of the uptime of their opponents and still do more damage than them. There’s too much burst in this reiteration. Fighting for glad is fighting through a sea of fotm and boosters. Sniping becomes easier as the NA scene dries up and is snowballing. Cheating is becoming rampant as more players realize Blizzard doesn’t care

I wonder if Blizzard neglects classic as an attempt to shoehorn players into retail


Pvp doesn’t get fine tuned until cataclysm. Wotlk pvp is an absolute laughing stock when it comes to balance. The first go around this was my least favorite expac… the second go around same thing. Still beats retail but this is awful.

In cata mortal strike and wounds are 25%, damage is basically tripped but hp is 6 times the amount so you last longer. More classes get surviving tools… cataclysm was the best pvp expac imo. There are rounds where my team mate gets 1 tick bursted to 5% hp or dead, the problem is hp pools, its not nearly high enough and heals are way to strong…
imagine cata only doubles the healing arounds they have now 30k crit heals on 130k hp is alot more balanced than a 15k crit heal on 20k hp.


Peace, I guess.

idk… this is only my second season of trying to find partners and actually wanting to push rating. I only got to 2.2K last season, but I’d like to go further this season. I play Feral and am looking for disc priest partners to push 2s, or disc/MM for 3s.

I recently got a priest to max-level, in mostly deadly gear with some relentless off pieces and PVE pieces, so sitting around 900 resil, and would be interested in finding a feral druid partner to play from that side of the comp with as well.

Anyway, to the OP good luck in your journeys!

I wish I queued into Arms/HPal nearly every match. As disc/feral, that’s actually a comp that we tend to have an advantage over :slight_smile:


Lol its week 2

A lot of people don’t grind rating straight away between new raids etc. Im duelist and only had like 2 sessions so far. Did more yolo 5s for points to be honest. Its not a good time to compare rating & standing.

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Cata is when PvP gets good. Wotlk was always overhyped. Anyone who spent any time on wotlk pservers saw that coming from a mile away.

No expansion is perfect but Cata is about as close to PvP perfection as we get. MoP is a close #2.

Just be patient, Cata will be here before you know it. And… hopefully MoP as well.


With or without LFR/RDF, on both?

Who else but the hype-train demographic is going to want to play those that way?

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RDF was never an issue, and was an overwhelmingly positive change for the game.

LFR wouldn’t have been as negatively received if Blizzard didn’t put tier gear and overtuned weapons/trinkets in it. That forced anyone trying to minmax in the first weeks of a phase to slog through in an effort to complete their 2pc/4pc as quickly as possible. You ended up with a ton of toxicity between guilds doing partial split clears and vote-kicking anyone who didn’t hand over gear they won, trash talking, etc. Was an overall wterrible experience for everyone involved.

I’m pretty excited about Cata though. I much prefer 10m raiding over 25, and Cata/MoP PVP was top tier - especially RBGs.



So the classic Andy elitist guild culture ruined LFR. Gotcha.

I agree.

We certainly wouldn’t want to force ppl to group through a method they wouldn’t prefer. Can’t have that kind of toxicity.

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I too also play 12 year old games for the multiplayer PVP and expect it to be just like how I remembered when it was new 12 years ago.

You can blame that entirely on the players. Have we already forgotten how hard people went in for #NoChanges? Why didn’t you fight against that movement?

I never properly pvped in Cata, I’d be interested to see how it changes verses this.

I enjoyed being a tanky warlock in tbc but now i am made out of glass and paper. Do I get to be tanky again?

Some of my tbc friends quit because they don’t enjoy the gameplay. Or they refuse to play what they perceive as zero-respect comps


They are funding HC servers coming out soon so it’s not that.